Opinions on this show?
Is it this year's SAO copy?
Opinions on this show?
Is it this year's SAO copy?
Lurk and find out
It's not a copy, but it'll have the same cancerous fanbase
Hur Dur it's popular, so the fans must be cancerous.
Fuck off fatefags
It's fanbase is cancerous compared to the other shows airing this season.
The Sup Forums-based SAO fanbase (if it can be called that) isn't even that cancerous. They just talk about the LN content.
It's the normalfag fanbase outside of Sup Forums that's cancer.
My friends were watching this last week in the collage computer so I think its pretty popular
So its good I guess
The anti-rezero fags are more cancerous
I'm enjoying it. As is the White Fox norm, it's consistently good looking, (with the occasional awkward CG model). The characters are fun, or at least interesting, as are their interactions, and VAs are putting in work. The music is good too. And I would like to know who's keikaku it is anyway.
Actually, I'm pissed. Why couldn't they make the Utawarerumono adaptation this good? All they had to do was sick to the fucking source material and hire a competent director.
The fanbase is outnumbered by the sheer posting power of autists dedicated to shitposting the series.
That's a shame. I really liked it.
First two episodes were okay but i dont like this "im gonna save everyone" bullshit.
Imagine how interesting it would be if he just start to learn magic/warrior stuff and gain power/money instead of running around some shitty girls without any chances for pussy.
There is this one dedicated autist who loves to shit on it and make threads intending to shit on it and is probably OP. It's easier to discuss Naruto on Sup Forums than Re:Zero because of him and bandwagon shitposters.
OP here. This is my first time making a thread on Sup Forums. I just wanted to hear lots of people's opinions on this anime.
Power fantasy is boring and already beaten to death already, him focusing on survival is far more interesting.
>Imagine how interesting it would be if he just start to learn magic/warrior stuff
He does though. He will start training soon
I'm sure it is "sao clone" guy
Then you shouldn't have called it an "SAO copy". And you should have just fucking lurked like everybody else does. Imagine if every faggot probed each fucking airing anime with a thread, "just to hear people's opinions". Don't create threads about shows you don't have any fucking interesting input on, you cocksucker.
It's hard to talk about survival if you can start over after death. Now its typical fantasy harem where main character just trying to save a day.
It's not survival though.
He wants a Disney ending timeline where nobody dies even if he has to loop a million plus times.
Go watch Akame ga Kill then you braindead edgefag
>Akame ga Kill
Why would i want edgy superpower hero friendship power bullshit?
This and the luluco fanbase, shitting up the catalogue daily.
>this year's SAO copy
Where the fuck did you even get that idea?
>Cool opinion
Then explain this please !
>him focusing on survival
Konosuba - fun + (edge × cringe) = re:zero
>without any chances for pussy
If Subaru even hinted that he was horny, he'd be getting leglocked by Rem before he could even realize what was happening.
I'm in the middle of watching it and it's the most unfunny show I've seen in recent memory.
I still find it enjoyable though, I'd rate it a 7/10 so far.
Comedy isn't the show's main focus.
I know it isn't, but the attempts at humor detract from the actually interesting parts of the show.
What benefit does the story gain from the MC's shitty antics?
>What benefit does the story gain from the MC's shitty antics?
How this slowly becomes a mask.
>muh mask
eh, I guess I can see it happening.
He better be a broken man by the end of this series.
Well he is supposed to be off-putting for a reason. It'll bite him in the ass later on.
>Broken man
Just wait for arc 3. Then wait for the last episode.
>Sao clone
0/10 made me reply
You are gonna have a field day once episode 13 starts airing and onwards.
Its somehow even worse.
Yeah, let's not lower SAO to the burning trash heap that is Rezero's level. At least SAO waited half a season to sideline its main girl, Rezero did it out of the gate.
> Sidelining a main girl = story quality.
And that is why you people are total plebeians.
> Sidelining a main girl = thinly veiled harem
> Thinly veiled harem.
> This series.
You were close to that idea. But you failed. And stop your bullshit.
The SAO novel threads on Sup Forums legitimately have some of the best discussion on this board. Too bad they only happen like 3 times a year because you have to rely on people not responding to the flood of posts shitting on SAO as soon as someone makes a thread.
You are the one that likes to suck cocks.
The manga objectively is better.
There is literally no reason to watch the garbage toned down anime.
>Opinions on this show?
it's an adaption which is both faithful to the source material and VASTLY SUPERIOR to the source material.
The LNs are almost impossible to read, they're dull, poorly written trash like most LNs. Somehow the anime managed to take poorly written trash and turn it into something Fun/entertaining to watch.
The biggest miracle was salvaging the most dull arc of the series (2nd arc), that arc was PAINFUL to read in pretty much every way possible. Yet somehow is actually interesting enough i'm still watching the anime.
I'm curious how they'll adapt the horrific 3rd arc, because I ended up dropping it halfway through. I've seen the spoilers, and am glad I didn't slog through the rest.
>The biggest miracle was salvaging the most dull arc of the series (2nd arc), that arc was PAINFUL to read in pretty much every way possible. Yet somehow is actually interesting enough i'm still watching the anime.
It was incredibly dull in the anime too, you're smoking some good shit.
It hasn't been good since episode 3.
Just like rokka the cast got stuck in some place for several fucking episodes and it's boring.