Meet your future President and First Lady
Meet your future President and First Lady
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It'd be funny if they had a son.
>be billionaire 22 year old
>still a virgin
Non-Human humanoid.
What a loser. He can't score better than than a fugly Asian. Funny how you can be rich but still remain a loser a heart.
Sure she might be intelligent, but you can't seriously argue that there doesn't exist a girl prettier and intelligent ready to date this guy.
Of Israel or China?
I see an interracial lesbian couple. How come this Zucker guy looks so soft?
>Everyone loves a Jewish boy
Implying I'd rather suck a nub than wrap inches of foreskin around my tongue.
why doesnt he wear his solitaire but yet she has her band on?
he's just toi weird looking and not charismatic enough
I'm surprisingly OK with this.
He looks like a happy little boy. Ironically this is the only picture where the weird billionaire seems approachable.
Sorry we don't elect kikes to the presidency. They just work as (((advisers)))
Except the Zionists have decided this is their time to step out of the shadows and sit openly upon the thrones they have forever coveted.
They already have the election rigged. The "choice" America will be given will be between Zionist Jared Kushner, and Zionist Mark Zuckerberg.
This is why both Zuckerberg and Kushner must be stopped.
Zuck's wife's son is going to cuck the Zuck?
Post more of these plz anons.
Hapas are not human
fantastic 10/10
face so flat he looks like a frying pan.
He doesn't come off as masculine enough for Americans to take serious and vote for, he's just some nerd who struck gold and married the first Asian slut he met.
But that doesn't matter if Zuckerberg and Kushner are the only "choices."
>5th wealthiest person on earth
>net worth of $56 billion
>still settles for the discount section of the mail order bride catalog
Zuckerberg became wealthy simply as a side-effect of globalist-Zionist Wall St. wanting to make Facebook a stock that every pension fund in America owned. This financial metastasis would ensure Facebook and its constant surveillance on behalf of the globalist order could never be removed from society.
In a culture that's been programmed to worship the Zionist god of money, paper "wealth" is often speciously used to suggest the owner is somehow blessed by god (the importance of the holy number 666 to Jews). But in truth it doesn't mean Zuckerberg has any special ability, other than to sell out humanity.
>be as rich as powerful as (((zuckerberg)))
>still end up marrying an ugly chink because you're an unattractive beta