Is she retarded?

Is she retarded?

And why am I in love with her? ;-;

Other urls found in this thread:

Because she's loveable retard.

Because YOU are retarded.

You'd make a good couple.

She's retarded.

And because you're a lolicon.

i love her spats

>a fucking loli
I'm masturbating to newborns and ovules then.

just rewatched this scene yesterday and made me excrete man-tears

>YYY attending middle school

that's not how it works, user

Both her and Akane still makes me think that it's worth it trying to have a daughter of your own

Yuuki Yuuna do you feel like a Yuusha yet?

Genki is love.

Also god damn, love me some spats and fist weapons. All the character designs in YYY were pretty nice to be honest.

I love their little decorations, like those on Karin's shoulder

the little flourishes are nice. For me it's more the sort of mix between shrine maiden and knight themes in the design.

The way Tougo's legs hang while she's transformed is a nice detail. I noticed it when I watched the show with Sup Forums but I appreciate it more after seeing Hundred getting lazy with it's own wheelchair girl suddenly able to stand around after transforming.


So that one's not worth watching then even if I like wheelchaired girls?


I'd only recommend Hundred if you like battle harem shows, even then it's about as generic battle harem as you can get. You don't really get any wheelchair fan-service and Karen doesn't get that much attention (the latest episode is her arc). It's almost a afterthought of the MC's background for her to be crippled.

So no, I can't really recommend Hundred for that fetish.



Too bad, I guess I'll only have YY and Guilty Crown to fawn over for now

Who the fuck uses this.