You're waifu's face when you confess

You're waifu's face when you confess.

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what ep?





First season. Forgot the exact episode but its in the last half.

ok, thanks


She confesses back



this isn't her but it's what her face would look like






>rei blushing
fake and gay



worst girl

Fuck you. I dare you to say one more word






>shouganai wa ne





Shinji Ikari falls in love with Rei Ayanami.

Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the albino girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to Rei, she only looks at him with a blank expression on her face. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same clone he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the Eva pilot's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of NON-HUMANS.




>positive replies

>season 3 never



There he is. There he goes again.
Look everyone he posted it once again. Isn't he just the funniest guy around. Oh my god.
I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room giggling like a little girl as you once again type your little keit-ai thread up and fill in the captcha.
Or maybe you don’t even fill in the captcha, maybe you’re such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Sup Forums pass so you just choose the picture.
Oh we all know the picture, the uh epic flip phone isn’t it? I imagine you, little shit, laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos onto the floor.
But its ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh that’s right, did I fail to mention? You live with your mother! You’re a fat fucking fuck up and she’s probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all god damn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Sup Forums posting about a shitty fanfic.
Just imagine this, she had you and then she thought you were going to be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand and then you became a NEET. A pathetic keit-ai fag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can’t even talk try to you because all you say is “FINDS A WAY FINDS A WAY FINDS A WAY.”
You became a parody of your own self. And that’s all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he’s done a million times now.
And that's all you'll ever be.

>mods delete Keit-ai all day yesterday
>it's spreads even more

Threadly reminder that you should stop posting that because it's a thing.

I would like to unsubscribe to The Keit-Ai Newsletter.

Shinji Ikari falls in love with a Asuka Langley Soryu.

Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the German girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression, asking, "Anta baka?" After some investigation, he finds out that the redhead he called is not the same bitch he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is Asuka Shikinami Langley, Asuka Langley Soryu's alternate universe counterpart, Asuka Shikinami Langley, who has fallen in love with Shinji's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of TSUNDERE.


But what if I'm unable to confess?

stop going on Sup Forums then






>have mods delete Keit-ai, they said
>it will get rid of it, they said

how many years has cirno been kog's waifu now anyway?



I will make her love me.



Is this left to right or right to left?


Her face when I confess to another girl


Either works for me,

>was literally seconds away from posting
We're going to have a fucking problem here, user.



>If your waifu was 3DPD she would act like a 3DPD.

No shit.

>not being alpha enough to get you're waifu if she were real
Step up your game fampai









>i dont love you
>but i can still fuck you if you want

stop that picture makes me sad





Would you rather confess to you're waifu or have her confess to you first?

Kill la Kill is the worst anime I've ever seen. Entertaining, it was not. It's just a poor excuse for western cartoony physics and piss-poor fanservice. Trigger really dropped the ball on it. After that, they scrambled for the most cliche of harem anime. It's an indication of how disappointed they were with KLK's performance.