What does Sup Forums think of MGTOW?
What does Sup Forums think of MGTOW?
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your mother
MGTOW is an invention by people who don't know how relationships work.
Most people who get in a relationship they don't like get out of it.
Beta/gormless faggots stay in it.
True retards become financially intertwined with things without carefully considering such an idea first.
If you don't see merit in meeting someone who you can not only get along well with but also fuck, and spending lots of time with that person due to the fact you enjoy it as opposed to "it's what you're supposed to do" you're a retard.
You can be single, you can not be single. There are useless retards in both camps.
Being utterly and entirely useless on the social scene isn't lessened by the fact that you've apparently decided to be that way by choice.
I like it.
With consequentialism in mind, it is quite good.
Huge faggots. If you're not trying to reproduce just end your existence. The only reason your life has meaning is you can pass on your knowledge to the next level. This is humanities power.
Natural reaction to such misandry in our society. Many here see it for what it is: men doing a cost benefit analysis, and coming to the realization women have placed too high a price on pussy. The great thing about it is the endless butthurt from women and cuckservatives attempting to shame men back onto the plantation with no success, as if men who have been demonized and marginalized by society all their life would care society disapproves of their actions.
Top tier cringe
You are fucking retarded. MGTOW is not about the women being coal burners, it's about the system favoring women in every way and women being selfish by nature.
Therefore, if you get married, chances of not getting divorced and your kids and half your shit taken from you are less than 5%. I'd rather stay single and find a surrogate mother to be a father, thank you.
good goyim who stop trying to reproduce because waaaah women are too mean to me :(
complicit in the downfall of the white race. minority fringe group. should be contained so their ideology does not spread. thankfully, so far, Sup Forums hasn't fallen for the meme, and for that I am grateful
see (You)
>I'd rather stay single and find a surrogate mother to be a father, thank you.
You are a retarded pleb who doesn't know what MGTOW is or a shill. Either way, get out.
Daily reminder that if you're able to create a female then you are not white and should kill yourself
nigger tier ideology
Watching MGTOWfags fight Stormfags is like watching two autistic kids fighting at recess.
MGTOW cucks and tradcucks are both retarded, is there another way?
they have very useful information like this handy 11x17 poster
>You are a retarded pleb who doesn't know what MGTOW is or a shill. Either way, get out.
I know that our species evolved such that a man and a woman have a child and raise said child together, each in their own way. yes ((they've)) been conditioning weak-willed women to fall for various kinds of kikery so they deny their own biological instincts to settle down and have and raise children, but that doesn't mean the logical reaction is to sperg out and say "man FUCK women, who needs em" like some kinda autistic manchild
this desu, which is exactly ((the point))—divide and conquer, appeal to and manipulate men's emotions the same way they do it to women. it's so obvious, I honestly don't know how anyone falls for any of it.
>what's the point of raising a daughter if you don't even get to fuck her pussy, but someone else does instead
hopelessly degenerate. you raise a daughter well in order to benefit society, not your own throbbing cock.
>falling for the vaginal jew
furkin oodraw fucked up the color in one of the cells, fixed now.
if you've had some woman problems and want to just be single and do your own thing for a bit fine
if you go full retard and make a movement out of it like mgtow then you're a retarded faggot
its the ultimate paying it forward dude. Assuming you aren't a MGTOW who literally just got such a bad hand MGTOW was his only choice, its like buying someone elses meal in the drive through. If you get into the situation to have a daughter, you should be enjoying a tasty little piece of woman in all her holes. In the words of the blacks "Run that ass into the ground". Now that you have savored those experiences, you get a girl ready to pass on to the next generation.
People make the same argument for having kids "Boo hoo, its a dark world full of pain! it's immoral to have a child being born to suffer and endure such chaos!"
Fuck you, life is on the whole good. You're parents spent countless fucking dollars and time to do what? Pass on the fucking experience.
Are you at all familiar with any female biological imperatives beyond reproduction?
If you were, you'd know that MGTOW is not a jewish invention.
How do I have kids without a vagina to put my penis into?
for the love of motherFUCKing god it changed the goddamn cell color!!!!!!!!!!!
oracle is fucking SHIT!
>I know that our species evolved such that a man and a woman have a child and raise said child together, each in their own way. yes ((they've)) been conditioning weak-willed women to fall for various kinds of kikery so they deny their own biological instincts to settle down and have and raise children, but that doesn't mean the logical reaction is to sperg out and say "man FUCK women, who needs em" like some kinda autistic manchild
Here's some basic logic:
If you marry a woman, your children are almost GUARANTEED to grow up with a single emotional child of a parent.
If you have a surrogate, your child grows up with you and you can raise it right.
And no, female influence is not required. It's desirable, but not required. Male influence is required.
If you're not ready for a relationship you should work on yourself, but starting a happy family is the ultimate way to have pride and happiness.
male sjws
Enjoy fapping to the thought of other men penetrating every single hole in your daughter's body you beta faggot.
see kids, this is how we make memes on Sup Forums in realtime...
You're a delusional if you think one is "better"
both gender are needed to raise a healthy child.
Necessary to protect your freedom. It becomes obsolete once women lose their rights and become desirable housewives again.
Another scheme directed at disintegrating marriage and increasing isolation.
still waiting for the software update on the waifu harem. many is better than two.
I'm a MGTOW.
It's a rational response to modern degeneracy.
Whats normal for the spider is chaos for the fly. The ultimate virtue is to know who YOU are, not what you think you need to do. If i am not meant to be alone than who is for me, but if i am meant to be alone what am I? Many great people feel a burden of responsibility not to a family unit, but to fellow human beings.
I'm involuntarily mgtow because women don't like me, so I just take pleasure in the simple things in life like a quiet sunny afternoon. I want nothing more in this world than to have a nice big family like the ones I used to know from church but that's simply not in the hand I was dealt.
>inb4 some Normie advice about self improvement
Shut the fuck up. I am more attractive than you, make more money than you, am smarter than you, more confident than you, have a higher status job than you, and am fitter than you. Life isn't a video game.
i'm totally taking that 'we can do it' poster and shopping her to be blacked and shooting up heroin.
This is demonstrably incorrect. Children raised within marriage are better off in every single aspect of life. Single parenthood is cancerous.
I agree, but females are all essentially the same: caretakers. You can literally have your mother help you raise your child.
>every single aspect
Any study that involves specifically single fathers? I haven't seen one. I've only seen evidence that single mothers ruin their children. I agree that a child is better off with a female hand, but an emotional child that is a woman is unfit to raise anyone by itself, which I don't think is entirely true for a male.
>a movement
There are very few studies of single fathers, those children do not exactly enjoy benefits over not having mothers either. Mothers are absolutely essential during the first 3 years of a child's life. The rest you could basically pull off as a dad, but you're probably not going to.
Hello there. I am one of the first people to push MGTOW ideas to the world, back in 2011. It was an idea of revolution against unfair marriage, and was successful enough to cause opposition by many people. MRAs never saw that much hatred for a reason.
In about 2014 the movement was in its zenith. I was active in the forums, moderating the mgtowdotcom, then moving to mgtowhqdotcom when infighting begun. And at that point things have started to change and the movement, now controlled by (((them))), started pushing self destructive ideas, like self sterilization, hatred towards women and extreme individualism. By 2016 it had completely changed, and in most hidden groups in kikebook as well as most people pushing though youtube are basically white genocide shills. Now, in 2017, most groups are filled with faggots and Muslims pushing their idealogies, as well as literal faggots claiming that fucking "changed" men is the ultimate red pill.
The movement has been hijacked because it was such a big threat to ZOG.
Google " I Accuse My Parents"
Imagine if two people who were fucked in the head were fucked in the head similarly hooked up fucked and had a kid that was fucked in the head, than that kid who was fucked in the head met someone who was fucked in the head similarly they fucked and had a family of fucked in the head normalizing said head fuckery. The cycle continues until eventual heat death of universe.
This is why I don't take care of my daughter.
>I'm involuntarily mgtow because women don't like me
>I am more attractive than you, make more money than you, am smarter than you, more confident than you, have a higher status job than you, and am fitter than you.
its your personality
have you tried not being a complete douchebag?
If you treat it as a movement or a prescriptive group to join, then you'll fail.
Being better than someone else is OK,
saying you're better than someone else isn't?
Thinking like a woman there.
not quite that simple. you can reverse generational trauma, for one. second, people who are fucked in the head from shitty upbringing tend not to have families nor any proper relationships...
Yes I'm sure I'm an incel because I post e stats on Sup Forums. Go fuck yourself.
>t. roastie
See It already has happened with the advent of gynocentric court systems, men want to have families but are pushed away by the hazards and risks being too high.
Sure have kids but then have them used against you in the courts as a fiduciary cudgel. Hell some of us here HAVE been used by the system for such things.
MGTOW will save the west.
Yes, I saw that post. If you just blindly do a cost-benefit analysis, you are fucking retarded. Relationships are far more complicated than that, you can't just assume that every single marriage will break down and fuck your life. That said, the court system in the US really is fucked up, but it's not like that in most other countries in the world. Hence, why MGTOW is mainly a north american phenomenon.
If you manage to get married with the right woman, it'll be the best thing that will ever happen to you. The problem is in finding that right woman. It really is not that simple.
yea but you forgot something essential : this is the child's mother.
No matter how much you try to rationalize how replaceable the mother is, it will always be something tha will be missed on the child life.
Says the pedophile flag
Father will be missed more. And the fact is, a happy family is no longer possible, so the only choice you have is being a single father or leaving your child to a single mother.
Don't deny reality of the situation, don't ruin your child's life. Choose a lesser evil and raise your child without a roastie.
Or go to a non-white country where marriage is still enforced.
Following whatever study or alglorithm your using ok, but again this depends on outside stimulii to the child shaping its world view and personality. Even if one of the parents ina mareiage is unstable in any way it creates conflict.
Are children who were raised in the presence of unhappily married parents tending to break the cycle? Or go their own way. Im a 31 yo single father my son is fourteen. Admit that even married couples can be bad parents, and this is just as bad if not worse than a sane person raising a child solo.
Run by the trannies, just like feminism.
'Nuclear War' is code for the cultural Marxist crusade against the nuclear family. It's been WW3 since 1945.
Some do, not many though.
For now.
Why do you think assisted procreaton, and surrogate mothers are illegal in our countries?
I'll give you a hint, democracy allows 51% of the population to oppres the remaining 49%, and women are 51% of the voter pool
It's as easy as putting 2 and 2 together
Than by this logic, the many will continue to create unhealthy marriages, unhealthy families and an unhealthy population, because to the many its nornal. The few, will go their own way.
As I said, it's not about wich one will be missed more, it's about a balance. I won't even deny the fact that the father is more important, I just don't care, to raise an healthy children, you need both.
I won't say it's no longer possible, but yea it's defently harder, thanks to our retarded gouvernement that destroy family values.
yea i'll marry my 4 years first bf and we will raise healthy children
No more nor less than damage control.
Like bailing out of a ship that mutined against you
>Even if one of the parents ina mareiage is unstable
which raises the question, why in that situation are you married to an unstable person? The answer: you're not, unless you're fucking mentally ill yourself. Our partners are a reflection of ourselves. Marriage and children are for the emotionally healthy. Fact. The unstable, maladjusted people don't even get married, they just hook up, and date at BEST.
Married couples whose marriages don't work obviously can be bad, but that doesn't remove the fact that married couples whose marriages do work in fact are the best possible circumstance in which to raise a child.
Thank you for this informative comment. I've been watching these videos 3 years now, they opened my eyes but I really think the white race is going to fall. Good thing is most MGTOW dudes are not leftish-comies.
After the fact action and justification for being unable to find a partner for a traditional (or at least the desired type of) relationship. It may be justified or we could call it giving up, but I think it seeks to make a virtue of a necessity.
dichotomy system
>is it a person or an object
If you're not just LARPing as a woman, you are one in 50, and it's literally impossible to tell you apart from the roasties.
You are expecting men to play Russian roulette with their entire lives. Let me put it this way.
A child with both parents is 90% happy and healthy.
A child with a single Dad is 70% happy and healthy.
A child with a single Mom is 20% happy and healthy.
If a man tries to provide both parents for the child, there is over 90% chance that the child will end up with a single mom. It's better to settle for a more-or-less acceptable option than to risk everything to seek perfection.
you know we don't actually give a fuck about saving the west.
if the azn take over, i get yellow pussy and bitches get put in their place.
if the muslims take over, i get a harem and praise allah and bitches get put in their place.
if the west survi- mmm maybe better if it doesn't now that i think about it.
The longer I listen to it, the more it sounds like sexual frustration.
Never in any point of history the majority of the male population has been alphas. If your system only works for alphas then we might as well scrap it right away because it works for only about 20% of the population.
Don't forget the marriage stat.
Children raised by married parents only end up poor in any point in their lives in 2% of the cases. This makes marriage the best protector against poverty and works to maintain the middle class through generations.
It's how new-wave feminism works too. If you're a part of MGTOW you're no better than those scum.
I'm not denying this, but less than 5% of women will not marry for money only to divorce you as soon as she gives birth.
It's like taking a million dollar loan to start a company, even though you are far more likely to lose everything than to get that money back.
With women a chance of success is even lower.
I cant comprehend a movement that literally ends your genetic lineage. Is this like some jim jones type shit? Is there some underlying philosophy you must prescribe to in order to believe that carrying on your genes is absolutely unnecessary? The fuck
MGTOW= I'm taking my marbles and going home.
Understandable, but the AltRight deals with all the MGTOW shenanigans plus a lot of other issues. Most of the MGTOW phenomenon was due to the loss of traditional relationships. The AltRight is all about that stuff without all of the defeatist bullshit.
MGTOW was fine during a time when there was no hope. I figured the white man would get turned into what the niggers are doing in places like detroit without uttering a word of complaint.
Suddenly a flaming homosexual appeared and moved a bunch of guys from anti-feminism into anti-flaming homosexuals amongst other things.
it's like a religion born from pain and disappointment
Are you married with children? Do you have a frame of reference? Ive been down that road as have many in my community with mixed results. Maybe marriage is a sign of mental illness and weakness. What purpose does it serve in modern times? O can have family and not be married. Family is a workin to feed an protect itself. Many families formed clans, than tribes, villages etc. That old proverb it takes a village to raise a child comes to mind. Marriage is dead and we killed it.
The whole feminism mengoinownway thing is a result of the decay of oldworld morals for survival.
In EVERY MGTOW thread you get the same discourse:
1) Inexperienced but horny kiddos think every guy just want to fuck anything that moves and the entirety of social interaction revolves around fucking and MGTOWs are fat autistic virgin neckbeards who can't get laid.
2) Actual MGTOWs who are experienced grown men who are warning about the dangers of women + the state vs you, and how you can be easily taken for all you've got.
3) The "Yes, thats right goy - dont reproduce" jew shills - yes JEW SHILLS. The thing (((they))) want you to do is YES reproduce children to a raving tinder psycho / bar slut who will NEVER grow up and you will be raising her as well as your kids until she bails on you and takes half your shit after dragging you through divorce court.
The jew agenda is NOT to stop whites reproducing, its to produce a WEAKER generation with poor parents so the state can become the new parents. No reproduction means no goy-cows for milking. Why the fuck would (((they))) not want a new generation of tax-slaves? (((They))) own the banking system AND the law courts / judicial process.
(((The agenda))) is all about making money from broken individuals from broken families - NOT stopping reproducing.
MGTOW is redpilled because its men refusing to get fucked over by the jew system - and (((they))) are worried. (((They))) are worried that (((they))) have pushed the feminist "high maintenance woman" meme too far and thought men would become pussyfied slaves to nagging bitches and never thought men would just go their own way.
This is absolute degeneracy at its finest
More like mig-blow
> commie cocksuckers
Pasta Attacks....
In EVERY MGTOW thread you get the same discourse:
1) Inexperienced but horny kiddos think every guy just want to fuck anything that moves and the entirety of social interaction revolves around fucking and MGTOWs are fat autistic virgin neckbeards who can't get laid.
2) Actual MGTOWs who are experienced grown men who are warning about the dangers of women + the state vs you, and how you can be easily taken for all you've got.
3) The "Yes, thats right goy - dont reproduce" jew shills - yes JEW SHILLS. The thing (((they))) want you to do is YES reproduce children to a raving tinder psycho / bar slut who will NEVER grow up and you will be raising her as well as your kids until she bails on you and takes half your shit after dragging you through divorce court.
The jew agenda is NOT to stop whites reproducing, its to produce a WEAKER generation with poor parents so the state can become the new parents. No reproduction means no goy-cows for milking. Why the fuck would (((they))) not want a new generation of tax-slaves? (((They))) own the banking system AND the law courts / judicial process.
(((The agenda))) is all about making money from broken individuals from broken families - NOT stopping reproducing.
MGTOW is redpilled because its men refusing to get fucked over by the jew system - and (((they))) are worried. (((They))) are worried that (((they))) have pushed the feminist "high maintenance woman" meme too far and thought men would become pussyfied slaves to nagging bitches and never thought men would just go their own way.
Less competition.
Let the betas die alone, thinking they're redpilled but actually jew puppets.
You mean the males who never got laid and hide in safe spaces?
Lol, you can make the argument that the oldest institution of them all, designated to emphasize monogamy, is somehow insignificant. Hell, you can even forego the entire thing.
Look at the studies that point out the benefits of marriage. Not only does it make you live longer, happier, healthier, WEALTHIER, but it also makes it less likely for you to break up with your spouse. This is why there's such a tradition as get married before you have kids.
Do you know who do not do that? Niggers. Look how well that's serving them. Marriage serves the purpose of giving you benefits and statistically it will give your offspring more favorable outcomes.
Marriage is dead because of the US court laws. It's not dead in other countries.
Is there anyone who can refute this image? I know it was probably made in jest but I feel like this image perfectly embodies what the (((argument))) against MGTOW is all about.
>It's all about The Money!
I've become very fascinated with the shilling in these MGTOW threads. It's almost robotic in nature. Just stupid shaming language like "hurr durr, you beta cuck, man the fuck up".
So I tell you. Look at the economics. Just how expensive is this "Female Addiction" that men are shaped to have. It's probably the biggest force in our economy. Men are taught from birth that their single purpose in life is to please a woman.
When he finds that female, she starts laying down the list.
>I want a house
>We need a mini van
>How about another pet
>A garden would be nice
>We need to visit mom
>Mom needs a new bathroom
>The kids need clarinet lessons
>We need a new couch
>We don’t we go out more often like other families?
And a man, under the drug trip of soaking wet pussy, will just keep working himself to death and forking over all his wealth. Then he'll get the family into credit card debt and a second mortgage.
Guess who loves that idea??? The fucking manipulative Jew Bankers. They run the banks; Hollywood and everything else. They've got their beaks in all the money flow. We have a debt-backed currency. All “notes” are IOY’s to the Jews.
I ask you. What happens to a man who is no longer addicted to pussy? He finds he can live off a fraction of what he did before. Maybe he gets a camper instead of that 300K home in suburbia. Maybe he watches TV instead of a trip to Cancun. All of a sudden, "White Men"....you know, the fucking ones who "work" in western society and pay taxes....are no longer working much. They only work enough to get by. Enough to buy a pizza and the latest vidya game.
And if I was a Clever Jew, I'd be scared as shit! I would know I lost a bunch of power at that point. No more financial slaves
Your best way to fight (((them))) is through money. Live a modest life.
The Jews manipulate the weak female to manipulate you out of your wealth and resources.
If all mankind had but one leader, he would say that MGTOW is what we all should do for the time being until the system which victimizes us collapses under its own weight.
Yes, I would love to be married, have kids, etc. but to do so under the present regime is outright criminal.
Every guy who gets married is basically voting to not only keep things the way they are but guarantees that things will continue to worsen.
Walking away is the only power we have left. Use it!
Being led by the dick into getting cucked by the system is "degeneracy", mate. It's going your own way from the state.
I'm not against women, I'm just for self-reliance and self-dependence.
I'm for MGTOW generally.