>Be rich
>Get a magical book and powerful demon with superpowers
>Even have a butler
Why was Sherry Belmont such a horrible bitch to everyone? What was her problem?
Be rich
She was upset because she didn't get to be the star of a Castlevania game.
Not everybody can be as perfect as Folgore.
She needed a good raping
Gash Bell was better than it had a right to be
For being a real simple-hearted battle series it still holds up today. Hell I think a lot of those shounen sunday series like Ueki no housoku and Kekkaishi were really good.
Oh shit.
This is because of isn't it?
Your obsessed. Sherry didn't do anything wrong and she was super deserving of coming second in the battle.
Castlevania stopped being good roughly around Symphony of the Night when it became a metroidvania franchise.
A long time ago i drew Tomoko as Brago.
Never thought I'd find a relevant thread to post it again.
I was terrible at drawing. Still am.
She was jealous because her poorfag friend had better tits and better taste in stolen clothing.
cuz all women are like that.
all women are like tgat.
>Your obsessed
It's been 10 years son, I'll never let it go.
I thought she was pretty well justified.
OP might be clearly forgetting how shit her childhood was and that she actually tried to kill herself.
Also, if you got thrust into a battle of demon children for no reason you might be a little pissed too.
Hell I don't think any of the human partners were okay with it at first, Dr. Riddles might be one of the few exceptions though because hes almost insane.
Aria and OoE were good games.
dont AYYYY Koko
>Dr. Riddles might be one of the few exceptions though because hes almost insane.
Answer-talker(?) does things to a man.
>Also, if you got thrust into a battle of demon children for no reason you might be a little pissed too.
None of them got 'thrust into it', what people seem to forget is they could've burned their book and left anytime they liked.
The same applied to Sherry or Koko, no one forced them to fight like the humans Zophis kidnapped.
It was a good ayy, like "ayy good taste"
Sadly sherry had to go and stuff her back into battered house-wife in the freezer status
No, it stopped being good at Judgement. Order of Ecclesia wasn't a masterpiece but it was by no means bad.
its still insane to imagine how the gap in Brago's and Zatch's power closed at the end.
I know Zatch was the main character and all that so it was obvious, but reading it I could almost buy Brago winning while proving he'd be a good king.
I kinda wish the main battle played more on Kiyo's and Sherry's own strengths instead of, we're gonna blast spells until we want to Shin cast.
oh, my bad
yeah, it sucked her role was over just like that
Koko was directly mind fucked into fighting for Zophis.
A lot of partners were thrust into it because some could manipulate, or just they weren't that big of a shit bag to potentially kill this strange kid.
It also was never touched upon what happens if a partner dies or just cuts themselves off from the book completely.
The chapter on Kiyos dream after having it is still amazing, that mangaka is actually insane by now.
>That English dub
You know, Zatch Bell's English dub wasn't that bad
Too bad they didn't do the whole series
What else would she do? She didn't have mad stacks and planes like Apollo.
Her mind of it was also wiped to prevent mental trauma. Sherry just wants her adopted child to go to college to be an artist or some shit, because you can do that in France.
I agree, Gash develops pretty amazingly by the end, i especially love how he learns to use his dress like his brother. Brago also at the end as deserving of winning too.
>I kinda wish the main battle played more on Kiyo's and Sherry's own strengths instead
No. Kiyo with his answer-talker ability would wipe the floor if it was completely dependable on them. It makes more sense and is fairer to come down to the power/determination of the two demons themselves.
The dub was one of the really good dubs of a cast you'll never see again.
Folgore's english voice is perfect, Kanchomes was spot on too, Sunbeam did an amazing job at trying to be a cool guy hanging with his fellow youths.
Yeah the dub was pretty good. I believe the guy who played Kiyo won a few awards for it too.
True, but I can't remember if he can fully utilize the answer talker to that level.
Though Sherry's pure savageness could even push through I think. A lot of their early battles were won because she would get involved and heel drop people.
I also liked how Zeno realized he was an asshole because he had wrong information, and how he is protective of zatch after they're back in the mamodo world, though I doubt anyone would fuck with him besides Brago, and Bari because that's his job now, slapping the kings shit if he gets outta line.
>Her mind of it was also wiped to prevent mental trauma.
I honestly think that was just a lame excuse by Sherry (Or fed to her by Zophis) to avoid confronting her emotions or free will on the matter. Cause she couldn't deal with Koko at all, other then through Mind-Numbing her or deceit.
Makes me genuinely curious what would've happened if Koko had never blacked out unconscious when she jumped off the cliff.
Now that I think about it, Kiyo in the dub really sold me on the emotion of the shit going on. He really put effort into the spell casts too. So glad I own the box set, but so sad it only goes to episode 100.
She adopted her?
Every voice in thw English dub fit to a T
I can't even watch the normal version of Zatch Bell now due to it
If it's one thing I wish is that they dubbed the entire series
Sadly, it'll never happen
She brainwashed her memories into submission and fed her a lie so she could be happy in college or whatever.
That seems like some form of adoption to me.
I don't think its a lame excuse at all.
Zophis prayed on the fragment of Kokos heart that didnt like that she was beat up for being poor, inflated it bigger than even a fetishist would enjoy, and used it to burn shit.
If Koko in her right mind was aware of the shit she helped commit, she would probably develop a mental illness.
If she didn't black out, Sherry might have tried to bring her back into her right mind with words, and as soon as she did, would probably knock her out, then get Zophis to wipe her.
I think there must be a better term
you are the problem. you in same position, youd just masturbate to everything. the very reason you would never be in same position as her, because you are just a masturbator, who masturbates to images you create inside your own mind
Sup Forums is filled with primitive creatures like this
Practically, she never got far from her after Koko kept her from killing herself, and basically raised her path in life from there.
Also went through hell and back just so she could keep doing art I guess.
I'm pretty sure she just lives with her butler anyway, and that Sherry's mom is probably dead.
That might be true, but some proper grammar wouldn't kill you.
Not in Zatch bell I'm afraid.
Everyone becomes Family unless you're Folgore with your fans, or Wonrei and Li-en
Well to me it seems lame because they'd never shown Koko as really all that fragile or dithering on despair. She wasn't a suicidal wreck at any point in her life, she was strong. If anything it was Sherry that needed coddling at times and Koko had been beaten most of her life with resilience.
>would probably knock her out, then get Zophis to wipe her
Yeah this is the whole problem I have with Sherry. In any other series where an ally has gone over to the enemy, getting that enemy to mindwipe them as a way of resolution would come off as downright villainous.
Imagine Naruto just begging Orochimaru to mindfuck Sasuke or Ichigo demanding Aizen to put some tricks Orihime so she'd feel better. It's bizarre morally dissonant. And it speaks to me of the weaknesses of Sherry's character, she never really had a plan of how to save her friend at all.
If I was in the same position I'd fucking listen to Koko. Even try to give her my love and approval rather then hoping desperately she falls into a coma so I can force someone to manipulate her mind cowardly-like.
Maybe they could find a therapist who didn't mind them talking about magical dolls
i saw probably 30 episodes of this and have no clue what i thought of it. i forgot it existed
That's what makes her a more unique and interesting character though. She's flawed and morally questionable.
To be perfectly honest, mind wipe is the easy way out and I'd have probably done the same thing.
Is it wrong? sure. Easy and effective? yes.
Why not take Koko with them? I don't get why Sherry went so far to help and save her and then just drop her off like a hot wet shit she didn't want and run away like that.
I think it more so shows how strong Zophis's mind powers were, since he was extremely devious and would do anything to underhandedly get his way.
The difference being with the other series, is that the other characters had already seen shit in their life, so it wouldn't be that rough, Koko suddenly realizing that out of no where, she lost months of time and during that time, probably killed, separated families, and tried to kill her best friend, yea that would be rough on some lowly french girl.
Maybe she tought not getting involved or remembering what happened was best for Koko
Koko had nothing to do with the fight now.
After helping save her friend, Sherry had to hold her end of the bargain and make Brago king, so she had to go train and burn books.
>managed to keep up with Answer-Talker Kiyomaro
That girl was the shit, I told you.
The scene where she and Brago fight the horde of 1000 year old mamodo on the roof of the ruins still gives a chill down my spine.
>The difference being with the other series, is that the other characters had already seen shit in their life
Koko's very first appearance was her being brutally physically beaten on the streets in raw daylight. She acts very calm about as if it was a daily occurrence.
Maybe I'm just irked because I just wanted to see her and Sherry deal with the whole situation without resorting to a cheap convenience like that. If koko's book had been burned accidentally at anytime before that or she hadn't blacked out, it wouldn't even have been an option.
The golden book asspull at the end was such an asspull in every way but it was so hype I didn't mind at all
We should've seen Koko lose her book at the actual battle and Koko shrugging and going 'Welp, this fight has nothing to do with me now. Bye bye.'
Wonder how Sherry would've taken something that cold.
Clear was such a garbage final boss anyway so the asspull didn't really mean much.
Plus it made it so motherfucking DANNY BOY'S SPELL saved the day
Yeah, the golden book certainly was an asspull, but i loved every second of it and reading that fight had me in tears seeing all the older characters and learning what their potential power spells were was amazing.
Too bad the anime original ending made the golden book feel cheap. Fuck that last cour.
It was a daily occurrence to her.
It's also not on the level of shooting fireballs and burning villages, its not like she ever did the punching either.
She also thought life was very precious, and if she learned she took it away from others, it would fuck her up.
I don't think there was any reason for her and Sherry to deal with it, because both of them had no hand in it starting. I thought it was a fitting end given how it started.
Danny Boy was the best.
His spell may not be as flashy, but when you're invincible who needs it?!
Penny and Byako doing a duel spell was so hype.
Also Kolouou having that spell was a sweet moment.
Best boy coming through.
The changes they made to the Faudo arc sucked balls in comparison.
I think the biggest injustice was the parts with Ted and Cherrish.
I get you man, generally if you deal with your problems by forgetting them they come back to bite you in the ass
I thought we were going somewhere with Clear. They mentioned how he was a weapon created by someone to destroy the demon world and when he ascended to his monster form he said he was fulfilling the will of the humans.
So many best characters to choose from, even the edgelords were great
>It's also not on the level of shooting fireballs and burning villages, its not like she ever did the punching either.
The point is, Koko prior to the battles was more or atleast as resilient as Sherry. Sherry who, you know, experienced all the same crazy battles and was compliant in gravity crushing down innocents and fighting whoever else just to reach her goals.
And yet, wasn't very fucked up for it. Neither were any of the others, and peeps like Zatch and Tia seemed just as good hearted as her. Maybe they could've talked some sense? Regardless, nobody ever really talked to her or gave her any choices at all, not zophis and especially not Sherry.
The whole degree of paternalizing done to her was just really sickening.
Original Faudo's arc was great.
I pity the person who got it ruined by watching the anime first.
Did no cops or authority figures come to arrest Koko after she was dropped off after fuckall?
What about her family and friends, did Sherry have their memories erased too?
The solution proposed of giving her forced-amnesia just, doesn't even make a lot of sense. It's just repressing and throwing shade over a more complicated issue
the only time the cops got involved was in the anime version of Recome, and that ended up shittastic for them until kiyo fixed things.
I don't think Sherry ever blasted anyone who wasn't involved in the battle. Sherry also built the resolve of her own free will to go through that shit for the sake of saving her friend.
I think the situation would have been harder to talk through since Zophis was an asshole, zatch and tia were good kids.
I think the premise was that Zophis proposed using the book to her like all mamodo start with, then when Koko said I don't want to hurt people just because they hurt me, heart manipulation happened.
It was often the case if a human refused, if the mamodo was a big enough dick, they would force it somehow, it also stands to reason spell books were set to compatible partners, so in that case, if given the chance, Koko might have been able to talk Zophis into being less of a dick over time.
The human partner usually offered something the mamodo lacked and vice versa.
Post >yfw
I don't know but I think someone needs to have a chat with that book.
>This hype train is moving so fast I'm gonna fucking crash
Oh shit it's HAPPENING
This series made me cry more than any other.
I don't what that makes me, but I gladly rewatch Danny Boy's episode and shed tears every time.
This must be the only series that does power of friendship right, so many amazing characters, even the ones who appear to be Sasuke edgelord tier at first end being likeable.
She's deformed, just look at her face, she must hateself and blame everyone else for it.
The dude get amazing props for fleshing out so many characters.
Its one of the few instances that I can think of that has that many characters who have actual depth to them. The opposite example being Fairy Tail, where even the main characters are more shallow than a piss pan.
looks cool desu.
Because her best friend got taken away from her by literal demon spawn, and being a rich girl she had sociopathic parents that pressured her like crazy thats why she tried to kill herself but Koko stopped her.
>Danny Boy never turned into a sidekick who had great battles
He died too early.
So anyone read Raiku's new manga yet?
I haven't seen this anime since I was a kid.
Was it good? I can't remember. I remember crying to it, though.
It's actually pretty amazing how you don't even think about how much Kiyomaro has grown until the very end. And it's not just him, all the side characters develop, without some specific character arc or anything, but rather in the process of the story.
Read the manga, it's really good. Raiku is a master of emotions
Gash Bell. It's simple but has a lot of heart to it. Worth checking out if you don't get buttmad over shonen cliches
His artstyle is so fucking silly but goddamn, he's really good at conveying them emotions.
Its like actual natural character growth , weird right?
It's my all time favorite and still holds up, so I may be a bit biased, the anime is great to get you into the whole story, but one it hits season 3, it deviates from the manga and is not as good as it.
Danny would have made some battles so easy. I agree he died way too early, but like with a lot of the friends who got burned, they would have too much of an impact if they were on the team too.
Rops and Apollo would be straight savage in the 1000 year arc.
Animal land? i'm finally getting the next book for my gajin self soon.
If hes already on a new one, you would have just stolen my heart.
Clear wasnt evil he was just a nihilistic nutjob who wanted to reduce everything to nothing.
He's working on a new manga last I checked, not sure if it's out already tho
I think that's what makes him such a good artist. He has that perfect balance of silly and emotion. He knows when to make things ridiculous, and when allowed, goes farther than you thought any drug can take you.
He also knows how to tug your emotions perfectly.
He was just shit. We can agree with that, he was so shit, that his partner had to be a BABY just so there was an excuse for him not to shit on everything before that point.
oh user-kun~
I'll have to be on the lookout for this, I really hope it'll get serialized for the states.
His partner being a baby was to show it took a completely pure of heart human to actually control Clear Note any teenager or adult would run from that nutjob.
He started one recently called Vector Bell and apparently 1st chapter is already out but I can't find it.
Whats THIS? A Gash Bell thread with over ten replies?
A large amount of KOKO oughta put a stop to THAT!
It's still a weird area because the baby isn't really making the decision to help Clear Note. It also definitely seemed like Clear Note was in the charge of the relationship, but at least he was nice enough to shield the thing.
Is that his Victoreem wet dream or something?
This looks so homoerotic.
HA! That'll only increase our strength from within!
You would have said the same thing about gash off some of the covers.
Is this a sports series?
Don't think so.