What's the solution to armed antifa challenging our violent and offensive views?
I can't go to any more rallies as long as antifa keep intimidating me
What's the solution to armed antifa challenging our violent and offensive views?
I can't go to any more rallies as long as antifa keep intimidating me
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That is a shop right? No person with such narrow shoulders and access to a gun would have shot themselves already right?
Haha there's no way that can be real ahahahaha
whaty wron with his body? He has female body shape
he looks so ashamed he brought his shemagh to the party
That's the consequences of noliftitis
Dress like AntiFa. Stand next to him. Taser at opportune moment. Take gun. Walk to opposite side.
>challenging our violent and offensive views?
is that fucking corey feldman
are you colour blind?
got a big head like a Peanuts or South Park character
>artificial light from some crappy 60w warm colored lightbulb vs natural light
>violent and offensive views
You what cunt?
>/nu/pol can't into obviously shopped images
still can't tell black from white... oh sorry, didn't see the flag, carry on burger
Why is his head so big?
Never hearda bait, son?
They are getting pretty scary. Like Bolsheviks.
Just have a t-shirt that reads "hands up, don't shoot", and shout it near anyone armed. They are so heavily conditioned they will drop all actions, and chant with you with arms raised. Then it's imply a matter of pumping a few rounds into their exposed chest.
Is that even a human?
Ask them if they plan on shooting up a school. Or if you can join their Dylan Roof fanclub.
Patton Oswalt looks creepier every time I see him.
I fucking live for the day when drone footage of a weekend-warrior antifa squad, being torn to absolute shit, leaks onto the web.
Looks more like a real life Bobby Hill.
Fucking brings tears to my eyes. God bless America.
yeah it's a shoop. look at the hair.
The two masks are different.
The one being held in the larger picture is a Israeli civil defence mask that is distributed to every citizen for emergencies and gas attacks. They're extremely common, and you can buy them for as low as $5 on eBay (even though most of them are sold for $20+)
The mask in the smaller picture is more than likely Russian, the mask has external eyepieces where the Israeli one has the eyepieces recessed. The filter connector and exhale port are also different. It's probably a variant of the GP-5, more than likely a later model since most Soviet masks used a stretch fit rather than straps, and a stretch fit would cover pretty much all hair.
>Man those moderate Muslims were right there to help that poor man after he accidentally fell off of that roof. Lucky for him they're all doctor's and lowyers he's going to need all of the help he can get after a spill like that.
I don't think its right, these ANTIFA guys using the differently-abled in an attempt to project strength. I mean just look at this precious snowflake, he's very clearly confused.
>our violent and offensive views?
fuck off shill
Looks like his head was transplanted from a much larger body. Furthermore, what's with White people wearing those scarves like they're a Navy SEAL Afghanistan?
I can't tell the difference anymore when a thing like this actually exists and isn't a shop
'violent views', 'violent speech'
How do people not realize the basically Orwellian nature of these phrases
what's wrong with his fucking head HAHAHAAHAH :D
The scarf shows his solidarity with the Palestinian people; but only until they throw him off a large,solid wall for being a sodomite.
>What's the solution to armed antifa challenging our violent and offensive views?
maqsh3csot4l7svq [dot] thatveggiethatmakesyoucry
Because 1984 was about how people should trust their governments
I ain't opening that shit
tfw the twig 5 feet in front of you shoots at you 5 times with a shotgun and misses
How is it working in shareblue, man? Must be so cool.
>implying you even know how to
Just let police handle it.
holy fuck is that thing punchable
The recoil would likely break his feeble arm
I thought leftists hated guns?
Must say the black dude is the only okish looking. Maybe the cheerleader effect tho...
But he reminds me of these guys. Has some jungle style.
>Scrawny little arms.
>Firing from the hip.
>Trying to look tough for the camera.
I meant the one on the right.
What in the fuck is that creature. It should blow it's brains out with that cheap ass shotgun.
Mad max boy couldn't even afford a pair of flip flops
Holy fuck not only did he bring a bow he brought fucking blunt practice arrows you shoot at camp.
>Implying the American right wing isn't better armed and trained than the left
why is his head so small?
lol the second one from the left wearing a t-shirt with a confederate flag, I highly doubt these niggas even have a clue what it stands for. The with the wdding dress, you can't make it up, only niggs would wear that.
Antifa needs to learn how to have a proper neck.
First there was Poz Dispenser, now this guy.
Just have a normal neck, it's easy
They are living the dream man. Drug crazed child soilders. They don't give a fuck about anything.
Still they are more valuable members of society than these antifa fags in my opinion.
Can someone post the picture of All 4 of them unobstructed?
That lvl 20 elf isn't wearing shoes.
So he can sneak through the woods and feel as one with nature and the forest spirit.
Why does this retard have the strap around his neck kinda tight? Imagine If shoots at someone and accidentally neck himself.kek
he must stay in contact with the earth in order to harness its power.
Might be FtM. Even with test of not given during puberty your bone structure will stay the same.
Wait. That wasnt a shoop? Holy fuck.
Does that guy have a massive head, or a tiny body?
Really pickles my pecan.
I use Tor on a regular basis, and opening up strange onion links is just retarded
why does his head look so fucking gigantic
>Stevens Shotgun
I think we'll be alright guys
We're gonna see a Black Bloc turn right orange.
Bring ya marshmallows, nigga.
That motherfucker is in public with an AR15 and has his fucking hand in his pocket.
Get your fucking hands out of your pocket you fucking mouth breather!
Top is a GP-5, bottom looks like an Israeli piece of junk, faglord.
Tiny manlet stick frame
because it is photoshopped you fucking moron
pls for the love of fucking god just tell me where this has happened at either no one knows or no one is saying I have been up 36 fucking hours and cant think anymore please just please fucking tell me
Where is this?
I could kill that guy with 1 hand lmao
Bless that guy. They brought their weapons and thus they have to politely tolerate their mortal enemy mocking their motto.
Besides, i bet half of them have never used their weapons at all, and all the right wing men are simply concealed carrying so they don't attract unwanted attention.
Is this a lazy shill or a Sup Forumsack making a joke?
topkek the head is shopped r-right?
has the fat face of john goodman with the body of a little twink.
Looks like a savage 320. Walmart tier shotgun. It will kill your ass but it shows that he is not really serious or knowledgeable about guns. He brought a 150 dollar shotgun.
KEK'd everytime is saw how far the recoil made him move off target... so close, using shotgun, still misses...
I mean, he is a total fag. But he does have a shotgun.
arming ourselves. these people, these leftist fuckwads are psychotic, and they are armed to the teeth.
A firing solution, perhaps
>lol the second one from the left wearing a t-shirt with a confederate flag
Lots of shirts that fail to sell end up being sold in the 3rd world. T-shirt companies print up stock of both teams before a championship game with both styles saying they won the championship. Instead of trashing the shirts for the team that lost they just sell them in the 3rd world.
The bears have only won a single super bowl in 1986.
That retarded confederate flag shirt probably failed to sell and the overstock got sent to Africa. The guy wearing it has no clue what it means and just thinks the skeleton looks cool