I tend to think the Serbs are among the worst of the worst, absolutely arrogant pieces of shit who love the "We Wuz Rossia Stronk" meme.
Honest discussion : what kind of slavs do you despise the most ?
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choose a more believable proxy next time my ustase friend
balkan niggers desu. northern slavs seem much more intelligent/intellectual
fuck yourself chink nigger. Go mine your data somewhere else
Why was he so cute bros?
Ivan, how is the life in Linz ?
we love taking it up the bum by corrupt politicians and not do anything about it
We need a french revolution up in this bitch
I only like Ukrainians.
Serbs are like Turks or arabs for me.
Chinklets are the worst by far
At least Slavs treat dogos nicely
Lol no. Slavs are basically white niggers who ruin every place they inhabit.
Ukrainians are the worst
The Dinaric kind
t. Muhammad
I think slavs are white, just like the rest of europeans. The people I despise the most are those trying to divide the white people.
We have an naive idealist here. Hitler was more realistic about them.
Northern slavs in Dinaric land
t. Subhuman
Definitely those croats , i met a croat once , you wouldnt believe the faggotry
Love it when foreigners despise me.
i swear to god i want to barf every time i see his face
sigurno si upoznao fredija
Divide and conquer. Sage
Are you jealous because Slav are the only uncucked part of Europe?
Go kiss some migrants leg faggot
>low IQ white niggers
well we dont have niggers raping our women hanz
Easy, the closer to roach land you get the worse they become. So Albania and Romania are among the worst slavs you can find. And because the Albanian ones are muslim its impossible to be more scum. Romanian gypsy slavs are about the same.
he is pretty ugly isn't he, especially with those big nigger lips
Your country has ruined europe twice and its actively trying to do it one more time,hans.
Please stay out of this Ante
As opposed to actual niggers
huh, didnt know i was as tall as him
i guess hes not so bad after all
>it's Germanys fault when a Slavnigger goes we wuz terrorists n shit
>it is Germanys fault when Russia mobilizes first
>it is Germanys fault when Slavniggers kill German population
I get that PIIGS are mad because you are poor but this is your own fault
Dinaric kind are übermensch
Ofc it is your fault you disgusting giant faggot
>eternal Bosniak
Gtfo of our land you fucking peace of human waste.
Mohammad pls
>mad moor lashing out
Topkek, stay poor Pedro
I came to conclusion that tall people can not be bad. it is only insecure manlets that are closer to hell.
195 reporting in
Show your flag
>I had to check it out. And the first time I went, it was indeed outta control. During the day we hit the malls in Zagreb (the capital), and looking around, you're already outnumbered with about a 3-1 girl/guy ratio. The women are gorgeous & fairly tall; most between 5'7" - 6'0". Don't be surprised if a fine azz 6'3" joint rolls up on you either!! The eye-fuckings we received walking around had us gigglin like school kids baka. We didn't get approached in the mall, but once we began a convo with any random woman, their embarassed smiles were enough to let us know how valuable we were.
sure buddy?
Well you are either serb, croat or muslim, so you can be 205 cm you are still subhuman.
Only niggers here are niggers playing basketball and football.
yes because they are exotic here
its white guys everywhere so i can understand women wanting something different, but we also had plenty of """racist"""" controversies like some guys calling jamie foxx a nigger in dubrovnik in his face, beating up nigs if they do something stupid is also not rare
>>I had to check it out. And the first time I went, it was indeed outta control. During the day we hit the malls in Zagreb (the capital), and looking around, you're already outnumbered with about a 3-1 girl/guy ratio. The women are gorgeous & fairly tall; most between 5'7" - 6'0". Don't be surprised if a fine azz 6'3" joint rolls up on you either!! The eye-fuckings we received walking around had us gigglin like school kids baka. We didn't get approached in the mall, but once we began a convo with any random woman, their embarassed smiles were enough to let us know how valuable we were.
I might have a trip there someday.
i'm 183 and feel like a total disgusting subhuman
literally kill me now
Hi there Albanian. How's this Saturday going for ya? Have you prayed to your eherial "ilyrian" god yet?
I know this is a divide and conquer thread but Russians. Retarded, always ruled over by retards, backwards and giving a bad name to other Slavic nations.
jesus christ that cesspit needs to be cleansed with fire, but hey those nigs are mostly richer than your average american nig nog, as long as they leave 100 euro bills were fine
Albanians. They get all the negative sides of slavism plus they are muslim too. Horrible
Holy shit Croats are cucked, meanwhile with Serbs
Pic related
you're an idiot honestly
having a tourist attraction is probably the worst thing you can do to a nation
its not that bad
at least you can fit with your legs in the bus and dont hit your head on doors
being a manlet is literally 800 times worse than being a 2 IQ brainlet
our country in whole is a tourist attraction
you're an idiot if you think that 183 cm is manlet-tier
you've been taking Sup Forums memes way too seriously
>185 cm tall
now thats just propaganda, unless youre like 175cm youre fine
Russians, Ukrainians, Serbs...hard to pick. They;re all asiatic cunts.
>at least you can fit with your legs in the bus and dont hit your head on doors
but i specifically want these things to happen to me
also even midgets don't have enough rooms in buses
nigger i'm an inch bellow average
literally subhuman tier
It appears our superiority has led to some controversy
forgot the image
Bitch please
at least have the meme you stupid gypsy
>when you walk into Zagreb and all the chicks are on your foreign dick
Hitler had the most multicultural army right after U.S (arabs around 200.000,150 000 jews,slavs-Ukrainians, Belarusians and so on I dont know numbers , germans and fuck know who else) He hold jews close , his doctor was jew, the guy who created "gas chambers" was jew, Hitler would bitch slap most of todays nazis. And for me, looking at his actions, wasted oportunites and from what his generals and other people who werent delusional said about him, I'll allow my self to say that Alois Schinkelberg was more of a shill than white race defender. He even wanted Islam in Europe and if Holohoax is bullshit then he was killing christians. WW2 gave birth to what you see today, well it started earlier but WW2 gave jews power absolute(Communism on East, Marshall Plan and U.S police on the West) He fucked us up reaaaaaaaly hard. Not even saying that he cooperetaed with commies , taked cash "from ass" for his war machine and was sending treasures to Swiss banks(owned by jews) or hold them in one place so U.S soldiers would not had problem finding it ( not counting all those treasures that were hided by individuals).
yeah i know
seeing foreigners daily would 100% make want to move out the country
those who lick German boot.
WTF is a Macedonian? Don't tell me you're anything related to the ancient Macedonians and alexander.
now go check the average in macedonia you stupid nigger
serbs are even taller than you and 183 cm would in no way be considered short here
the croat is correct basically
your country is a meme Ipche
also pic
This kills the Albanian
diasporafags of any kind.
they're usually nigh-illiterate, drug abusing, gib digging niggers too incompetent to find work at home.
Unless they have a college degree, then they're pretty much civilized people, but may have an addiction of some sort to cope with stress.
cabbage niggers all look alike
>wanting gypsies and albanians to off set the average
nigger i want to compare myself to actual white people
>shrink every 10 years
ok Ljubane
all you need to know
Out the way nigger, blonde hair ,Green eye, 195cm tall half Serb Half Macedonian master race coming through
Nikola Tesla was pure Dinaric, faggot.
diaspora need to be murdered
while we are on the subject
Well look at IQ charts first, and use different, dont take information from one site. Also dont give me this " your economy is weak becouse you have low IQ", our economy isnt strong becouse we dont suck globalists cocks and let them do flood us with different civilization that as one jew said "are easier to control". Good luck
>implying this is a bad thing
stay assmad elvis
hate us cause u aint us
what even are alboniggers and kosovars
are they turks or arabs or something?
>brainlets taking the bait
every single time
yeah and you're not short compared to actual white people
you should get off Sup Forums for a while
Fucking lol...at least you're honest.
you call those 2 pity (You)s a good bait
fucking pathetic
>tfw modern day Croatia was once inhabited by ancient proto-irish and shiptars
>Hitler had the most multicultural army right after U.S (arabs around 200.000,150 000 jews,slavs-Ukrainians, Belarusians and so on I dont know numbers , germans and fuck know who else) He hold jews close , his doctor was jew, the guy who created "gas chambers" was jew, Hitler would bitch slap most of todays nazis. And for me, looking at his actions, wasted oportunites and from what his generals and other people who werent delusional said about him, I'll allow my self to say that Alois Schinkelberg was more of a shill than white race defender. He even wanted Islam in Europe and if Holohoax is bullshit then he was killing christians. WW2 gave birth to what you see today, well it started earlier but WW2 gave jews power absolute(Communism on East, Marshall Plan and U.S police on the West) He fucked us up reaaaaaaaly hard. Not even saying that he cooperetaed with commies , taked cash "from ass" for his war machine and was sending treasures to Swiss banks(owned by jews) or hold them in one place so U.S soldiers would not had problem finding it ( not counting all those treasures that were hided by individuals).
Poland, Plz
Squatting adidas slavs are the worst. They are the reason communism doesn't work.
Natives to Balkan mixed heavily with African tribes migrated to area by Ottomans.
They are unironicaly the only Turk rape babies on the Balkan.
but i'm above average by a minuscule amount
so i'm basically bellow average because i don't tower over people
it's science
we squat because public drinking doesn't usually come with seating
montenegrins mogs all people in the world
why did they not kill their rapebabies like civilized slavs?
yeah that would be you if you were like less than 165 cm tall
either that or that woman is like 2 m tall