Germany has biggest muslim population in europe
tick tock hans
>using absolute figures
[thing] per capita is the way to go
Completely useless metric, how will you know when to stop killing?
When there are 0 muslims
When did Sardinia, Corsica and Sicily secede?
>le per capita always meme
sometimes you actually don't mean to use per capita, have you ever thought of that?
it's more than 6 million. which is a natural limit. makes you think.
Most of them are Turks, which are just one step under Poles on the subhuman scale, anyway.
above a certain threshold per capita is meaningless. if you have 4 million of murder rapists running around it doesn't matter if your population is 10 million or 100 million.
How the fuck does the country that literally got taken over by Muslims not have as many as the country that once claimed to be the holy roman empire?!? How fucking cucked can you be
Where is Russia with 16.38m?
>germany has an extra 15 million people over france but only .05million extra muslims
>we shouldn't mention this let's just look for the biggest number
dumb animeposter
vast majority of german muslims are turks and kurds from turkey.
their rape and violent crime statistics are not that bad. I'm not justifying their presence here but pakistanis or northern africans are way worse.
oh wow, well that's amazing. it's almost like some people don't know how to use basic descriptive statistics.
>if you have 4 million of murder rapists running around it doesn't matter if your population is 10 million or 100 million
Really? Either 40% of everyone is a murder rapist, or 4%. In the former case the rest of the population probably doesn't stand a chance, but in the latter case they do due to sheer numbers.
But one step over krauts
k keep using per capita for everything
while the rest of us aren't so pretentious and actually use it when it makes sense
Wrong, Russia does. They also have fourth biggest Mosque in the world in Moscow
>Pew Research
Opinion discarded
That figure doesn't include the 2 million refugees Germany took in
Thank you based refugees
Russia isn't in the EU my white friend
not detecting an argument. nice animeposting though
>shitting on one of the few respectable research organizations left
>also the ones responsible for one of the best redpills on the Arab Mind Virus
It says Europe in OP you dumbass, not EU. Russia has the biggest Muslim population in Europe
>Ahmed education
Russia isn't Europe.
It may be the fourth biggest mosque in the world but it's also one of the 4 mosques in 13 million people city.
It says EU in the picture. Or can you not read?
You sir, are a cuck.
Russia has two parts, and one of them is European. Learn your own country
Jesus Christ people are stupid here, that's why everyone laughs at you
>geographic definition of Europe
I get it Istanbul Turks, Tatars, Permics and Caucasians are European as well these days. Don't pretend to be retarded.
Wir mussen die Muzzies ausrotten!
The answer is never.
Daily reminder that as of 2017 Eastern Europe has lower homicide rate and lower crime rate than Germany, UK and France
Koji je ovo kurac?
What is this shit?
We're supposed to have a 1m muslim population for like 10 years now
It's wrong.
what is cucked about pointing out some simple facts?
are turks in germany welfare leechers? yes.
do turks in germany behave civilized? no.
are they rapists as same level as british pakistanis or french africans? no.
Cool. Only a million more until they can kick of the 4th Reich
Sucks to be you
Nice to see German people dying out, nobody is going to miss those autistic genocidal drones. Rest in piss, bastards.
Any country that does not have the self respect to preserve itsself deserve to die in the flames upon the return of Muhammed, pease be upon him.
>flipping a burger patty more than once
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
I flip it exactly once every 10 seconds for 4 minutes.
And as usual, Sweden keeps itself out of these things by making statistics illegal... We are basically North Korea at this point.
We're supposed to have public education. You don't have permission to be this retarded.
not in europe but in european union, in europe russia has most muslims.
What the fuck even is that german bread rapist man?
I saw it a time ago when in my grandpas house while browsing his weird ass satellite channels and that fucking thing wierded me out
I think german bread man is a front for pizzagate
France seems like a low estimate
>per capita is what matters
>don't worry about Germany being non-white in a generation
Yep, it's a Svencuck
In Russia the muslims are more than 20 million.
The muslims in Bulgaria are called "pomaks". They were Christians before but when Bulgaria was under turkish slavery many of them converted to islam by force.
>USA has 3.3 million but considerably less compared to any Euro country when using per capita
What's it like being retarded?
Is this for EU only?
Russia has like 10 million muslims.
Bosnia is 50% muslim.
Albania is 90% muslim.
>Albania is 90% muslim.
Lol no, maybe on their ID, but in practices, not really.
It's one of the biggest place for music festivals and drug place in Europe
per capita France has the most of them
If you live in any of those countries, please read this:
Tldr: you're fucked
We have a million? Nigga thats 1/6th of the country...
they're bulgarians who converted so they pay less taxes and get more benefits of being muslim in the ottoman empire lets be real here
they're subhumans
No, Belgium does
Albania is like 50% and most don't even practice it. Same with Bosnia.
just escalate the fucking immigration until all the german people leave or fight
Dont know how in rest of europe but in finnish school they teach that Russia is an european country
So did Sweden just not report? They've been accepting over 1 million since 08'
top kek France is at least 7/8 millions muslims
Not true. There are 5-6 million real Muslims at best, and 2-3 million of them are illegal immigrants from -stans who are about to be deported. The other 3 million are Chechens, Ingushes and Dagestanis. As for the rest 5-7 million Muslims (Tatars, Bashkirs, Azerbaijanis), they don't take Islam seriously.
Yeah, but no way we have 1 million of them. We have only 600k and 250k pomaks according to statistics. What are the rest? Gypos?
>have almost as many kebabs as Britain
>not a single terrorist attack ever
Why can't brits handle a bunch of stupid savages?
I thought you had an empire and shit.
Germany is physically much smaller so they have more muslims per sqm
in 10 years there are going to be more muslims in germany than people in finland.
>mass rapes and assaults covered up by police, hospitals and media
>expecting to hear about it when only a few people get blown up/knifed
That's almost enough Muslims in Germany for a REAL Holocaust. To be honest though, we don't really need more than 30 Million Muslims in the entire world, yeah? We could do without the other 1.5 Billion. Population is becoming a problem anyways.
>10 years
i'd give it two
Yes, but they're mostly Turks aka semi-human and don't explode so much.
France and UK have niggers and pakis.
The problem is that there already WERE 30 million Muslims on earth at one point
If you cut its legs off, they will grow back. It has to be superseded by something else entirely. If religion is the opiate of the masses, Islam is 4Loko with meth in it. It spreads quickly by sword or by pen, much faster than Christianity did. And unlike Christianity, militantism is built into the narrative: it is a physical conquest as opposed to a spiritual one. It is visceral and empowering. It will just expand.
Muhammed might have been illiterate, but he was brilliant at manipulating people.
all those numbers are wrong and downplayed, for example
probably closer to 10m, 15% of the population
>what are the rest
they dont exist
it's a shit map
(((There is no correlation with terror attacks in EU and statistics)))
You're only saying this because your country isn't even 50% white anymore, sad!
go back to anime, this is about politics you faggot
actually since they aren't including the ~2 million "refugees", they already have more muslims than Finland's entire population
true Turks are higher their than US shitskins
the 1 mln on Netherlands looks like a bigger problem
> muh gorillion muslims
this would be a problem if the pislamist betamales were somehow replacing germans when they really aren't
fitting 10 cockroaches into an apartment that used to have 5 is nothing special, and it's not like muslims aren't destined to marry their own cousins and perpetuate their inbred family
if there are even a 100k whitebois in germany of fighting age who want to stir shit up proper once a civil war starts, pislamists are gonna do the only thing they can during a war and that's run
keep forgetting about the fact that running away from your piss-poor homeland is the favourite trait of our "based" eastern european shitwits and various non-whites in general, shit gets bad in germany there will 100% be some designated turboautists who'd have no problem gassing entire roach districts
They are in the same shithole.
Give me some examples of Eastern Europe doing what you said, Glock. BESIDES Russia.
4.76m / 82.67m
4.71m / 66.9m
2.96m / 65.64m
1.00m / 17.02m
630,000 / 11.35m
450,000 / 8.747m
Germany is the worst of the big countries
Netherlands is slightly worse per capita though
You guys seem to think they are spread like equal over the country with is not the case. We have muslims now in every corner but the numbers differ largely from east to west.
> besides russia
funnily enough, russia is pretty much the only slav country that didn't have half their population run off to clean toilets in the west
in fact, some asshurt buttblast-belt diaspora posting from burgerland should probably keep his mouth shout about russia, the russians I meet here are usually at least 5 tiers above your average eastern euro plumbercuck
eastern europeans are refugee-tier vermin which always comes as a surprise to you piss-stains
Who gives a fuck if germany becomes nonwhite anyway? Germans are the shittiest people of (you)rope
Most Russians in the West are doing well. I rarely heard about Russians doing shitty toilet cleaning jobs
Is that a new border I see?
Yea we aren't counting or taking as a factor the distribution of these muslims. What do you think is better? Having they crammed into big cities or equally distributed among the country?
no mosque in dresden? bullshit or is this some specific faith
>France 4,71 M
Nope lolno, It's a lot more than that, they are only counting the first gen.
more than 20% of a 60m country is muslim and they get some magic 5m number I've been hearing since 1980?
we have lots of muslims but not a million. I call bs
sorry but he's right and you're wrong
It's not the first time around here I read that coming from a french. Where are the real values?
>there's shit but there's even worse shit
this is not a real argument