Villian Tier List

Any examples you can think of for any tier?

>Villains whose motives are hard to find fault in and are arguably better than the Hero's.

Shouldn't ELDER GOD TIER just be
>Villains whose motives rely on concepts that humans do not even have words to describe and who by their nature cannot ever be understood fully

Every time I see this chart I get pissed because Mid tier should be higher.

>Just trying to survive
How destroying the Earth was relevant to its survival again?

>all that western shit
Why would you post that here?

>Villains whose motives are hard to find fault in and are arguably better than the Hero's.
Sounds right.


next time post a chart with anime images

>Implying motives are the entirety of what makes a villain

By your criteria, Elder God as fuck I'd wager.

I don't agree, at least I don't think the criteria are absolute and, ultimately, it all comes down to execution.

For example, the Mayor in Hellsing was just an evil psycho, but he was a fun villain to have regardless.

That just sounds like extremely shitty writing

>I'm genociding you, but trust me there's a really deep reason for it which I won't explain as you cannot possibly understand it

Squealer did nothing wrong.

This faggot gets it.

A good villain is one who gets some sort of response from the viewer. You could have an "elder god tier villain" but if nobody gives a fuck about him then he was a complete failure as a character.

It was a joke about the elder gods you autistic fuck.

>Implying Lovecraft's elder gods would even attempt to justify their actions to barely sentient 3-dimensional beings let alone acknowledge their existence on any level

Read a book

It's basically a planet parasite.

Don't make an Elder God tier if you can't put Elder Gods in it.

>not placing Gannondorf in the High Tier

Kotomine Kirei belongs in every category

Besides Great

>hey man why are you being a dick?
>can't help it, its in my nature

i fucking hate this


This is fucking stupid. It's just saying the best villains are the least villainous ones. There are plenty of great evil antagonists.

Execution >>>> Type

who is the doctor doom of anime?

Yoshikage Kira pretty much is just adhering to his nature. He's a serial killer because of his compulsion. Diego would be a better example for that spot. Aztec Vampire too, is much closer to gay priest's motive.

Also this.

OP's chart has been posted on Sup Forums many times and every time it gets called stupid for ignoring the importance of narratives.

name 10

Manami sure enter in the Elder God Tier.

In wich category is he?

Meh tier

he's pretty much just edgy for the sake of it. Don't get me wrong he's a great character in a shit series but he's not much more then 'INSANE' character in the beginning (not counting his growth into an ally)

Off the top of my head:

There's plenty more but I can't think of any right now.

dio isnt even best jojo villain. diavolo is easily better.

valentine and pucci a best tho.

So Esdeath is Mid TIer? I'm fine with this.

>Not elder god tier
Delete this

>Villains who are just evil or lust for power

Should be ELDER GOD TIER. I'm sick of villains with excuses for how what they became or sob 'he a gud boy he dindu nuffin' stories.

I am biased and believe he will be Great/God Tier :)

Here is an anime one I found a while ago.

Momoka is shit. SHIIIIIT!

The thing about Watchmen though is that it was playing with the "hero-villain" dynamic. All the 'heroes' aren't very heroic, and while Veidt certainly plays the part of a villain and is aware of that (even humors it), ultimately he is the one who saves the world from nuclear annihilation, which technically makes him the hero. It does feel like bullshit for obvious reasons but it's hard to deny, as even Rorschach showed.

The danger is focusing too much on a villain's motives is that the villain may not actually seem like a villain, just someone the protagonist opposes. And if the villain has better motives than the hero, it risks making the hero look shittier in comparison and people will naturally side with the villain.

This isn't to say great motives or any sort of complexity is bad. Just tired of people who want think every villain who isn't like that is bad, or need them to be sympathetic and relateable, or just plain not villainous.

Evil villains are always better than Freudian Excuse villains.

Since when is Reinhard even supposed to be a villain?

Yeah Dio is who I thought of as well. He's got that unshakable arrogance.

Where would Kyubey go?

Mein Kaiser is not a villain he is a hero!

Mid Tier.

Lohengramm is no villain god dammit.
Lohengramm is the single most heroic character in logh.

Mid, his stupid entropy motive puts him pretty squarely in that category.

Rebellion Homura would probably be meh tier.

>Reinhardt a villain
Also the dude on the left in meh tier seems real familiar, who was that again?
>shit tier villains all from shitty shows

I thought it was weak. Robohitler tries to use science and fails to kill Alucard, and why?

>killing people is fun :^)

Where does he belong?

Around the time he became Keiser.

If you dont understand, Reinhard main issue at that point was he was going to replace a Monarchy with another one, his line and didnt understood he was just prolonging the Empire anyway.

Elder Jobber God Tier.
Above everyone else.

Confirmed for elder god status.

Where would a villain that does evil out of apathy or just not caring be put?

A psychopath? Meh tier / Shit tier

Shit tier. Apathy is effectively being "just evil".

What about her?

That doesn't make him a villain, necessarily. The whole point was the debate between a democratic government with shitty rulers or a autocratic aristocracy with an excellent ruler.

Reinhardo was justified in cleansing the current monarchy because they were corrupt and abusing the people of the Empire. It's not villainous to purge the wicked. Conflict arose on the basis of "what happens after you're gone?"

They're ultimate shit-tier if they're aware they're doing evil without caring. They're mid-tier if what they're doing is only incidentally evil, and their own actions, defined as necessary by themselves, lead them to do evil.

Mid Tier

>great tier
But that's wrong, that would be ghost kira instead.

High tier according to the chart
Personally I would put her on meh tier at most


Motives aren't the same as actions. Doing terrible things to achieve a long term goal that will eventually benefit mankind still makes you the villain .

Elder-God tier

Case in point.

Yoshikage Kira just wants a quiet life. But people won't leave him alone because he looks like a David Bowie impersonator.

It all comes down to execution, you can have a villain who's always entertaining to see in action but has shallow motives or a dindu villain with 2deep4u motivations but with shitty writing that make his plan feel nonsensical.



can't tell what satou is, most logical answer is that he is meh tier, because he mostly do all sort of crazy shit just because he is bored. yet at the same time he fights for something

>my kind is mistreated by society
>coexistence will not workout
>better raise my kind to the top of the pyramid

probably meh huh? he still is one of my favorite villians of all time

Anywhere between high and meh


who would even be an Sup Forums related equivalent to Ozymandias?

You didn't even post the best villain, faggot.

Where would SHE go?


Hao Asakura probably

He killed one of the main characters. When he got converted into a ghost, he had no other option than do what reimi told him.

Fresh tier.

Everything about Diavolo is boring except for his Stand. Dio has far more entertaining and that's what JoJo is really about.

Its not that simple, Friedrich IV died and the Empire ended up with a civil war.

The argument was the flaws of both systems as Yang does put it and even goes about the pros and cons but doesnt provide a answer, you also miss the point were Friedrich IV engineered the whole thing by putting Reinhard into such a position of power.

The problem with Reinhard was that there was no assurance over his line would be as capable as him or did started to abuse the people as you put, in the end the Empire would continue because it was a absolute regime, he didnt even attempted to meet halfway.

Reinhard was such a Mary Sue that the author had to come up with Space AIDS to kill him, Yang at least had a lot of faults .. too bad he died.


Tell me about villains that you don't know were the hell they fit in. I can't really think of any in anime or manga right now

Where would shinji go? Great tier?

>valentine and pucci a best tho.
>Not kira

Is there a category for
>MC that tried to fix shit but they just fucked it up more

What about a morally grey mc that is considered a villain?

Villain ≠ antagonist

This list is flawed by its very nature. Brotip: Having a "good reason" to do horrible things doesn't actually make for a good character.


They said villains, I'm giving them a character supposedly based on being a villain, death.


homura fits squarely in great tier

how do you act out of apathy? seems like a bit of a paradox you have there

apathy is not a motive, it's a feeling towards those you're attacking and thus could fit any of the tiers.

for instance
a father shoplifting to feed his children whilst not caring about some monopolistic supermarket chain that unjustly fired him is elder god tier
(by the way this is just one example, i swear to god if someone tries to argue my main point by saying this is not elder god tier, i will kill myself on cam)

some lol so evil villain who doesn't care about his victims is shit tier

it makes no difference

Complicated villains with interesting motivations are cool and all

but sometimes I like to have a villain who's just plain evil.

Lavos eats planets, user.
If you eat a cow, the cow will die.
If you eat a plant, the plant will die.
If you don't eat, you die.

This chart is really shit and full of "exceptions".

She isn't reluctant at all though, if anything it would be closer to high since she's in a sense retaliating toward the shit done to her or trying to radically change the witch/incubator system.

Personally I think her change of heart is closer to insanity which would put her in meh.

Okay if he's like a godly being doing it for fun/out of boredom and probably doesn't even see it as wrong. He can be an entertaining character and do entertaining stuff.

People too focused on seeing a sort of humanity in a villain, that's dumb.

she actually has a reason though, the meh tier is for those without reasons and that is what is meant by 'insanity'

the other tiers also do not exclude insane characters

Anderson was a much better antagonist than the major. But that was because of pure charisma, so I agree that OPs picture is inaccurate.

Griffith is a mix of "High" and "Meh"
He won't go out of his way to be a massive asshole unless you're Guts, but he does just want power.

That's mid or Meh tier. The tier titles don't mean anything specific.