Sup Forums will defend this
Sup Forums will defend this
whats your point
I wish people cared for farm animals 1/100 as much as they do for dogs.
Because the "Support"-number equals whitey.
Maybe the site is mainly used by big buff blackos who like dogs, then the news are like
>"hah! look at this ray sis! black people are good with animals, really shows how good-hearted those savages are, huh?"
its not my fault your mom got divorced
BLM niggers need to GTFO
Dogs are useful and loyal.
Niggers are neither.
A puppy is more worth than 1 million niggers
>genocide against African people in the United States
The very existence of so many millions of niggers in the United States to this day disproves this claim.
When's the last time a white woman was raped and murdered by dogs?
You can train dogs to do useful work
the difference is that dogs are actually being killed in china and there isn't actually being commited a genocide against blacks lol.. now whites on the other hand
Maybe I'll start caring when they do.
Probably not though.
No niggers.
dogs are loyal and friendly animals, part of our family
niggers on the other hand are destructive beasts who rape and kill
:/ fuck off memeflag
Dogs didn't steal my bike
most dogs are loyal and great companions. the average nigger is a subhuman piece of shit that will rape your wife, beat and rob you, and in general wil live off welfare while selling drugs so the god damn useless nigger lives like a nigger king
i advocate slitting every niggers throat while saving all doggos
You damn straight I do.
dogs are better than black people
whats your point
If you are black and live in america you get free housing, free food, free clothing, free phones, privileged access to jobs, privileged access to education.
and how many africans signed that petition?
also what was the marketing and outreach like on these campaigns? of those people who signed to save the africans there was probably about 2800 white people, ie most.
also, we don't expect the un to stop doing whatever its doing. we don't expect the chinese to stop either. be we like to point out to the chinese that their dog eating is savage and disgusting and we like to rub their little yellow noses in that.
the lesson here is that white people like telling yellow people that they should be more like white people. because maybe they should
The difficult question is, do you care more about black or a pitbull?
Dogs won't stab me for 10$.
Doggos >>>>>>> Niggers
It does actually, it's well known that subhumans hate dogs.
>dogs can do cool shit
>niggers can´t
what is there to defend?
Of course I care more for dogs than for blacks.
>whites support cuddly cute friends over eternally bitter feral apes
The reasoning is obvious.
There is no genocide of African Americans in America, you're killing your own people at a breakneck pace. Nothing to do with white people.
You really should just round up as many of your kin as possible and go back to Africa.
You can just say you like doggos more than nigs leaf. Everyone knows it's true. Just embrace it.
dogs >>>>>>>>>>> niggers
Perhaps using the word genociding is a little hyperbole.
If there was a genocide of blacks in america, whites would have no incentive to stop it. What do blacks contribute aside from 50% violent crime, all interracial rape and welfare leeching?
Dogs don't bite the hand that feeds them. So black are objectively inferior to dogs.
democrats run the cities
democrats do nothing about the crime and gang violence of blacks killing each other fast as fuck
democrats love abortion clinics
democrats put 80% of abortion clinics in black areas
that is the true black genocide,not some tiny amount of thug niggers being shot for running from cops
and you know the funny thing?
that is why we dont care,not only are they a blight on the west but they are dumb enough to vote for their own hardship like dumb antique farm equipment that they are lol
Exactly this. They must confuse with the natives.
>considering niggers people
>people not caring about violent, self-destructive, lying animals
What a surprise. Take your shit thread and yourself to Africa and starve there.
dogs > niggers
Everyone knows this
Came to post something similar. If white men were raping over 10,000 black women a year there would be endless news coverage. We're cucked worse than an englishman in Rotherham.
best post
I actually do
If I saw someone really beating a dog Id intervene, I see niggers beating each other all the time and ignore them
If we wanted to genocide niggers in the US, they’d all be gone. Instead we feed, house, educate, and ultimately put them in prison. Rinse and repeat for ever.
With patience and hard work, a bad dog can be trained to be reliable and good again. Nogs, not so much.
One protects us from savages and the others are savages killing us in the street while the media vilifies us for existing.
Imagine my shock
Whats the problem here? Also are you just gonna assume all the supporters are white? Im sure theres alot of you kangz out there that dont take animal cruelty too kindly.
On one hand you have an animal who would love you no matter what while on the other you have an ape that would rob you, rape you and kill you. Its no surprise really
dogs have been whites companions for millennia, of course we like dogs more than niggers. it's in our biology.
Sorry its only 4.3 million signatures.
Fuck off to Africa. Simple as that.
The person who made this image is incredibly racist. Why would internet petitions say anything about white people? Does the creator imply that black people are too stupid to use the internet and sign petitions? Fucking bigot.
Woah....Why we should defend this? You and this what you show its just another offspring communism and marxists.
Doggo is best.
All they ask for is love
Dogs don't like black people.
One's fictional and one isn't.
Dogs are move human than most niggers
dogs also fulfull a wide range of useful roles, they are very benificial as police dogs and sniffer dogs aswell as guide dogs, but blacks are only good for looting, stealing and leeching welfare money off of the white tax payer
for the most part, they are too stupid though. the niggers that do use the internet are too busy being sassy niggers on #niggertwitter to worry about any petitions
I know but I'm trying to argue against lefties by using their own framework. "Niggers are too stupid to properly use the internet" is something we believe, they don't.
Dogs don't go out of their way to treat others like shit. Dogs don't ruin education for everyone else. Dogs don't blast shitty music all day. They will sit on the porch and do nothing when they get old though.
no, i like people more. if i gave a shit about petitions i'd sign both of them though since i do quite like doggos. i see problems with niggs, i'm not blind to that. but i think niggs can improve. and even if they couldn't, they're still human, and a lot of them as individuals are fine. they be all like doctors and shit sometimes. i'd rather see healthy niggs then dead niggs.
because i'm a classy gentleman light racist
Dont see the problem
Not to mention that blacks never domesticated ANY animals for their own use.
Yeah, I have antipathy towards blacks and most humans generally. I on the other hand have great affection towards animals.
"Do you know that your Führer is a vegetarian, and that he does not eat meat because of his general attitude toward life and his love for the world of animals? Do you know that your Führer is an exemplary friend of animals, and even as a chancellor, he is not separated from the animals he has kept for years?...The Führer is an ardent opponent of any torture of animals, in particular vivisection, and has declared to terminate those conditions...thus fulfilling his role as the savior of animals, from continuous and nameless torments and pain. ”
— Neugeist/Die Weisse Fahne (contemporaneous pro-Nazi magazine)
"Albert Speer (in his memoirs, Inside the Third Reich)—noting that Hitler used vivid and gruesome descriptions of animal suffering and slaughter at the dinner table to try to dissuade his colleagues from eating meat."
" Alexander Cockburn writes:
Nazi leaders were noted for love of their pets and for certain animals, notably apex predators like the wolf and the lion. Hitler, a vegetarian and hater of hunting, adored dogs and spent some of his final hours in the company of Blondi, whom he would take for walks outside the bunker at some danger to himself. He had a particular enthusiasm for birds and most of all for wolves. [...] Goebbels said, famously, ‘The only real friend one has in the end is the dog. . . The more I get to know the human species, the more I care for my Benno.’ Goebbels also agreed with Hitler that ‘meat eating is a perversion in our human nature,’ and that Christianity was a ‘symptom of decay’, since it did not urge vegetarianism. [...] On the one hand, monsters of cruelty towards their fellow humans; on the other, kind to animals and zealous in their interest."
Meatcucks are degenerate kikes.
They did, hell, they even sold those to Arabs and Whites.
>white people care more about dogs
>than about black people
FTFY illiterate retard
Lrn2english fgt pls
One is a real thing.
The other is bullshit.
Guess which is which?
Here's a hint.
They eat dogs in china
I dont give a shit about human's life.
I do which is why I insist on not eating Halal, That shit is terrible.
And we also care more about cats than rats, so what? Some animals are just more valuable to us than others, deal with it.
You see, the Yulin dog meat eating festival is a real thing that happens.
There is no black genocide in America, that has to be the most outrageous clame ever. There is a white genocide in south Africa though.
Of course we do. Dogs are (white) mans best friend, niggers are just farm equipment.
No, you don"t really want what you call the cattle to awaken because of too much pampering.
>Petition on Crime of Genocide against African people
If they keep on crying, I hope we will give them something to cry about.
oh shit no i take it back
i thought it was a petition to end un crimes against africa. i didn't actually read it.
now i see its a petition to end violence against blacks in america. and i'm sorry thats just not a problem. blacks kills way more whites, and blacks, by far. so yeah.
How do they know only white people voted to end the dog massacre. Are they admitting that only white people care about animals?
>something that is actually happening
>something that isn't actually happening
Im a black and I care more qbout dogs than whit e women.
and what ?
> Sup Forums will defend this
We will actually
that's rich, coming from the progenitor of kosher slaughter
Fuck that's cute
Last i checked, blacks commit 5000000% more crime than dogs and having pets has very little impact on property values compared to blacks.
One’s real, the other’s not.
Dumb Leaf.
Dogs in my daily life: net positive
Blacks in my daily life: net negative
Simple as that.
I care more about the trees than blacks too and I'm not ashamed AT all about it.
>I'm a nogg
Kek you should care about the dog because chances are it's trying to eat your ass up for trespassing trying to gibsmedat white woman you don't care about
I mean, obviously if you raise a stupid poll you'll only get a few signatories, there is no genocide and if there were it wouldn't be through sporadic shooting of men, it'd be through studied and complete elimination of all black people concentrating on women as the reproductive bottleneck.
Also, you know, dogs are cool. If Islam ever got too popular in the UK and they started campaigning for either the dogs going or the pakis going, the UK would choose the dogs.
Dogs are mans best friend. Blacks are not.
Black people are human beings. Why do white folks care for animals more than their fellow humans? Are y'all psychopaths or something
>get rid of dogs compared to Pakis
Damn you really need to help your countrymen get their heads out of their asses if they use that piss poor logic
Do I need to make a statistic comparison between crime stats of niggers compared to dogs?
Dogs won't rob me and rape my sister.
Or maybe dog eating is something that's actually happening?
Imagine a world where instead of calling niggers black people, we just called them blacks.
Imagine a world where instead of calling puppers dogs, we just called them dog people.
Black people are parasites.
Actually showing less concern for animals typically is correlated to psychopathy. So the other way around bong. Besides, animals can't defend themselves. Although they act like animals, niggers in some cases can in fact defend themselves