Women have 'quarter of brain' says Al Saud grandson (a very good friend of Trump)
he ain't wrong what are you islamaphobic ?
or are you a woman ?
OP must be a woman with a quarter of the brain power.
gibz pucci
is he taking it to the bin?
Wtf, I'm Islam now
I can see why the left are so permissive of Islam in Western countries. Global Wahhabism really is what the human race should be working towards. If if some soft faggot version of Islam tries to weaken our people, we'll quickly remove their heads.
is that laurence
>he doesn't open knife bins to get free knives.
What did you say faggot?
I said OP must be a woman with a quarter of the brain power, Can't you read stupid ?
Oh shit that was a HUGE MISTAKE
Kushner will want to sell them a trillions in arms next year.
Don't be so islamophobic op
But that's true.
He is not wrong, pic related
wtf I like muslims now
The people in power hate natural women. Trannies, lesbians, homosexuals. Satan's army.
Got a better source on this study?
Man i am slowly starting to beleive in theناقصات عقل و دين saying.
He wasn't his grandson you fuckin faggot.+ he was fired from his job and there is a shitstorm from the whole thing.
psych stud here, can confirm its true
you might aswell google it