What was the number 1 specific thing that disturbed you the most in EOE?
Or what specific moment stood out to you the most?
What was the number 1 specific thing that disturbed you the most in EOE?
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what was she meant to be doing here again?
The mass-production Evas. Somehow they almost seem scarier than GNR, with their bone-white color and Mick Jagger lips, and how they look and move like birds. Predators are supposed to be hulking, not lithe and limber.
But we know what some birds can be capable of...
Rei getting fondled by Gendo
too love shinji out of existence.
The part where the JSDF commando says "Sorry kid it's nothing personal" when he's going to shoot him and then Misato says the same thing like 5 seconds later before she shoots him. I can't believe that line actually made it into the movie.
>Mick Jagger lips
>I can't believe that line actually made it into the movie.
how so?
Asuka coming back to life.
During Third Impact when the faces of the mass-produced Evas warp into reflections of Rei's face and they make orgasmic moans as they penetrate themselves with their replica Longini. Especially the one whose head just sort of distorts bizarrely at an impossible angle when it lets out a big cry of pleasure - that one has a special place in my heart.
I don't mind it one bit now, but when I first saw it I was a lot younger.
the montage of everyone starts turning into orange fanta soda with that mellowed out alt rock song in the background is one of my absolute favorite moments in any anime
Then that stain spreading across the planet with a wave of rapturous screaming and crosses for each one springing up.
The giant pussy on a giant Rei's forehead
when babby shinji is building the sandcastle alone in the dim light
who else lonely childhood here?
that he was content with jizzing on her instead of rape
It was on his hand you mouthbreather.
>Shinji's cum covered hand
>NERV staff being massacred by the UN
>Misato dies
>Asuka dies
>Ritsuko dies
>Gendo dies
>The entire world ends
Pretty much all that. Loved every second of it.
>Gendo dies
I don't even remember what happened in this overrated shit.
He didn't want to get AIDS
If that were true he wouldn't touch Rei.
When did he touch Rei?
Apartment incident for one.
But that incidental.
How everyone sees the one they love the most moments before being tangoed.
Makoto embraces Misato.
Maya goes full yuri on Ritsuko
Misato sees kaji before being BTFO.
Gendou has a pleasing chat with Yui.
The old guy sees Yui too.
But this guy, This poor faggot saw nothing but the Reis and screamed in fear as they got near him.
Poor fuck didnt have anyone to love
Shinji's face in pure ecstasy as it dissolves in water ripples.
the fact that in the english dub, they put a cartoony SPLORP sound effect whenever there was a blood splatter
>But this guy, This poor faggot saw nothing but the Reis and screamed in fear as they got near him.
>Poor fuck didnt have anyone to love
Holy fuck. I never realized that.
Maybe he had achieved a state of nirvana and had now desires
that shit is the only thing i don't like about EoE.
Shinji strangling the fuck out of Asuka at the end. I couldn't believe he would actually do something like that.
that one like half frame of Asuka dead rotted and covered in maggots
And then Shinji's horrible scream.
I don't really know why but that moment has stood with me ever since i saw it.
How do they get away with that but hentai is censored
This one. Coupled with this track youtu.be
It bought back a lot of uncomfortable memories of domestic abuse and fighting. The pure hopelessness and misery of the scene kind of triggered me a little
iktf bro
I'm btw, did that scene do a number on you too?
i thought it was hot, bro!
the giant fucking rei rising up to greet shinji faceforward, jesus. i was caught off guard by the smooth animation, not the scene itself
what, does the female body make you uncomfortable?
I think the part that shocked me most is how a dull set of action scenes and meaningless character motivations was somehow considered to make a good film.
In my eyes, Eva ended with episode 26.
>That fucking guy in the grey sweater that ruins the shot by doing hand signs
Why couldn't they reshoot that shit? Took me out of it completely
Wasn't that scene supposed to take you out of it?
That footage is taken from actual screenings of Death & Rebirth. The dudes from the audience probably didn't have a clue what it'd be used for.
I cringed when the tree of life went into Lilith's third eye.
the neck sound as it snapped.
What part was that? I don't remember anyone having their neck snapped.
One of the MP Evas got choked by Asuka iirc
That long drawn out silence before he starts choking her - that shit gave me the chills.
He's implanted himself into anime history
The fanbase, never in my existence saw so many weird people associated with an anime.
The fish in the bucket
The white threads pulled from rei's neck as her skin melts
The blink with one eyelid
There are so many
the transition from animation to live action. It happened so suddenly with little explanation but it's one of my favorite scenes of the movie because it shows a contrast of our world compared to their world.
visual metaphor for shinji being in tang zone connected with all others (specifically rei for this scene). since human sexuality is the closest thing we have to being as close as possible with each other, the imagery is invoked here to represent tang zone comfy levels.
This one is it for me too. I just found it so shocking. Maybe for different reasons than you did however.
It's such a powerful representation of Shinjis feeling of being powerless to escape the situation he finds himself in. He's reacting in anger at his own impotence.
Asuka getting eaten alive
And jesus, briefly seeing her outstretched hand get sliced in half before she gets eaten alive
I think it's more on the lines of who it is rather than what it is.
replace sandcastle with lego blocks and you describe my childhood right there.
Because it's not sexual if it's art.
Shinji screaming after Asuka gets ripped to shreds. Also tumbling down.
how many people didn't get it
Yui's speech about finding happiness anywhere as long as you have the will to live was really uplifting and probably affected me a lot back then as an angsty teen.
the disturbed drawings that appears after shinji strangle asuka
I'm still trying to understand some of them