Brit/pol/ - The Next PM edition

>Mummy may backtracks on Brexit, FIVE MORE YEARS

>Ahmed Hassan charged with 'attempted murder' over tube bombing

>Theresa May to warn tech firms over terror content

>Parsons Green bombing: Two more arrested over Tube attack

>Owen Goes Full Brent

>Theresa May visits Canada for post-Brexit trade talks

>Theresa May to offer EU £30billion in 'divorce payment'

>Govt to 'put pressure' on technology giants over terror

>Year of terror: Timeline of ISIS attacks in Great Britain

>Brexit fuels smuggling fears on the Irish border

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nani nani, why are the brits so ugly?

It's a good thing brexit will fail.

It shines a light on the true nature of the EU and will lead to its demise

really dissapointed with the trudeau/may meeting.

I'm sorry he's such a loser you guys. i wish we had someone better for her to talk with.

well at least he looks much better and doesn't have horse teeth.

Just donated some spunk lads

Tell me about vince, Why does he wear the hat?

>Rees-Mogg: "Free movement must END"


he's a ditz with ruinous policies. hopefully scheer will be in place when you send mogg over.

so ugly

Farage was right. She was never for Brexit in the first place and all of this is a way of simply ignoring the vote. Don't the Tories realise this will see them drop-out of power for a long, long time if they shit all over the Brexit vote and ignore it? We need Boris in charge hate to say

>tfw brits had some of the best cuisine in Europe till Hannover Monarchs set the trend for shit bland food

Just say NO when responding to the cancer that is the animeposter.

Just say NO when responding to the shitstains that are the tripcunts.

Only YOU can save Brit/pol/ from the maggots feasting upon its carcass. They have destroyed our favourite thread. But fear not, together we can rise up and reclaim our blessed home.

Save Brit/pol/

Trudeu is less cucked than the supposed "conservative" (LOL) British government though.

your pic is related

This here is what is largely wrong with politics when elections turn into the X Factor

All you need to know:

nobody cares about your socialist infested shit hole bong.

the only people who hold your country in high regard are people whose average salary is like $2,000 a year in Africa.

it's not feasting on the carcass, it's more like dancing on the grave

Our women yes, but there's still plenty of good looking males like me

good post.

My mate was saying you get £35 a donation.

35 quid.

For a wank.

For a wank.

Is it true? How much dosh have you made from it?

Are you going to be hounded by spawn in the future?

if you don't have the discipline to take care of yourself (like fix your teeth or not have greasy hair and exercise), you don't have the discipline to lead a country.

alright lads
anyone know a decent bank?
im looking to move away from my corporate overlords and am trying to find a bank which isn't so amoral, which doesn't fuck around too much. not a meme bank with no security.
I just want muh debit account and none of the other cuntage

A wank bank?

Agricultural Bank of China. That's who I use.

Depends on the place mate usualy around £10-35 a visit and you usually have to make at least 10 visits to a bank.

And no, you are fully protected by law and not liable financially or otherwise if done through a gov't approved bank.

I got around 300 so far for 15 visits

England is not dead until the last Englishman dies fighting for his home.
If we do not save the country, the future will consist of a mulatto twerking on the ruins of our civilisation. Forever.

Unlike RICE, the food of gods!

Who is this weeaboo bounder, lads?

>t. wearing a suit is a substitute for morals

Yorkshire bank
They're owned by an australian group who don't get involved with investment banking,
Credit crunch barely touched them

The Co-Op

he's a leaf.

if you're socialist government doesn't ban them (like Uber)), try a credit union or online bank like capital one.

Lads what do we all think of the spectator?

I got a trial subscription as I really liked some of the articles I had seen referenced but after a couple months of reading it mostly seems to be pretentious wank and fawning over the theatre which no one under 60 cares about. Or worse, nogs in the theatre.

Can you recommend a different journal of opinion?

Is the spectator just going through a particularly wanky phase?


Are you so incapable of addressing my points, that you have to make up what I say in order to refute it? Sad.

why not just end it all, lad?

but take out a few muslims first (like your Mayor for example), before you go.

Shieeet. My sperm is precious and I take a joy from not fapping but my genes are too good to not be propagated on the largest scale possible desu, I think they would be popular too as I'm scandi looking and I know in Israel at least they imported Danish sperm at the highest rate. Wonder if the wimminz asked would ask for their money back if all their kids turned out slightly spergy jej.

>top 0.07% introversion
>top 0.5% ego inflation
>top 0.03% social discomfort

the results are in
i'm retarded

Maybe they don't care, the single market will be safe under Corbyn's leadership.

>nordic looking

They only import from Denmark because of UK laws

end your subscription NAO.

just use the net retard

Cable statement on the speech, pic related

Who else didn't know that our credit rating was downgraded?

That picture is unnerving lad.

>hard brexit doesn't sound evil enough so now it's an extreme brexit

21 today guys, is it all downhill from here?

Atleast you are in the right place online. You will meet many new friends in a wide range of autism on this board. Watch out for the bipolar nazis that are on their genocidal menopausal episode though, they can get tricky to deal with. Just remember to treat them all, including yourself as a mentally challenged third grader, and it will all be fine.

No, it starts to go downhill after 25.

>hurr durr dey hate us
>dey trying to keep the british man down
>ignore the math, fuck number, fuck the fact that it's a firm from the US
>the european man is keeping us down

god, you sound like niggers.

but it's probably a good thing though, means nobody will lend you money for your socialist bullshit, so said socialist bullshit (like the NHS for example) will have to go bankrupt or be privatized.


thank you
it very much does feel homely here.


T. Racist brexit extremist

"See the right has extremists too! Better let achmed buy some more fertilizer."


I enjoy their political analysis, tend to just go for the spectator podcast along with the 'coffee house shots' one to save myself from the wank in the magazine

why? is there anything I can do to prepare besides kill myself?

S-shut up!

Suspicions that Spectator is most brit/pol/ publication confirmed by deez joocy quads

best bday gift ever desu

If you have a vagina maybe.

Why are there so many larpflags here today? Is it reddit? Leftypol? Just our usual faggots?

Oh well looks like I'm keeping the subscription now. It's not the money but those quads cannot be denied.

First for redpilled chocolate excellence.

>Yorkshire bank
First time buyer mortgages from only 5% deposit and £250 cashback at mortgage drawdown.

I don't want to support the unresponsible hyperinflation of the property market

corporate only jej

will look into...

you can't spell your*, please unsheath your flag and prepare to duel

Do your research, the NHS is no longer legally N [ational] according to the WHO
git fucked m8

are any of those bitcoin debit cards decent? i looked intot them before,but now they've had some time to develop

Fuck I just tried it, tastes like shit :(((

a Welshman, a closet homo and a Turk.

GET IN HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Bitcoin friendly
2. Good debit card with contactless
3. Fuck you that's why

Think ISIS, think Brexit

I reckon it's the best read and least sensational of the classic papers with good insight and analysis. The comments are pretty redpilled too. (((Nick Cohen))) writes the kind of articles you'd expect from him for them sometimes but in can be nice to see a variance in opinion and he normally gets dismantled in the comments. I'd have a sub if I had disposable income. Wank bank here I come!

I used to have an Xapo card, stopped using it cause the fees were shit.

There is nothing really you can do to prepare, just make the most of the time you have left. As for the reason why, well it's hard to explain concisely but basically you change and not for the better. You start to feel the "dripping" of time more acutely as you perceive it escaping you, at a disturbing faster rate.


what the fuck is wrong with your tongue?
i bet you enslaved it to the jew and now can't even taste the true food of patricians

off to kurdistan lads, see you in a year

(((((dark))))) chocolate

Have you ever tried 90% cocoa chocolate?
i've only ever had 70% before which i like... but there's a massive difference with this. there is no sweetness left.


enjoy being arrested on the way back

Nobody eats that shit because they actually prefer the taste to ordinary milk or dark chocolates. I know two people who eat that one trillion percent cocoa shite, and they both do it because it is supposedly good for your heart. It objectively tastes like arseholes no matter where you grew up.

>Not being bitter Choccy master race

may fucking with brexit might actually make moggy a valid candidate for tory leadership tee bee aich lads

how should I feel about this

90% best chocolate, try Lindt 90%


Mogg doesn't want to be PM.

>fidor bank
>Free first 3 withdrawals then 1GBP per withdrawal at ATM
no ty

also it looks like a massive facebook shill operation
>The principle is simple: The more likes Fidor UK receives on Facebook, the higher the interest rate on the Fidor Smart Current Account balance will be!

interesting though.

that's the worry, transaction costs. some are very competitive, although with youn internet companies, you can never be sure they'll make it to the 3 year mark.
furthermore with a BTC debit card, you could be walking round with £500 at 8am and £450 (or £550) at the end of the day. gotta make sure the account flexes with BTC price

when's the vote in iraq for independent kurdistan?

yeah. i frankly prefer 85% but i prefer 90% to 70%
tastes change to habit

this, cast your seed wide user

m8 did you even see the pic


lol care to elaborate?

>Why are there so many larpflags here today? Is it reddit? Leftypol? Just our usual faggots?
If only you knew the sad truth user. I wish I could unsee it.

dark>white>milk chocolate
feel free to disagree, but just know that you're both incorrect and a severe mental deviant.

Aft'noon mates

>British cuisine is shit
I love me some bland British food though.

It's difficult to know how things will go. There are enough Tory Brexiters to get a leadership challenge (48 MPs are needed) but it would take months to go to a leadership vote and there would be clamour for another general election.

Will the Tory Brexiters wait for May to sign us up to a bad deal or cause an uproar with a leadership challenge that would probably force us into no deal. No deal is what leavers want, but it's also electoral suicide. A bad deal is perhaps an even worse form of electoral suicide. The Tories are utterly fucked.

Real horrorshow post my good chelloveck

Looks right to me.

it tastes like shit

Just starting watching it for 5th or 6th time.