Would you let muslim refugees in if they were russian women converts?
why do they convert? is this common in russia?
no, also Ivan police your women better
I'd let them in alright... In to international waters off our shores, then sink their shitty raft with deck guns. Hell no
They are white trash hoes that marries Muhammad
They look exceptionally good for muslim women desu.
Lovely perky tits on the one on the left, from those alone you can tell she's not a born muslim.
where in the world dont muslims live?
AXAXAXAX cykablyat
Converts get the rope
Too many cheap Russian and Ukrainian whores already here in Goa. They spread diseases (even the fabled Indian immune system is useless) and they never pay rent on time.
who made these and what do they represent?
No. No more Muslims, regardless of where they come from, or if they’re women, or if they’re really cute women, or if they’re “””moderate”””. NOT ONE MORE
>Both women were said to be unemployed.
Both of them could have easily married a Western male with a 100k income, but hey, the choices you make.
They represent the fact that russian women are attracted to people from countries south of chechnya because the man treat them "well", in reality they are ultra conservative once they get married, essencially muslim marriage, fun part is russian women are juicy whores that like to control their husbands so the roasties get in the churka trap
- no Muslims no matter what for skin color they have
- no one with filthy skin color, no matter what for belief they have
No, Russians have disgusting babyfaced genes, it doesn't look bad on women but babyfaced men are disgusting.