Amerifag of Potato Nigger heritage here. I am very proud of my whiteness and married a blonde Aryan Goddess who gave me 3 great kids. I'm doing the race a great service, but still wonder why we Leprechauns are despised by many. Why is that so? Please explain. P.S. Pic is not related, I hate this faggot.
Redpill me on the Irish and why we're considered inferior
think of the Australian abbos
your like a albino version of them
dont consider you inferior dumbass your treatment here is beyond fucking good next question
You are loud and act exactly like niggers, that's why.
Your not Irish.
It's just Jewish propaganda. Irish were always considered white. It's commonly used by jews and shills to make people doubt white identity.
Brits and Irish hated eachother but that's to be expected just like French and Germans hated eachother but they always shared some respect even in their feuds.
>Amerifag of Irish heritage
So, American then?
There are Irish folk in America, ya know.
literally nobody thinks they're not white
as observable by the fact they're fucking white
am i the retard here for even responding to any of you fucking window lickers
Noted and Check'd.
>Muh 1/128th Irish heritage
You don't have to be inferior, to be the most detestably race the world has ever known.
Irish not being white is a meme. Tbh the only Irish most British see are pikeys who are honestly just abos who don't sniff petrol. Some normal Irishmen are alright.
That's what I said. Everyone knows Irish are white but jews in the media have fabricated an idea that anglos used to consider Irish the same as niggers when they obviously never did.
Actually both of my grandparents on my father's side were 100 percent. My mom was half, as well. I'm actually 1/128th Chippewa Indian, though. I don't claim to be 'Native American', though.
The anglosaxons couldnt defeat the celts and are still angry about it
"irish-american" here, perhaps i can help you. people hate us because we identify far too heavily with muh heritage. the irish hate us because we're plastic paddys who don't know anything about ireland and often have very little irish blood. racists hate us because we have always been closer (socially) to black people than other white immigrant groups. WASPs hate us because we're known for being catholic. the rest of the world hates us because we try to get double the bonus points by identifying as irish and american at the same time
irish-americans are a group that think of themselves as an aryan warrior clan (braveheart). but they also think of themselves as the world's greatest victims (raped by british empire). this gives them an extremely entitled, arrogant attitude. i despise anyone who identifies heavily with their nationality. it's the sign of an empty, boring person who has no true identity
bonus video of a plastic paddy embarrassing himself by trying to confront an english person about muh heritage:
I will give you the truth, but youre not gonna like it. And neither will the rest of the Europeans either. In fact you will likely reject it.
They are white, but over history they have had their land plundered by successive waves of outsiders who destroyed their culture, language, forced them into slavery and asset stripped their land, therefore were considered inferior indentured servants and fit for manual labour or cannon fodder.
Modern Irish are more cucked than ever though, and a walk through Cork will enlighten you as to how fond of black dick the average Irish girl is when you see how many half Nigerian niglets are pushed around in prams.
Reminder that Ireland is the best White nation in the world right now. They are 96% white, the highest white birth rate of any country at 1.94 and they still maintain their Christian tradition.
sotti route
because you arent white
I'm part English on my mom's side. I'm not that diluted, my kids are all of European heritage, but they have the German roots of their mother as well as my Irish/English roots. More diluted than I am, of course.
some of you paddies are alright, don't go near the Blarney stone today.
how can a person with white skin be considered not white?
Jews. Most Ashkenazi have white skin but they definitely aren't white.
The Normans portrayed the Anglo-Saxons as godless barbarians in justification for their Crusade in 1066. The same colonial mindset benefited the halls of power in London to portray the Irish in a similar way. In my view all peoples of the British Isles are essentially the same stock but with slightly different combinations of Atlantid and Nordid mixture.
Genetically, Irish are okay. They may have a slightly increased tendency for alcoholism, and of course must wear sunscreen, but other than that you're fine.
Irish culture is more of a mixed bag. As a less-developed white society, and especially after centuries of rule by unpopular foreign governments (England), Irish culture values virtues like liberty and 'personal justice' more highly, and virtues like order and hierarchy less highly, as compared to English and Germans especially. That can lead to a reputation for the Irish having short tempers and holding grudges, but also for being idealists.
Also worth noting is that, because Ireland was a poorer white country for most of its history, most of the Irish who went abroad were the poor, looking for work and opportunity. Irish (in the US definitely) is viewed as kind of a blue-collar ethnicity. This is also because Irish that get rich associate with other rich whites and end up your typical American mixed-European, while poor Irish neighborhoods keep more of their distinct character. Same process happens for Poles, Greeks, etc. - if a neighborhood has a distinct white ethnic group, it is inevitably a working-class neighborhood.
Look at this fool.
that's a nice cock.
The contrast with those two blonde ladies is nice as well.
Blacked is doing some great work.
I'm a potato nigger, so I know first hand. We're mostly drunks. The totem pole of white people has the irish at the bottom.
It literally looks like she is pooping out a large shit in the thumbnail
>tfw no shitted edit of this
Come on Sup Forums, do you expect these faggots to keep posting cuck shit.
Scheiße Aus Neger Liebhaber
Why do I keep seeing this fucking image, who is it and is that a fucking diaper
Rome conquered most of Europe and brought them advanced technology and culture. Germanic tribes then took over most of Northwestern Europe. Some places were untouched by this, but at the very least they learned from their neighbors and became contributors to the founding of modern civilization. The Irish didn't. They were starving in a country with perfectly arable land. They got drunk instead of innovating. They constantly got into massive brawls. Dublin, the most advanced place in Ireland, was created by vikings. The Irish were conquered by the British and despite attempts to whip them into shape, they instead turned to terrorism. Anyone who sided with the Brits were murdered in the middle of the night.
The only proficiencies the Irish had, which even their enemies admitted, were in verbiage and fighting. For Britain, they proved a valuable asset in wartime, but in times of peace were only really useful for manual labor and were habitually criminals (though, admittedly, they were usually arrested for drunkenness).
In America, they were ostracized for their propensity for violence and lack of hygiene. They managed to find their way, however, by taking jobs that nobody else wanted to do due to the physical danger, and -- when not blithering drunk and getting into huge brawls -- they managed to put their sharp tongues to use and climbed the social ladder (although some may find this to be less of a result of skill and more a result of collectivism, like what the Jews do). However, in terms of intellectual breakthroughs, the Irish have never been able to compete even with their rival Celtic communities, such as the Scots who have probably done even more for the world than the English have. Today, Ireland has the lowest national IQ in Europe outside the Arab-infested southeast, but is considered a better place to live than most of their neighbors, probably because most of the Irish left.
In short, the Irish are basically a mix between blacks and Jews.
I wish the irish would just stand up for themselves rather then settle for "at least were not black people"
And what are they if they aren't white pollock?
How does this apply to irish people though?
the empire was doing well and the irish was not,so we simply considered them inferior
i dont mind the irish though,but back then? they was considered trash even yanks had coloured and irish only bathrooms
I'm Black Irish, what does that mean?
were you born in Ireland?
>The totem pole of white people has the irish at the bottom.
Take this down gall!
As an irish american dude I've always wondered this too.
It took several hundred years for the British to conquer Ireland . It took them less time to conquer entire continents.They also were responsible for breaking the lines of napoleon in waterloo and received praise from the French for their ability to fight.They also took on the British empire and won in a war , not an easy feat.
They share a very similar racial stock as the British especially the Scottish, the scots essentially get their culture from the Gaelic Irish.
They were genocided by the English when all the English army was sent to Ireland and the grain confiscated and sold abroad, similar to what the soviets did really. The reason they are loathed is because they have been such a thorn in Britains side for so long, constantly trying to free themselves from tyranny.
Being poor and enslaved by the British they had to flee and took up mainly construction jobs around the British empire , they thrived in the US where the Brits had no power.
They are hated by the ((())) and consequently thats why you are posting this, because until recently the Irish catholic was a wall against degeneracy.
They are similar to the British genetically ofcourse both having celtic blood aswel as nordic blood from the vikings many cities in Ireland such as Waterford,Dublin and Wexford were started by vikings. The British also have norman blood like the Irish . Fun fact it was the Normans who came here , or were invited by a traitor king in the south.
Nothing to do with bog-dwellers, everything to do with low Irish corporate tax rates.
Oh man I fit those stereotypes all too well. Perhaps the taste for Guinness is hereditary?
>Today, Ireland has the lowest national IQ
This is because of the niggers in the north you dumb fuck.
Fucking protestant trash.
Here in America irish catholics settled mostly in urban areas and have a much higher IQ than irish protestants who settled in rural areas.
This board was started by a potato. Look at the fucking logo.
>Nothing to do with bog-dwellers, everything to do with low Irish corporate tax rates.
These are American companies dummy.
Brit education.
Seems to me we Irish make great honest platforms and then the kike comes in and ruins it all with his greed and corruption.
Have you ever been to Ireland? There are exactly 2 cities on the entire island - Dublin and Belfast, both detestable derelict cesspits of degeneracy. The rest of the country is a bland, boring wasteland of nothingness. It's like Africa but damp wet and cold. It's really sad how your average eastern european apartment seems like some sort of sci-fi luxury hotel compared to what you get here for no less than 1k a month. Ireland is a 3rd world shithole with standards stuck in the late 19th century and the Irish have no fucking idea what goes on in the rest of Europe. Instead they look up to the US and idealize shit food and privatized health care. And if you point any of it out, you're an asshole and cause it's all 'grand' here. Fucking makes me sick. Cant wait to get out of here.
>This is because of the niggers in the north you dumb fuck.
That doesn't even make sense. Since when have IQ tests been conducted over a geographic area irrespective of national boundaries? The national IQ for Ireland is just Ireland, ya dingus, not northern Ireland, or the entirety of the island.
Get going then faggot. Community and family here are in a better place than anywhere else in western europe. Big brain enlightened continentals don't appreciate that kind of thing though.
I'll bet you one hundred potatoes half of those are cryptos.
My father fit the stereotype. I think being raised without him, but knowing how I was made, has made me anti-Irish. I hate alcohol, hate potatoes, hate gingers, absolutely loathe Boston. I would sell my soul to never hear that disgusting fucking accent ever again.
To be fair, platforms like those already existed. Nips created chans, and social media and video sites have existed forever, the Internet used to just be less ubiquitous. Are you going to give the golem credit for creating Kikebook, too? What an accomplishment.
Also, are you implying their IQ would be increased by reading a different book? Get the fuck out of here. NOTHING increases IQ, except titty milk. It's obviously the other way around. Stupid people prefer a religion that doesn't force them into not being degenerate, so all of the upstanding ones choose the stricter religion. A lot of them would probably act that way without the religion, but that's not the point: the point is they'd have the same fucking IQ, regardless.
I am probably half potato and have 160-180 IQ. Could be a fluke...
Is Ireland really that shitty? Why does the HDI list them at like 8th or something, then? Above the US, UK and Canada?
Much of the north isn't Irish. They are scotts who were moved into ireland who suck the queens asshole. Many aren't ethnically Irish.
A very good example of the difference btwn these 2 groups is here in america. Irish catholics are far more successful and have higher IQ's than irish protestants or scotts irish.
>why we're considered inferior.
>I'll bet you one hundred potatoes half of those are cryptos.
They aren't. Sorry.
> hate potatoes
So wtf do you eat then? rice!? HAHAHAHAHA
Oh look. It's this thread again. For the 10,432 time. Always posted by the same guy, and always intended to get the same people arguing.
Fucking SAGE.
sounds better than the racemixing these days
Yeah right.
Community = binge drinking after a long day of slacking off at work
Family = 14 year olds pushing strollers with their third bastard, usually on their way to score some heroin.
Can't blame them though... It's so dull here you simply have to be on something to not lose your mind completely.
You're not Irish.
You're some dumb shill who keeps posting these threads, despite the fact that you know Irish Catholics are the most successful white group in America.
You know that there is a group of poor, rural Nazis who will argue with Suburban Catholics for no good reason so you egg them on. These are the Jewiest threads on Sup Forums. Kill your self
>blinding white skin
How can Isaac and Jacob compete?
Jewish meme to hate on walking fluorescent bulbs.
>To be fair, platforms like those already existed. Nips created chans, and social media and video sites have existed forever, the Internet used to just be less ubiquitous. Are you going to give the golem credit for creating Kikebook, too? What an accomplishment.
Being this angry. Just.
Facebook is a unique platform the way twitter is. We can spend all day breaking down the evolution of these platforms but success is the metric that counts and that is a condition of users gravitating toward the best ones.
>Nips created the chans
Yes and who created the BBS? I mean nips didn't create message boards, so essentially the only thing we are really talking about is the designation of CHAN which people started using ironically for their message boards.
C'mon. (((Dimon))), (((Gorman))). I won't fall for your lies.
>So wtf do you eat then? rice!? HAHAHAHAHA
I eat lots of kinds of rice, sure. I also eat mashed potatoes, french fries, home fries, hash browns, tater tots. I eat a lot of different kinds of food, I don't know why you went from potatoes to rice, but regular potatoes are shit. They have no taste to them. I'm not giving it a taste by drowning it in butter when I could just eat something that tastes good. Even worse, potato skins taste like dirt. That's what a potato is: a ball of crumbly nothing wrapped in dirt. I bet I can find something better tasting in my yard.
Inbred protestant trash larp here as master race faggots from their trailer parks.
So tiresome.
You're average Irish person will tell you it's amazing, but that's because here the bare minimum is more than good enough. Boiled potatoes, liver cirrhosis and not sleeping in the rain is the best your average Irishman can aspire to. In terms of infrastructure and services this country shares more similarities with Cambodia but on paper the numbers like salary and prices are on par with western Europe. So basically you're paying Scandinavian prices to get 3rd world quality. It's bizarre.
>Potato Nigger
You can only have one.
You're not Irish, you crypto Anglo faggot.
Irish Catholics have the highest IQs and incomes of any white ethnicity in America. Anyone who doesn't know that has a low fucking IQ.
Because you decided to live next to England. That's literally it.
>C'mon. (((Dimon))), (((Gorman))). I won't fall for your lies.
Being this fucking oblivious.
>Nothing to do with bog-dwellers, everything to do with low Irish corporate tax rates.
are you fucking retarded? you think that bank of america is an irish company?
So you hate regular potatoes but eat mashed potatoes and fries but hate on them because they're covered in dirt?
You DO know your supposed to cook them right?
Half Potato here (County Clare), the reason why people consider the Irish inferior is because they are. Think about what the Irish have contributed to the world...I can't think of much
Excellent breakdown. Best post.
Are really Irish, French and Italian people in the USA so leftist?
>That's what a potato is: a ball of crumbly nothing wrapped in dirt.
All vegetables come out of the dirt and of all the possible varieties of vegetables potatoes are 100% the tastiest.
Propoganda by us and then by Americans.
Irish aren't half as bad as Scots.
Scots are quite literally either poor-man's anglos or poor man's irish.
They have no identity, no culture, nothing. The "Scottish" of today are absolutely anything but native to "Scotland."
irish and ireland are the true aryans
we bring the world pleasure and happiness and money
chucky our law
The revisionism in this thread is outstanding.
America restricted migration from anywhere except Northwestern Euros. Irish, Slavs and Meds were perhaps seen as "white" but not true white.
British imperialism - appeal to ego for the masses.
They claim to be proud Catholics and yet their PM is a faggot.
Wrong image.
>Northwestern Euros
Where exactly do you think Ireland is? Southwestern europe?
>claim to be proud Catholics
They really don't.
>people still post this despite everyone and their mum knowing it's comedy
Absolutely snoggered, lad.
Literally this. Irish people are fucking peasant scum and always go out of their way to try and steal your shit.
>A Brit calling Irish people thieves.
Oh, I'm not Irish? Thank God.
>Irish Catholics have the highest IQs and incomes of any white ethnicity in America.
You're an idiot. You might as well say rich people have higher IQs than poor people. Yeah, they sure do. You wouldn't increase someone's IQ by giving them fucking money and you're not going to increase someone's IQ by telling them to change religions. IT WORKS THE OTHER WAY AROUND. Stupid people have less scruples about their behavior and chances are they aren't going to follow a religion as strict as Catholicism.
Don't mind me, just posting pictures of my favorite micks.
Does nothing.
Carrots, beets, eggplant, tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic, pepper, SWEET POTATOES - like a potato, but good. Do you ever see girls get their panties wet for a Potato Spice Latte? No, I didn't think so.
the celt's nose is wrong
to be sure