Can we discuss the failure of the college institution, Sup Forums?
It has deep social and political implications
Can we discuss the failure of the college institution, Sup Forums?
It has deep social and political implications
can we discuss that?
Sup Forumsacks go to college?
I don't think we could pull him away from all the cocks long enough.
not an argument
people ask why Sup Forums's gone to shit
well, the answer is australians.
>people bought into "everyone should go to college" meme
When everyone has a degree, No one has a degree
He only make 70k because he is a white make.
College is perfectly fine if you're interested in academics. However tuition has skyrocketed due to high demand and easy credit, and lots of people who go get academic degrees that don't translate into jobs afterwards. If you go, best to get a business or engineering degree.
Being this retarded
Male even.
Fuck off achmed
you're only proving my point
>t. facebook faggot
Guys, can I give you some legit good advice?
When you look for a stufy to do at university look up the average pay after 5 years and the EMPLOYMENT RATIO. Thats what I did and doctors had the best ratio and pay so I did that.
>5.5 years for MD
>invested my student loans and got no debt now
>0.8% inemployment rate for MDs
Why is this a thing?
That's why I decided against law school after my undergrad and got an Accounting Master's instead
>board filled with nationalist conservatives
>anti-intellectual, hates education
Or you could do what you're interested in. Who the fuck would want to be a fucking doctor or lawyer for the rest of their lives? Boring slavejob that requires zero brains.
t. STEM-masterrace
later end up marrying because Megan desperately wants stability. mark does because he is stable and Megan is a smart able individual with strong social ties which mark is arguable weak in forming. Megan becomes a house wife and later finds a job matching her supposedly B.S. degree. Mark then retires and becomes a family-man and helps the kids adjust to adult hood have more wisdom and experience than his darling wife in dealing with technical issues. they both later retire focusing on helping their grand children become decent human beings by doting on them,helping them develop interest, and alleviating the stress of child rearing on their children and their spouses. they may make it into late age providing wisdom to the next generation as they transition as they have peerless wisdom and a grand fundamental in-site. more than likely becoming some form of educator, either formal or informal.
Hello newfag
Gender studies isn't education. Also unis here are just money-making machines. They promote useless degrees and diplomas and take in as many international students (most of whom know fuck all english) as possible because they pay a shit ton.
Trade school is still an education anyway.
>Who the fuck would want to be a fucking doctor
>t. STEM-masterrace
The M in STEM stands for medicine. I hope at this point you finally realised the futility of your existence. KYS unironically.
Australians are the only thing that keeps us away from becoming an edgy imgur.
Only kikes use faceberg you subhuman. You bring shame upon our imageboard now leave
>makes $70k/year
Is this meme true? I am studying engineering at the best school in latin america, and if I can get a salary of $22k/year after 6 years of university, that's already incredibly good. Most likely I will make around the $14k/year range.
Americans have it good and complain a lot.
Meanwhile it's literally impossible to work there(blue eyed blond here), while an illegal mexican can have everything free.
When everyone has a degree except for you, that's when you're really fucked.
>Modern colleges and universities is the only source of education
>You need paper to be educated
It will self correct when later generations see that many graduates are not employed.
Le infinitely valuable STEM!! needs to stop being pushed though, too; you have to be extremely good for it to have any value at all.
I went to trade school and i'm now a plumber. Pretty good money. I'm not living in a mansion but i'm wanting for naught. Always have money to get food, pay for gas, tune up my car, etc.
College was a worthwhile institution 20 years ago in the infancy of the internet. People who had attended then are usually nearing the top of IT fields and sectors right now. Nowadays, you're just as capable of learning everything about modern traditional work in the vein of IT and tech by just googling it, and as such experience is infinitely more valuable than a degree.
Just like tradework. The degree more or less guarantees you a job at some shithole like roto rooter, to get the experience you'll need to join a proper company, if you don't want an apprenticeship (and the shit pay and/or no pay that comes with it).
Seriously, trade school was the best thing I ever did. If I wanted, I could probably retire in five years from my full time job and just do plumbing a few times a week and still fucking pay for everything I need. It's that lucrative. EVERYONE needs plumbers.
It stands for mathematics, dumb medfag.
In the US, the cost of a degree rises in direct proportion to the government grants, subsidies, aid, et c., received by the institution.
Almost like (((they))) want to create generations of graduates enslaved by debt,
>M stand for medicine
it's Math you butcher
Its not really a failure. The failure is retards who pick completely useless degrees.
It hurts you doesnt it? Whats the matter? Couldnt get into med school so had to live life the hard way?
In my country it stands for medicine because mathematics is not a real marketable job.
can i get pols opinion on physical therapy assistant jobs with robots and shit i think this would be a fulfilling career
He makes 70K a year after 15-20 years of working 6 days a week, 10 hours a day and owns his own company.
That meme is facebook bullshit, megan is a dumb bitch and mark is a faggot or a kiked union commie human scab.
Hows that class envy going?
Ofc retards will hate on academics lmao.
If you are american, sure i can totally understand not going, since its expensive as fuck and the picture applies for them.
But as a european, where college/university is entirely free, even the best ones?
You most likely just couldnt cut it.
Going for a worthless degree is still dumb in all the countries though.
>In my country
Nobody gives a shit
Stem is an agreed upon acronym across all the world and it means science technology engineering mathematics
>Mathematics is useless for job
All math people I know make mad Dosh in banks
I did go to engineering and am employed thanks
But the system as a whole is failing
In my region of Italy we have as many lawyers (unemployed) as the whole of France.
Ive worked at over 100 different factories, fab shops and fields. Only bottom barrel shit is like that, if no union hes set.
in university i see super dumb people taking useless degrees that require no skill or effort just to tell parents they are in uni. get everything paid and have a lot of free time to be a degenerate and drunk
>>In my region of Italy we have as many lawyers (unemployed) as the whole of France.
>look at the demand of whatever you want to study first
>it isnt viable for getting a job / not well paid field
>just dont do it
>choose viable tech field
Seems ez enough.
I will never understand the people studying useless degrees and then later on complaining they are useless. I mean they had all the numbers in front of them from the very beginning and then made a bad decision on purpose.
It is not true. 50-60k is pretty normal unless you are union or run the business yourself. Maybe if you live in NYC it might be that high. I read that union carpenters get paid 80 dollars an hour.
Thanks, fake flag.
I tried so hard to go to get into trade because my school has contact with companies offering apprenticeships to 14-15 but I wasn't allowed because my grades were to good.
When I finished secondary school my plan was to get a network engineering certificate and start working at 18 as Cisco had partnered with the sixth form, my parents threatened to kick me out if I uni so I studied CompEng and finally got a job paying £24k a year while I'm £35k in debt.
Accounting is literally the McDonalds server of the finance world
For the rest of us over the age of 17 and not living with our parents: that piece of paper is the difference between a decent income and poverty. Ask your parents, Eric.
Science, Engineering, Toothpaste.....Medicine?
Wait if union grants you more money why isn't everyone?
I'm still wondering how Accountants can steal all of their clients money like with what happened to Billy Joel
anyone know?
You can't dress trashy til you spend a lot of money
Well the union used to be to an organization to protect workers rights. Now it is a club that only lets in certain people. Idk why it is like that. Try and get into your local and see how much shit you have to do.
I work in IT security, pretty much no unions in this field
When you're an average to below average IQ, and you're indoctrinated to believe you'll die starving in the streets if you don't go to college, these people tend to pick any useless thing that won't strain them intellectually just to get a degree. Cletus, Jamal and Consuela shouldn't be wasting their time with higher education anyway.
Maybe in Tulipland. IN the U.S. if have desirable skills you will be fine. Wether that is a traditional trade job (plumbing, electrician) or in a newish field (software developer/ security).
Real universities filter out normies and dummies in the first few semesters anyways
Ofc there are still dumps where you get a degree even as a tard
In germany those are called FHs
Actually its more like a four year tech school plus OJT time. However most companies worth their salt will reimburse your schooling if you pass.
Getting a paycheck benefits an free vocational training.
t. Electrician
You're lucky to get paid $40k right after tech school. You really need to bust your ass for years and own your own company to make $70k.
Wait,you took out loans, invested them, but still went to school?
How did you pay for school?
I consider college a lifetime achievement. I just got my degree after 6 years on/off with 10k in debt from a reasonbly priced state school.
The fact is most jobs, even decent ones making $70k+/year don't require a degree. Starting a business certaintly doesn't require a degree. Are they less valuable than 30 years ago? Yes. Are you an idiot for wanting to pursue one? Absolutly, just don't think it will guarantee you a middle class life, but it is proof that you commited to a long term goal.
Remember, how much money you make doesn't determine your Social Class. Your profession and experience do. So even if they make $100k, blue collar guys will ALWAYS be treated like working class citizens. Our Preisident has the hardest job in the world and chooses to have zero salary.
The government probably pays a small allowance of sorts to all Swedish students. That's what they do in Finland and it amounts to roughly 300€ a month for living.
BUT! Megan can virtue shame him for not saving the world as a lawyer, doctor, banker.. the three sacred profession of virtue shamming... even if he mad $70,000,000 a year.. he is of lower virtue shamming cast.. she drank the koolaid... maybe bang her anal then dump her.
What the hell was Mark trained in?
>tweeting from golf course every weekend
>hard job
Pick one
Nice. Same story here but electrician.
It pays well in toronto, around 110k through the union...still not enpugh to live comfortable in this lefty liberal paradise lol
True if you want to live in same place for more than six months...
If you bounce between job sites all over the world, like a trades special forces... you can do well but have no life
>>Attend two-year community college after high school. Learn welding, pipefitting. $95K / year building the Dakota Access Pipeline. Fuck the protesters.
t. Living in a semi trailer, converted into an apartment. Even has a woodstove.
Why are we calling modern pleasure islands "Universities" or "Colleges"? I never understood this?
This is true to a point, I found.
I was sort of shunned somewhat for being blue collar for a few years after highschool. Now that my entire circle of friends is over 30, and I'm the one of only a couple who have managed to make something of themselves, the attitudes have changed completely. I suppose there are different tiers too though. I'm an electrician foreman in charge of pretty big projects, I don't like getting lumped in with cement finishers and labourers and the rest of the knuckledragging trades.
Nope, it donst matter, we have lots of faggots with a colage degree(around 50-60% of young people) and this only makes that paper a one care if you have one if you have some experiance in your job, U need to be fukin amazing in studing and have crazy good scores to be able to find good job without help from friend/family. Most fuktards with degree still works normal job below their education level.
Back in the day it was always kind of implied that college was for idiots and that to get further on with a chance to earn money you go to uni.
Problem is Uni is bollocks unless you go and work in a specific field but even then it is not always rosy at the end.
College is underrated desu.
But what really needs to be fixed is the useless shit degrees and courses that are fucking useless and these people are stupuid enough get into debt for them and then complain about it. Frankly STEM courses should seriously be free for those that do them as an incentive to keep them in the field but all other useless shit you have to pay for because they do not benefit the community/country as a whole.
The truth is that Mark the plumber does barely 20k a year, depending on what shit country he lives in. Poland? 10k max.
>Most fuktards with degree still works normal job below their education level.
That's because those fucktards didn't really care about what they were studying. Has nothing to do with universities being "bad".
University provides you with amazing opportunities, but it's up to you to make use of those -- there won't be anyone standing nearby to force you to work.
Good lord is it that bad in France? Plumbers here make 49/h plus benefits and like 9 bucks an hour into a pension plan
I went to college.
I'm making $108k in a low cost of living area. Also, I worked while in school, so hardly any debt.
>Good lord is it that bad in France?
Nah man hahaha of course not in France plumbers make like 200€ just to replace a tap haha.
Hahaha who plumber master race here?
Ah good good. My old man is, works in nuclear plants and stuff. Great money. UA local 46.
I almost became one. Just the electric company I was working around offered me an apprenticeship before the plumbers did. Pure chance
Low cost of living area is key. Hope you don't have a crazy commute or something
My country has something called "retard degrees". Stuff like liberal science, sociology etc... Whenever employer sees someone studied this their CV goes instantly into trash.
Its fine if you study something you need actual degree for (medicine for example)
My friends girlfriend is like thay
I went to a community college, took a one year course in culinary, then went into working at the Marriott, worked around a few years and now I make a comfy 80k a year as a head chef in la.
But my friends girlfriend is a huge cunt who thinks she's high society because she's getting her masters in fucking child development.
She's studying to be a elementary school teacher and is in debt up to her ears.
But whenever we hang out, it's my pastry chef wife and myself who are the poor troglodytes!
I fucking hate how she tricked my friend to change his career choice from pharmaceutical engineering to teaching.
fuck off achmed.
Nice. You can usually tell here who is paying for their own education, because it's something that matters. Tons of kids, especially women, just take feelgood courses because it's all daddy's money, and even if their education is a complete flop in finding employment afterwards, their parents will still set them up in something comfy. Pure cancer
The Problem is that going to College and getting a Degree, even in things such as History used to mean something. Going to College was an Achievement, something that not everyone could do because you needed to be smart and dedicated.
Because it was something so special College Education brought you better Job Offers, higher pay, a better status in general.
Then some (((people))) arrive, who think that this isnt fair and that everyone should have a shot at these opportunities. What a wonderful world in which we all are intellectuals and future college professors, right?
So (((they))) decide to make things (((easier))). Application into College becomes (((easier))), getting your High School graduation becomes (((easier))), now everyone can get into college.
Only now, because so many people attend college it has become the norm. Now you have to attend college, waste potentially thousands of dollars just to get a job you would have gotten without attending college 30 years ago, like he said Its a classical "The state fucked up" situation, in the same sense that Minimum wage is a fuckup. Ironically the people who complain the most are the lefties who pushed that shit because after setting the Minimum Wage to 8,50$ they wonder why they all of a sudden need job experience for working at McDonalds because these people sure as shit aint gonna pay the Salary that experienced people got before to unexperienced idiot. Just helps to fuck up the Job Market.
it's all good though, megan gives pretty good head tested her out last week
most degrees are retarded and pointless, they should only offer business, law, and stem, everything else is either stupid or can be easily relegated to a tech school.
in your dreams fagtard
You're in Germany... they mean Muslim plumbers
I think the problem is that the traditional University system just doesnt work anymore.
As you said there are subjects that basically guarantee a Job and those that basically guarantee that you won't get one.
(Usually also having a lot to do with the students mentality, as the factor is usually hard work. For Stem and co the Hard work part is in the Subject itself, passing the tests etc. For Social Studies and co the hard work is actively finding a job and getting work experience.)
Maybe things such as History, Language studies and the likes, subjects that are of cultural importance should get specialised institutions which are harder to get into but usually reward you with higher job chances?
70k would be nonunion, 100k + for union. It's not a bad gig if you deal with the marxism
Sorry bro
Depends, Deutschbro. Especially in Germany technical apprenticeships are usually highly paid if you get to Master status.
go and drink some tea fgit
This is why I'm getting a degree in something useful like Law.
To be fair, liberal arts courses aren't a bad idea if you actually plan on becoming a professor or an archaeologist or some other form of professional academic.
Fuck college.
Everything should be an apprenticeship.
You can learn the fine details of theory courtesy of this thing called the Internet.
"You can be a professor in psychology and make 200k a year!"
>said to a lecture Hall of 1400 students
If Mark got an engineering degree he'd be making 100k per year AND not destroying his body
They need 20 academic but the classes have 1500 students