ITT: Anime techniques you attempted to do IRL.
Pic related. Admit it: You've all tried to do it at least once when you were a kid.
ITT: Anime techniques you attempted to do IRL.
Pic related. Admit it: You've all tried to do it at least once when you were a kid.
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he forgot the asscrack
This thread again.
Other than the noise it's supposed to make, I think I nailed it.
not gonna lie
Got suspended for this one.
That seems really difficult. Like, impractically difficult.
I tried pic related. So I don't think I'm any better.
>charging at the girl penis first
What was his plan? Did he expect the angles to line up perfectly and for him to just slide in?
I tried it too. Landed a couple hits during a sparring match but then got cross-countered.
We're all guilty of this one.
I remember several times I tried to go super sayan. Also bought these things that you buy to make the solar system in school and colored them as pokeballs.
>tfw big brother stole my pokiman and wouldn't give it back and mom got mad because I would still ask it back when was sleeping time but he still wouldn't :(
And that's why I stopped making those pokeballs.
I tried some dbz moves, tried doing the spirit gun from yyh and even that gay ass pose they do in the yyh movie. I never did the run but when I saw kids at school doing it part of me died inside. Only things that worked for me where hsdk moves.
Tried it and ended up kicking over and breaking my lamp and falling on my ass. Thanks anime.
What technique did you try? Taking your clothes off in public?
But user, even a little kid can do it.
You mean the early ones right, because you have to be superhuman to use the later ones.
He cheated. A real spinzaku kick does it without using a wall and manages to spin at least three times in the air.
All of them.
Not a technique, but i do pose like this in the shower.
also various jojo poses.
How the ever living fuck did you create a invisible nearly nude purple man to do a fuckton of punches for you?
I was fortunate enough to have a friend who stopped me.
He tackled me to the ground before I tried and we had this weird Vietnam War movie moment where he held my head up and made me look at a group of kids running down the hallway like that.
Never tried it after that. Thanks Jason.
At least you landed a hit. I just looked like a spazz.
Not a technique but I carried my bag over my shoulder during high school.
I was a little too old for this one at the time but I did try to do kamehamehas.
You fucked a building? Hardcore dude, hardcore.
How much were your medical bills after you broke your fingers?
By posing like this. It's not the that fucking hard.
>that cheer at the end
My heart.
I used to do this because one of the hangers of my bag was ripped apart. People used to think I was some sort of badass but in reality I was just an autistic loser who was so lazy he wouldn't ask the seamstress to fix the bag.
You fapped over a comatose teen girl?
about 3.50
Spoiler alert: They DID know that you were an autistic loser.
I remember buying a shitty vent-mounted cupholder to see if I could drive without spilling water like Takumi. One of the plastic latches fell in the vent and causes my AC unit to make weird noises to this day.
When I was younger and halo was all I played I would sometimes open my eyes real wide as if to activate my sharingan.
>tfw it helped
I know y'all have tried THIS at least once
Why isn't he holding two of them with his hands?
I am the bone of my sword
Steel is my body and fire is my blood
I have created over a thousand blades
Unknown to Death, Nor known to Life
Have withstood pain to create many weapons
Yet, those hands will never hold anything
So as I pray, unlimited blade works.
When I was in middle school, a friend of mine and I would do the stupid hand signs and chants.
Other kids avoided us, and I don't blame them.
We were massive faggots.
You still are.
I wonder if there's some retard out there who tried to fire a real gun with his pinky.
I would always try to imitate that hand clenching sound. I mostly remember trying it after watching S-cry-ed .
Remember that time Gohan taught Videl how to fly? The Part where he held his hands together and made a little energy ball appear?
I legit teared up when I found out I wasn't as special as I thought I was.
I tried because I didn't know why the character did it
Less accurate and it hurts
I tried to do that high speed movement shit where they look like they're teleporting. I even made the sound effects with my mouth. Thankfully I never did it in public.
Kill yourself already.
As a kid. Broke the glass on the entrance's door. Thinking back, it's surprising I didn't cut myself and I guess replacing the door wasn't cheap.
I tried calling the AU version of my crush. I now have a restraining order on her.
>tfw ppl still do this in high school
Not only do I know the hand seals by memory, but to this day I can still do them just as fast as Sasuke does in this gif.
I actually did it on a whim the other day. And then I realized, that in the completely impossible chance that I somehow DID do a Kamehameha just now it would ruin the rest of my life.
This, tried doing that and during the start up everyone thought I tried weed for the first time.
Contrarian no Jutsu
and this
I got into a fight once and tried this including the ATATATATA screaming. Not only did I get my ass beat but I also looked like an autist. Good times.
Fuck off, Facebook.
Threadly reminder that you should stop posting that because it's a thing.
daily reminder that people only post it as a meme, not because they want to read some fan fiction
I call this move the "Catch fist with face" technique. It has a 100% success rate of catching fists.
A friendly reminder that senpai noticed us.
>people keep saying Keit-ai spam is now being deleted
>still keep seeing Keit-ai spam
At school we tried this. No regets.
One of these days I'll find someone who's roughly the same height and power level that it'll work, I'm sure. I want to be a perfect amalgam of myself and someone else.
I tried cumming 3 times in one sitting because of my hentai.
i got water everywhere
Why is the running animated like that? Obviously it's easier to animate/draw, but is this really a thing in rl ninja legends?
The weapons instructor was able to shoot a bullseye like that during my CAT course in high school.
He had to take it slow to line up his shot though.
I've tried these. I wear a turtle hermit shirt to the gym. I'm into cars because of initial d, I do eds transmutation clap before I dead life, and I use to have bloody hands because I thought the one inch rock punch was real...
I do the hands-out-like-a-cross thing when I jump down like Rei does.
It does help one keep balance.
6' even and power level 2 or 3. You?
Partly inspired by King of the Fighters, I took Aikido classes. I wanted to be like Geese Howard and throw my attackers to the ground. My instructor insisted on sparring because that's how you learn to deflect. I was the shortest and lightest in my class, which is supposed to be an advantage, but all I learned was pain.
I made swoosh noises with a toy sword like my chinese cartoons
Yeah,i know. That's why i end up on Sup Forums
You mean THAT?!
But if you use THAT you'll never be able BATTURU again!
No, you're right user. This is the technique that I'm probably most familiar with.
I wasn't into anime as a kid so I never did the kamehameha or the Naruto run but there was this one guy in my math class in high school who had Asperger's and sometimes during class he'd stand up out of the blue and do some of the DBZ dances. Everyone thought he was kind of weird but it was charming in a way. He used to talk to me sometimes and one day he asked me to do the fusion dance with him. I didn't know how so I practiced it and then did it with him in the middle of class. I got a few weird stares but I didn't really care, it made him happy.
It's been a couple years and I'm still good friends with him.
>Doing dances and shit in the middle of the class.
Your teachers just didn't care did they?
Not anime, but I used to do Crash's victory dance in Crash Team Racing in elementary.
Not really, it was one of those classes were not much really happens. It was for kids who, for one reason or another, didn't do well in regular math classes and needed extra attention. There were only about 10 people in there.
Check Brookling 99.
Various moves that seems believable from prince of tennis. As of now I'm still unable to turn super saiyan tennisman.
Maybe they do it to save energy.
None cause I'm not a fucking retard
They're more aerodynamic that way, like airplanes. Saw some old japanese ninja movie a few years ago and they ran like that too