A dormitory opens up in Tokyo that provides living space for animators that can't afford the high rent cost in Tokyo. They also give lessons on drawing and animations.
A dormitory opens up in Tokyo that provides living space for animators that can't afford the high rent cost in Tokyo. They also give lessons on drawing and animations.
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What the fuck are you talking about, you can get a good apartment in Tokyo for $700. That's fucking CHEAP for a city like that!
Only thing can save anime right now is watamote season 2.
IndieGoGo away and never come back
>living in Tokyo
You deserve to be poor.
>giving your money to scam artists
This is a good idea.
>let's help out animators by giving them a cheap living space
>instead of asking animation studios to pay them a livable wage
Why bother making anything cool, new or different when you could embrace the otaku pandering shit?
Yeah, start a Kickstarter for that.
OP here, video about the subject:
>The only studios that provide training for their animators are Ufotable, White Fox and Kyoto Animation
That's quite sad isn't. The anime industry should've been more delicate than that.
I'll start a kickstarter for my foot up your ass.
Studios don't need to train their artists, there are plenty of affordable trade schools in Japan that offer animation as a career pathway.
How about this, we gather a bunch of artist and make them perform a charity concert, and all the revenue go to buying can of food for animators in Tokyo? We can call it "animeaid".
I don't mind creative, but usually artists trying to be creative end up with nothing better than the pandering and established stuff.
I am sure there are a lot of series people can't get enough of, but nobody is producing more stuff for those.
Picture related.
The rent will be $250 p/month.
Shouldn't they also be working to raise animator wages?
This initiative is easier to implement in the meantime by aiming to support up-and-coming talent. Pretty sure there are other groups pushing for better wages but it's not easy given the cheapness of anime production.
Why not just move the entire studio to Indonesia and pay same wage. They'd still earn the same money but they could live a decent life.
>indonesian animators
>living a decent life
I think this is a really cool idea. I'd be behind it 100% if I wasn't struggling to afford rent myself.
Of course Sup Forums won't help, OP. What were you thinking?
>"But crunchyroll is saving anime"
They did for that loli manga though.
>Thinking Sup Forums is Sup Forums
Many will shitpost and all, but we are by far one of the most proactive boards when it comes to donations
>People aren't human if they stay in Tokyo
They won't pay them the same wage if they move to Indonesia, duh.
>Shouldn't they also be working to raise animator wages?
Do Nips even have labour unions?
Hell, do they even throw strikes for... whatever (work related)? I've only seen of them marching asking howaito piggu to leave, but they don't seem keen on demanding better working conditions and benefits.
Yes they have trade unions. They also have teachers' union. No animator's union, as far as I know though.
If they are dirt poor, then they're probably talentless dumbasses who deserve no more than a shitty wage. Supply and demand, bitch.
oh shit
Do it for her.
because otaku will eventually get tired of watching anime and move on with their pitiful lives and- okay, that's just wishful thinking.
or they go and watch western drivel with ugly landwhales which still use plots and tropes from 60's with added social justice into the mix
Yea and they will watch true masterpieces like Game of Thrones, amrite?
finally the memes will end
Only 750$ a month? Jesus fuck, that's like two times less than my salary. Also my mother is a cleaner and she gets about 3000€ per month without taxes.
Indiefuckers aren't going to save anime.
Now, McDonald's could save anime. We just need to pressure them to put their corporate fist behind it.
Ahhh come the fuck on, ever since canipa release that video.
Does Sup Forums need a reaction thread to it, serious this animator dormitory funding campaign has been out for over a year & more some.
It only a temporary fix to a bigger problem.
I actually made a thread about it yesterday even before Canipa made that video . Didn't knew he was going to talk about it.
But even if it's a temporary fix, it's good that some people in Japan are aware of how animators today are being treated like slaves and we should at least support them on that.
>$250 p/month
Holy shit I wanna live there
Thanks for that 7 dollars, user. You know who you are. You're our beacon of hope upon the hill.
So how do I begin my road to animation?