So watching Black Lagoon and this bitch is light years more interesting than the main cast

So watching Black Lagoon and this bitch is light years more interesting than the main cast

Why is she not the main character? I could wade through entire episodes of her doing paper work and it would still be more interesting than fucking Rock

>not liking Revy

She's good in doses but over bearing when too much screen time

She does get some more significant screen time on the last half of second barrage, but yea, honestly almost all the female side-characters are more interesting than Rock.

>fry face.

What OP said or watching her editing porn films. Two eps with the porn edition, two eps doing paperwork and two eps roughing up scum.

There, half season done already.

Because part of Balalaika's charm is the fact that we don't ALWAYS see her. Rock works because he's pretty much a gateway to things like Balalaika's world and all the illegal shit, plus the story does do interesting things with him later on.

but god damn Rock is too sentimental and whiny

Well he was just your average low-tier company worker. Guess someone who was used to be a simple pawn in a controlled, mesmeric environment would be sentimental and whiny when adapting to a darker, brutal reality.
The way his character is written is way more realistic than most of "average boy becomes hero" anime out there.

I want doujins with her

I still think the Japan arc was the best one. Watching her play the nips like a fiddle and wiping them out with her highly trained small army was incredibly satisfying.


She has no dilemmas and growth, and is not Japanese.

They have a comfy relationship, they should have fucked though

Did anyone else felt bad when the twins killed two of her comrades? Those Afghanistan flashbacks made me feel mane

They might have while in Japan, its left ambiguous

I felt worse when the twins died

This is where I'm at on Balalaika. If we made a show about like Jormungand is to Koko, it wouldn't be the same Balalaika we see in Black Lagoon; probably her younger self getting established in order to provide tension.

In Black Lagoon however, Bal gets to be the boss of Roanapur. Sure there are other factions who are roughly at the same level as hers, but you might get away with fucking with them. You don't fuck with Balalaika in Black Lagoon and they repeatedly show that.

There is enough of her in Black Lagoon basically; she performs her role perfectly and comes across as a powerful ally and a frightening enemy at the same time.

Rock sort of works as a contrast to a setting full of insane criminal characters. He's there as the everyman slowly descending into the madness that is Roanapur's underworld. I can't say I like Rock, but he's a useful lens to a fun action show.

I wonder what Balalaika's hair would feel like if you touched it.

Theres a lot of guys you don't fuck with in Roanapur. You might think "Oh those Russian guys are operating like a military outfit they must be the biggest badasses anywhere" then you remember the Triad and post-twins arc Italian Mafia are equally powerful and they are all in a cold war.

They are sort of more rational though. I think if you present the Mafia or Triad enough benefits they might be willing to overlook some things, Balalaiki is like the mad dog of the pack, sure you can work with her for profit but occasionally she just fucking goes off on one like she did over the Americans.

Still I know what you mean, I wouldn't recommend fucking with Mr. Chen either. They are all monsters but Bal comes across as the worst of them.

I watched this show in dub and I cringed at everytime revy talked

I've watched this show dubbed four times and Revvy has the voice of an angel

He's a fucking office worker.

They're the most dangerous people alive in the US

I'm a big fan of dub myself but I cringed especially everytime she referred to herself as "just a dumb chinese girl"

I love the relationship Rock and Revy have in the series.

her voice is perfect you shut your goddamn mouth. The only character I don't really care for in the dub is Rock. He sounds too generic.

Revy, Dutch, Benny, Eda and Balalaika are all fun to listen to. Also, Balalaika's right hand guy has one of the most badass voices I've ever heard.

There's no series in which I've wanted two characters to kiss more than in BL. I just want closure Hiroe is that too much to ask for you cunt?

Same here. I want them to be happy as a couple, damnit.

Reminder that you will never be dominated by Balalaika in bed.

Hell, they might be fucking ever since they got back from Japan.

Rock's got no problems with going into her apartment when she's having a shower and she's got no problem with him staying there and seeing her naked. Hell, a lot of the language that they use in the apartment, such Revy saying "We're out of water" instead of just saying, I'm out of Water' implies a hell of a lot more intimacy then they had before hand.

I mean Black Lagoon isn't really the manga that needs to show that a romance is going on. They might throw it out there as a kind of 'oh so they are fucking' line, but probably little else.

I don't know, I think it's just enough. If you want to think they fucked after sharing a cigarette you can. Revy's friend teasing Rock and baiting Revy is a good dynamic. The way I see it you can think of the two as a sort of young couple if you want who may or may not have fucked.

Balalaika is my favorite 2hu

They fucked just after that cigarette kiss scene. As soon as they returned from jail, Revy jumped on Rock.

Was she editing child porn or just regular porn in one scene

Normal, though she did end up watching a lot of kiddy porn at one point. Kinda a running joke

That's probably why I got confused. Did she look at a lot of that stuff to find out about those 2 kids

>Did she look at a lot of that stuff to find out about those 2 kids

Because it's a divine commandment that shounen MCs must all be generic self-inserts

I love Rock's VA in the dub, he has the best fucks in the whole show. I mean literally when he says the word 'fuck'. I could listen to him swear all day long