Explain to me the appeal in breasts that are the size of the female character's head

Explain to me the appeal in breasts that are the size of the female character's head.

Explain to me the appeal in any fetish.

Because it's an extreme representation of a more grounded fetish.

Everyone (who isn't a faggot/pedo) likes big tits and in the 2D world you can get humongous tits that are still perky and attractive.

It's the same reason why anime girls have such huge alien eyes that would look disturbing on real women, in 2D it's an exaggerated fetish and it works beautifully.

Just more proof that 2D> 3D.


>tfw never liked breasts
>never liked men
>never liked flat chests either

I-Is there something wrong with me?

To make little tittied girls super fucking jealous and even more likely to fuck me because they can't compete physically.

Obviously yes.

>Why aren't anime girls fat and lumpy like me!

The bigger, the better.


Because I want them on my head.

why do they all look like men

for reasons i cannot comprehend i have descended into a great rage

Sexual turn-ons and fetishes aren't something you can just rationalize like that. I never have and probably never will understand the love of feet or flat chests for example.

Explain to me how a man cannot enjoy breasts of all sizes.


mah nigga


Delete this picture, it makes me mad.

Motherly, you can rest your head in them. Better paizuri.

>Everyone (who isn't a faggot/pedo) likes big tits
Not true. Not everyone fits into one of those three categorys. Get out more and you'll realise that there is such a thing as personal taste.

>Get out more
I want Reddit to leave.


I wasn't trying to imply that I get out. I'm a neet shut in just without the parents to leech off of. I meant what I said and nothing else.

>Get out more
Kill yourself

Are these maple story's slimes?

*unzips dick*

>Get out more

RO's porings.

Make me bitch.

So ragnarok, I knew that

You mean your name has nothing to do with your posts

>Never liked breasts
>Never liked flat chests either
Well, what do you like?

No. Huge tits a shit and I hate shows where every girl has a giant pair of honkers.
It looks ridiculous.

Like this series, this is just absolutely stupid.
>Everyone has giant G cup titties or higher
>Throw in a toddler to balance it

Well you're obviously a pedophile or homosexual.

it actually has everything to do with my posts you're just too retarded to realise it

DFC is the best, lolis also have the best cunny.
women are just jealous.

Nah just means you have the TRUE best taste.

I don't like stupidly exaggerated tits, and it's even worse when the entire cast has them.

One or two characters, that's good. Entire cast, that's just full fucking retard.

It just means you're ass masterrace



Are you saying you wouldn't fuck Tsukiumi if you had the chance?

Namefags deserve to be gassed.

Fucking this. I'm a tits man and I completely ignore series where the entire cast has big tits. On the other hand I like series where only one or two girls hae them because it makes them look better by contrast, like a diamond among rocks.

Why? You are clearly a faggot so you won't understand anyways.

Explain to me the appeal in ass cheeks that are the size of the female character's head.

>it makes them look better by contrast,
This exactly. If every girl has big tits there is no fucking point at all. I'm not even in to giant boobies but this is Titology 101.

How else are you going to bury your head in?

All the girls in that show are garbage personality and looks wise except maybe the twins.
If I had to pick one of the retard bimbos it wouldn't be Tsukiumi.

Those that are attracted to breasts were most likely not breast fed, so their mother's did not treat them well or show them enough love.

I guess what is true, then.

Who needs that anyway


OH WOW, I used to be like that shit but I got a Nuss bar

Sorry I don't have shit taste. The twins are superior in personality and looks, and neither have stupidly large tits.
In fact, all the large tittied bimbos in the series amplify their modest and small busts making them easily the best in the series.

No it's not you gay retarded motherfucker




>I will never suffocate with my face between an ass like that

Normal healthy men like big tits?

I agree, the twins were great but so was Tsukiumi you cunt.

She didn't really do anything though. In fact just about all the girls were fucking worthless.
garbage series in general

You can put your dick between them.


Bad anatomy is bad.

Kyon doesn't know jack shit. Sure, flat and cow tits are great, but there is value in a perfect form perky breasts on a fit hour glass woman. It's like art.

So do babies and old men

Reminder that breasts are filled with men's hopes and dreams.

>big tits - medium size tits - small titis- flat tits - minus tits

I've nothing against big breasts, as long as they don't surpass D cups on a petite female, gravity and proper shape should be applied as well.

You either like it or you don't.


>Because it's an extreme representation of a more grounded fetish.
>Everyone who likes big tits have supressed sexual feelings for their mother, thus an oedipus complex.
>It's the same reason why anime mothers have such sexy and often exaggerated features that would look disturbing on real women, in 2D it's an exaggerated fetish and it works beautifully.
Fixed that for you. ~Freud

I wish I had a beautiful, brave, and dutiful samurai wife who's secretly obsessed with huge boobs.

Tell me more.

what if you like ass?

damn they get that big?

I wish this got translated

The "point" is it's for people who just want big tits. You don't need something bad to make something else look good in comparison or contrast to remind yourself you like something.

If you want different flavors, just buy the variety pack; don't bitch about the single-flavor pack.

It's the part at the monestary, but they were smaller in the anime. The rest of the manga doesn't have much breast stuff at all except at the very end with the scribbly joke comics. Like where she's eva01, defeats the invading boobs, and grows bigger than japan.

>He doesn't like soft and warm pillows


Fucking /d/ tier. Eiken limit should never be broken.

It's about a girl who cuts girls breasts and steals them for herself. It's solidly /d/ tier even if she only went to a c-cup max.
And I wouldn't mind getting bullied by her sister either.



Will HoTD ever get continued?

fetish for virgins weeabs who never felt a single tit in their lives.

75D is the perfect size. Looks and feels fucking great, big enough for a titjob but not some comically large, saggy melons.

Nice blog.
Sage and report.

That doesn't sound so great, she'd need to be like 500 pounds.

Everyone has an oedipal complex according to Freud tbqh


Fuck off you don't know shit about modern psych

Why should there be limits to 2D? They aren't too bit, your mind is too small.

I think there's a disconnect between your units.

>a hero must love boobs
Yeah right. We all know a true hero is too gay to want to do anything with a girl other than protect them

>and grows bigger than japan.
This I gotta see

I don't have it anymore. It's just a joke thing so you really aren't missing out anymore than you're missing out on the evil funhouse where one "girl" instantly grows her breasts to fill a whole room crushing the pervy governer against the wall so he'd get sick of breasts.

The only people who don't havent seen real ones.

They should build tanks out of this bras cloth. Thats some millitary grade shit

I like my paifus smart, so they need to have 3 heads, they are 3 times smarter than your average small/avg shitter.