What would you and your nation think of a return of the monarchy in France?
What would you and your nation think of a return of the monarchy in France?
I think the term correct is Shahdom
the jews are behind this
this is fake until link is provided
but i do wish it was real
I would love it, I want us to return to monarchism as well
the kikes caused the French (((revolution))) in the first place to kill all the nobles and leave it open for (((them))) to control.
See the Russian (((revolution))).
The return of thoroughbred royalty with real power would result in the jews being kicked out.
Note, the first thing Oliver Cromwell did was overturn a several hundred year ban on jews, and import them deliberately to "take care of the banks".
i think it's good, trudeau would send every last white man woman and child to die in a war to stop it though.
I just fixed reviewbrah
>brown hair
>can't even see his nipples
I don't give a fuck about france but do you guys have more of reviewbrah showing his powerlevel?
Bonaparte, Bourbon or Orleans?
yes just imporrt prince harry,we have had french kings here and you have had english kings before so why not? might as well get the only relevant bloodline
USA here to tell foreign commies to bow to our Lord Google
Is he really /our reporter/?
I mean aside from that webm of him not relaxing about blacks I dont see he has a powerlevel.
Will he do the Muslim what past french monarchs did to Cathars?
it is
hes high iq as fuck and knows the dumb thottie's just making fun of him
No, the Jacobite line is still the only legitimate royal family for England. The inheritor of the claim is the Duke of Bavaria. France still have the Bourbons. James Hewitt's ginger son isn't needed.
Freemasons specifically.
Bonaparte all the way. Napoleon was all the things Sup Forums thinks Hitler was.
Except for the whole "liberating Jews" thing
>that genes
strong bonaparte genes
Not relaxing around blacks is a principle of life. He sees it.
Under who? Under president uranus complex thoughts macron?
All heirs are bankers these days, also the bourbon is the swarthiest spanish you can find with the thickest iberian accent ever, no way we should be ruled by that.
I would like a king but we would need a new dynasty I think.
As a providentialist I would unironnicaly support a coronation of Macron.
Napoleon syndrome is alive and well.
Bourbon is a spanish brownie since 200 years: no.
Orléans heir is retarded and his little brother is a giga faggot who compromised himself with leftist scums so: no again.
Bonaparte is okay but he is a banker like the two others and he spent most of his adult life in New York and London (the irony), I don't think he gives much a fuck about France also he didn't serve.
Napoléon thought he could assimilate the jews but when he realized it wasn't doable he turned antisemitic and declared measures against them (that were not renewed by the Restoraition btw) and by the end of his life he wrote:
>The Jews are an ugly people, cowardly and cruel
Bonaparte was extremely opportunistic through his life anyway and he had very little ideoligical backbone but he sure was better than the freemasons and the jews we are ruled by now.
He browses Sup Forums, no man, not even ReviewBrah can browse Sup Forums and not begin to see the light.
If monarchy returns in France, it will only be in the form of a caliphate I'm afraid.
Orleans are degenerate scums, Bonaparte literally bow to the jewish bankers, what remains of Bourbon is not worth ruling over a 5 acres island
Same.I would want Bourbon. I don't like the (((Bonapartes))) or the (((Orleanists))).True.
Bourbon is a foreigner. No foreigner on the throne of France. Orlean it is.
>I would want
Nobody asked you anything.
What video?
I would play any role in society deemed fit for me if it were to serve King Reviewbrah. I would also serve King Samuel Hyde, but I'd me more afraid of him being vicious and tyrannical to gain clay, whereas Reviewbrah would be as devoted to his realm and his people as they are to him.
Yeah, that's the one. Oh man that is brilliant
Good, a principality is necessary to reform/recreate a well-functioning republic. Trying to fix what is broken while using the broken system in place is practically impossible. At least that's what Machiavelli tells me.
Bourbons of India.
No. That's bad.
It wont save you. and Canada's opinions dont matter.
Carolus please come and save us.
I don't think us Americans would mind all that much. A king would probably be better than the cream puff you have now or that socialist bitch he was running against.
He has the looks.
Monarchy is useless af nowadays.. Take a look, every king/queen in Europe sold their countries to the jews by signing the Maastricht treaty
A king should defends the sovereignty of his country, but EVERY single one of them sold out
>ReviewBrah is a conservative classy guy
Who reviews fast food.
>not wanting to die for the king in an epic genocidal 100 trillion dollar war because someone accidentally spilled wine on his cousins new carpet.
We have to cut his head once again
Orlean is too moderate. I want someone who will bring back the Fleur-de-Lys flag instead of the tricouleur.
it makes me sick how many people worship napoleon. he traded the largest super power in the world and forever plagued politics with revolutionary ideas just so he could become famous.
the jews made it so the entire world would forget XIV who was the most conservative mind in all of history while sporting trump tier charisma. somehow napoleon is loved when all he did was add a bunch of africans to france and ensured the country would never be a super power ever again.
france would be more powerful than modern US if napoleon never happened
Agreed, Napoleon is shit. XIV was based although France's medieval kings were even better.Monarchy is useless only if we make it useless.
Not worth it. Centralizing power is not the solution.
Macron has already centralized power. I want a king who has limited power but represents the nation of La France
Wouldn't care a whole lot except for the fact that at this point in time your new king would probably be some abdula muhamad al sharia motherfucker.
Good luck. After a generation or two you end up with prince charles type monarchs who want to play God.
Nothing wrong with new dynasties, the old are rotten to the core with freemasons and kike degeneracy.
I'd like a mix of both flags if monarchy return.
I don't really see a potential successor in the three big family that could pretend to the thrones tho.
Honestly I think the Revolution was probably the biggest mistake in French history. It was really the beginning of the end of French cultural identity and surrendered the fate of the nation to an academic elite. Napoleon tried to fix things by becoming Emperor, but like a typical modern-day frog ended up biting off more than he could chew. You look at French history before the revolution. Turned back muslim invaders, helped English colonies rebel for lulz, were HQ of Templars (of course it only took one probably Jewish French king to screw that up), utterly based. Now look at them after the revolution. Imports muslims en masse, spreads legs/buttocks for every invader, basically set the stage for WW2 by insisting on such unreasonable punishments for Germany after the war. Big mistake! Sad.