And So the Happening BEGINS !
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too small tho. 3.5, 0km
More like the tunnels they were using inside that mountain partially collapsed.
You know we know the budget is tight over there. Why does he keep popping so many off?
plz stop making these threads it was proven to be an earthquake
South Korean news reporting it was detected at ground level
It's absolutely happening.
Good. I'm tired of hearing about this manlet.
By whom? To whom? Where is the evidence that makes this appear to be the case? Fuck off.
Someone just hit their Nuclear facility with a MOAB.
>no fap
Source? Are we happy haps?
>half the power previous earthquakes
Not happening losers
fuck its fucking on
>NK's flag is a star
>"The star will gorge itself on clay"
>mfw Sup Forums prophecy is real
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize"
Wow its fucking nothing
23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23
Shut up you maple syrup chugging, moose jockey.
RIP Seoul
"Donald J. Trump strongly conde..."
Kim is ass raping Trump every single week. That why Kelly begged Trump STFU at the UN. Kim will call the bluff time and again and make a laughing stock of the US.
MOAB wouldn't register.
3.5 magnitude is 1-3 kilotons, which is far, far more than a MOAB, with is 8 tons.
Chinese sources say 450000 casualties (100000 KIA)
while some western sources suggest 600000 to One million Chinese casualties.
China and N. Korea's bond is a blood bond. China never gives up N. Korea. China needs to be a creditable ally for there expansion plans if they turn there back on N. Korea they lose face.
why is everyone posting pics of him all the sudden
did i miss something
who gives a shit though
I can't ser how the hell this is a happening
I want fucking world to blow up not a fucking earthquake
The rest of the world aparently otherwise NK would be a parking lot by now
5km deep
>we nuked the test site with tactical
>they believe china would get annihilated for a little fatboy being able to shoot rockets
it was totally worth it.
Not likely if the US launched a missile the world would know by now. Can't hide that radar signature.
are we at fucking nucklear war right now, fuggin hell
B2 with the latest B61, wouldn't be known until the detonation.
It was dropped
>3.5 magnitude is 1-3 kilotons, which is far, far more than a MOAB, with is 8 tons.
tactical nuke
Post some fucking links god damn it!
Stronlgy worded letter just flew over my house!
>He doesn't know about the secret US teleportation technology
PLOT TWIST: Rocket man nukes himself to falseflag china into attacking US.
You lose 100,000 men in war with an ally that loses more than half a million men and more than that in civilians you just don't walk away from that. Especially when your leadership has fought in that was or there father did. Plus you need creditability if you want to grow allies on the world stage. China will never turn there back on N. Korea.
post pic of inside your fridge and i will ivan.
You got out flanked by emu's.
I don't have a camera.
22km ENE of Sungjibaegam, North Korea
2017-09-23 08:29:17 (UTC)
5.0 km
now thats a good swerve
Stay calm and drink compot, Ivan, you know the plan.
Why isn't best Kolea allowed to have bomb tests? While muricans, ruskies and other niggers are?
B61 model 11 has 0.5, 1 and 3 IIRC, and it's also a ground penetrator.
This would actually be about right for such an event, albeit I'd expect a few more at strategic places (missile depots/bunkers and all known nuke sites), in addition to the conventional fight kicking off.
Trump would be on TV right now too.
Radiological isotopes would show which country the uranium came from. Also Norks can't fake a US launch and fool China. That is what the hotlines between Washington and Beijing are for.
well played rocket man, well played
he's not that bright.
>It will happen when the weather cools
CNN is covering it again.
And what has Kim done? Fucking cunt
>dont have a camera
>russian flag
goddammit slav
So begins the end
Fallout universe when?
>Trump would be on TV right now too.
game theory says otherwise.
Step 1: Duck
Step 2: Cover
Man up an and enjoy the chaos.
I do have one actually, it's on my smartphone, but it's so shitty and old that i can't use it's camera if there is no sd-card in it.
i'm hoping for more bioshock
>when you spend all your rubbles on tracksuits
Fallout is cooler tho
Oh yeah I forgot, today's national autism day.
Genuinely curious: how do you know so much about this? What line of work are you in?
i bet you have that slavic wallpaper in your flat though....
Game theory also says Seoul would be getting shelled right now. So put that in your cigar and smoke it.
can i put you down for a preorder on fallout 4 and the season pass?
It's almost as if that shitty prophecy is so vaguely worded that it can, and often is applied to literally any series of events.
The violence is escalating...OK
I'll prefer a shin megami tensei type of post-apocalyptic universe
Literally just requires a trip to the Wikipedia page on nukes
why do i feel the urge to send you rubbles
>spend all your freshly acquired rubbles on more tracksuits
Kek approves.