Just started this show.
What do you guys think about it?
The Future Diary
One of my favorites, love the hell out of Yuno.
She dies
It was terrible and i loved it.
Personally I enjoyed it up until about half an hour after I finished it.
My advice: watch it in one sitting, don't think to hard, watch sleep deprived, and leave this thread immediately because Sup Forums's consensus is that it was shit.
Pretty much this. It's very entertaining.
It was alright, but Sup Forums has a big hate boner for it because it's popular among redditors and faggots at myanimelist
Well I'm on episode 2 and I can't watch this shit in 1 sitting. Lmfao. The girl is going hard trying to save him.
absolute shit
It's my slightly guilty pleasure.
Honestly, I thought it was pretty good. 8th got literally almost no screen time, and was glossed over quickly. I feel like he could have been way more important honestly. Also, Akise is a mirror of Kaworu, which I didn't like too much. Yuno is life, and the based yandere.Yuki is pretty much a dead weight except for when he becomes alpha as fuck for like 6 episodes then returns to being useless.
Watch Big Order once you're done, OP.
My favourite hands down. Re:Zero is catching up though, but Yuno's craziness is just too cool.
I just can't stand the MC. It's entertainingly retarded outside of him.
He gets less bitchy as time passes, i promise.
it's a crazy ride full of flaws but it compensates by being really fun.
MC goes from faggot to smug badass then to faggot again.
There hasn't been a girl as good as Yuno since it aired.
Thought it was going to be edgelord garbage, it kind of was but its also pretty amazing, 7/10
The porn it's really good
The definition of guilty pleasure. It's so bad but it's so fun.
Purple terrorist is best girl.
I really liked it going into it. Ending is retarded though. Yuki only improves a bit in the late game, but it doesn't last long. It is much more interesting beginning when you don't know what everyone's telephone power is.
Never watch a show called Big Order made by the same author. That is a genuine shitty writing full of plotholes and asspulls.
Inferior predecessor of Big Order
This post. Just wow.
Like honestly I'm not even surprised
Of course someone who liked mirai Nikki would love rezero
Barely watch anime desu senpai.
Friends who do showed me like 20 ones i didnt like, the exception being re:zero
I personally liked: Re:zero, mirai nikki, deathnote(ending was aids), Shiki, DBZ, and Erased(ending was ebola).
I realize im not a professional anime connoisseur like you fucks, but all of what i listed was entertaining as hell imo.
this. they try to put way too much random shit into the anime and the ending felt like they tried really hard to be deep. but i still enjoyed it
also, ninth best girl
Shitty, as is Yuno. Ninth was best girl, though.
Is this thread bait?
are you?
The premise was original, but towards the end of the story it just got really fucking lame. The MC is a fucking retard and the ending (the OVA) is a fucking ass pull. The story is so fucking sloppy and it doesn't make sense.
I managed to finish reading future diary, Big Order I had to fucking drop. I don't really rate either.
Shock factor is the only thing this show has going for it.
Why am I not surprised
does anyone else get a little triggered when someone uses the shitty translated name of a show, like future diary instead of mirai nikki or erased over boku dake? I always assume that anyone who uses the english name is a giant casual.
In the case of Boku Dake vs Erased, you're justified because the titles convey completely different ideas like Disney's Up vs Old Man Carl's Flying House.
It's pretty weeb to say Future Diary is any better/worse than Mirai Nikki, though, since they're basically the same.
kys weeb
It's ok. I'd recommend the live action version on crunchy roll over the original though.
Show was interesting and then slow started to decline more and more until the deus ex machina at the end.
I watched it the first time for the sheer shitfest it was, and I enjoyed myself the entire time. Any time I've tried to rewatch it since then, I just get bored by episode four and give up.
It's a shallow show that user's use to project the idea that being a beta bitch is actually cool.
It's a very good show if you haven't watched other anime. Once you've watched other anime however, you can see its flaws.
Pretty shit. Watch it for Wakamoto.
At least you're honest with your shit taste.
this desu
Yuki-kun is so cool, he shoots children and doesn't afraid of anything!
I think it gets way more shit than it deserves. Yukiteru really isn't that bad of a protagonist. Ending is a bit contrived, though the OVA clears it up a fair bit, and it's satisfying enough.
>english title
Kill yourself, newfag.
>not making anime a main hobby
>shit taste
A girl falls in love with a guy. Unable to confess, she keeps travelling back in time until she finally has the courage to ask. However, by that point, she has become psychotic from her experiences and now suffers a new dilemma; making the guy accept the confession
>What do you guys think about it?
Starts off brilliantly. Amazing OP. Yuno is great.
By ~ep14 all of that hype is gone and you're left wondering if you can even be assed watching another episode.
I thought Mirai Nikki was bad. And then THIS SHIT came out.
Mediocre but went to irredeemable shit when the ending happened, and don't give me that watch the OVA bullshit either.
Kill yourself お願い
Probably my main "fuck you, I like it" anime.
Yeah, it's pretty great though. At first I watched for laughs, but then I actually started enjoying it as I read the manga. Also anime is actually better than the manga, which is rare.
I'm impressed at any person who can drive a car.
The Director of Big Order deserves respect for even attempting to make sense of that plot. He understands the manga better than the author.
One of the worst shows I've seen.
It's really shitty, you should watch it to completition insecure faggot.
Yuno Gasai falls in love with Yukiteru "Yuki" Amano.
Unable to confess, she is gifted by a deus ex machina with a special diary and the boy's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, she immediately calls Yuki, and is overjoyed to find out that he has a crush on her as well.
But, the next day, when she recounts the previous day's confessions to the boy, he only looks at each of her with a perplexed, almost fearful expression, asking silly things like "How'd you get into my house!?" After some investigation, she finds out that the boy she called is not the same boy she fell in love with. In fact, he doesn't exist in this universe at all. He is the alternate universe counterpart of her crush, who has fallen in love with her AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of his crush.
Hijinks ensue as they strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip each other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of YANDERE.
Goes to complete shit in the second half
>Yuki curls up into a CONGRATULATIONS ball
>a Yuno from another dimension manages to actually force her way into his Godhood which consists of abject self-pity
And that's how Evanjellyon 1.11 starts.
I adore it.
>OP/ED I can listen endlessly (also character song album is pretty good).
>action sequences were thrilling, Yuno running from explosions, when she fights 7th and Yuno gets belittled by Marko, killing the kultists, all that good shit
>there is a lot of hilarious parts like his dad running away or Murmur's segments.
>It rips off Eva (they even had the Shinji and Kaworu voice actors) which for me is always a plus.
But honestly, I don't understand most of the stuff that happened after they fucked and usually just selectively forget it when thinking about Mirai Nikki.
>130 songs of OST
>and the inspired by album
I could listen to this shit all day, I don't even remember the show having this much music in it.
Why was that one lady's head so damn big? Never really understood that
Mystery of the universe.
I think it belongs in the trash.
Threadly reminder that you should stop posting that because it's a thing.
Depending on what you liked Mirai Nikki for in some weird way it is. MN still has better music though (yes, despite jazz).
I read the manga, and enjoyed it. Was never all that interested in watching the anime, though. I guess reading it was enough for me.
Would the show be better if yukki was like this for the majority of the show?
I have to admit I really liked alpha Yukki, but I am not sure if that wouls grow stale.
GotWoot's release is a stellar example of old-timey fansubbing.
It's already a meme, so you don't need to post it anymore.
>Just started this show
>let's ask Sup Forums what they think instead of finishing it
I don't even know what I think of shows I finished without reading Sup Forums.
Holy shit who let these fucking plebs in here
The first half was rather fun in how bullshit it was, the second one was terribly boring.
One of the worst written anime in recent memory. From the plot to the characters and even the dialogue, it could all have been written better by a fifth grader.
it's shit but the OP is good
worst MC of all time, worst ending of all time(the ova)
Are you me? I started this 2 days ago. Currently on Episode 9.
>worst MC of all time
I guess I understand why people hate Yikiteru, but I never disliked him except when he killed his friends. Don't see anything wrong with being a coward.
It's entertaining to watch, but it's kind of poorly put together and the sheer amount of deus ex machina is enough that even starting the show by saying it's a show about deus ex machina doesn't make it tolerable.
I liked watching it, and even rewatched it later on when I just wanted a trashy distraction, but mostly it's only good because it has delicious full fledged yandere.
This user gets it
It could have been WORSE. Imagine
>harem (his friends are actually really his friends)
>everyday highschool episodes
>F/0-style padding where they're never allowed to defeat anyone they fight for the first time
>it ends with Yukki getting together with a "normal" girl
All those dangers were avoided. Although I kind of regret they didn't get Ogata to voice Yukki since they actually got Ishida for Akise.
>delicious full fledged yandere
Sure, yandere being the center is cool and also I unironically enjoy things called edgy and this show has plenty.
Has there even been anything since that features a yandere as a main character?
Koharu no Hibi? I dunno if it's newer though.
Its the best anime ever made
its shit