>You will never watch _______ for the first time again
What's her name, Sup Forums?
>You will never watch _______ for the first time again
What's her name, Sup Forums?
boku no pico
Every anime I've watched.
Dude, gross.
Too many to count.
hunter x hunter
seriously though. probably watched it, five? times and the final nunnally scenes still gets to tear up
ping pong
Code geass. The wondorous and twisting plot leading to (even with its ever present changes) lead up to the perfect finale.
za wa
I would have loved to be here when this happened
I haven't seen Kaiji but just downloaded it.
Guess I can bump it to the top of my list?
What I would give to relive my first viewing of Samurai Flamenco
It's very straightfoward plot-centric fun with some incredible gambits. You might not consider it a top-10 of all time but you'll very likely enjoy it immediately.
just watched the two movie's, what is all the hype about
For me, Kaiji is something that never exits my top 10 no matter how much anime I watch.
No other anime has made my palms sweat so hard from sheer tension and anticipation.
Yu Yu Hakusho, specifically the dub.
Watching the movies with no context is a shit experience
Watch it from the beginning and think of it as a story about human evolution, generational struggle and "past and present coming together to create a path towards the future"
Le Fruita de la Grisaia. One of my personal favorites I wish I could rewatch and enjoy like the first time
this. samflam was some magic shit.
Wish I could have watched Code Geass with Sup Forums when it was airing