He's not actually dead right

He's not actually dead right

>yfw he gets Neji'd and is the ONE person that doesn't get to live

Sure other people died in Naruto, but they were old generation.

After reading his recent interview where he was with the soul eater author I actually think he might do it.

There's no way characters in this series are going to die without explicitly leaving corpses for their comrades to mourn over.

Literally NO WAY

Please no

The Gaj/Lev relationship is the best thing to happen to fairy tail
Its a little shoujo in my shounen






I read all my manga through a tablet app. Had to snatch these pages from google. Didnt see that watermark..

>expecting quality judgement from people who read Fairy Tail

Fairy Tail and Magi are just about the only decent on-going action manga. What do you use for your weekly fix you snobby prick?

>Fairy Tail and Magi are just about the only decent on-going action manga.

I hope so. I hate temporary deaths for cheap drama.

>Fairy Tail and Magi
Don't lump Magi with that shit manga faggot

Do it Mashima.

Fuuuuuuuucking good ridance
Never liked the guy and the shipping between him and a girl who he literally crucified never made sense. Kill them all off, i say!

Found a better translation

>The Male:Female ratio slips even more in favor of the females

Mashima you genius. The cast is almost literally Natsu/Gray and women. Laxus next.

I'll believe it when I see it. Mashima hasn't killed any 'good characters' since Rave Master. Not including that one faggot with the metal jaw.

If you think this has a tragic ending, you haven't been paying attention

>he later comes back through another portal that he himself creates after assimilating this magic into his own body

It's like this is your first FT chapter or something

>The Gaj/Lev relationship is the best thing to happen to fairy tail

> liking a shitty good girl converts bad boy ship

No, mashima is too coward to kill one relevant character

Well I laughed

He reminds me of Madara Uchicha, especially with that spiral shit going on.

How can anyone get any feels when the author doesn't want to kill off any of his characters, it's worst than Naruto with the pain magic.

He'll just get warped to Edolas then return with Mystogan

>characters dying

Ok, explain how the fuck gajeel doesn't die. Normally you could say time magic but they already pulled that shit with Gray. What else could they possibly fucking do?

>explain how the fuck gajeel doesn't die
It's FT, which means that logic isn't required to solve things, the plot and universe will bend backwards to allow for any bullshit Mashima wants.

Wait, he has a son and daughter?
Since when?

You should reread that.

Yeah, I should've.

Is this even a question? He could be vaporized to dust and he will still come back.

Of course not.

>I'm not stuck here in hell with you.
>You're stuck in hell with me!

He goes to hell,
eats hell's magic and comes back.

>metal jaw
Gajeel confirmed dead

The most likely asspull, to bring Gajeel back from the dead, would probably be the One magic.

Or timetravel shenanigans again.

Mashima is a fucking hack.