Can we talk about how fucking OP our military is? I mean, no one else can even compare.
American Military Might
>A plane brought the country to its knees
Swedish Defence Force
pic related
I mean holy mother of God we have some crazy military strength.
Pic related is a United States Marine in its natural habitat.
Please open your anus.
you guys never even conquered a bunch of mountain goat herders...
Umm, you mean we toppled the ruling regime in 5 days and left the remaining country so fucked that it split into rebellious tribes?
Was thinking about sortie rates last night, and how long it would take to reduce the North Korean artillery on the DMZ. There are 96 fighter aircraft in Japan, another 72 or so in South Korea, plus whatever bombers happen to be stationed in Guam at the moment. Plus the fifty or so fighters on the USS Ronald Reagan in the Sea of Japan.
If the fighters in Japan use JASSMs against fixed targets they can have a pretty ridiculous sortie rate as they don't have to fly very far before weapons release. They could probably do 4-5 sorties a day for a while before pilot fatigue and maintenance issues started mounting. The fighters in SK would have a lower rate as they'd have to deal with air defenses and would be doing close air support instead of attacks against fixed targets. Say 2-3 sorties per day. A Nimitz class carrier is expected to be able to pull 200 sorties per day for five days as a 'surge' before drastically reducing that rate as pilot fatigue, maintenance, and depleted magazines become a problem. Bombers out of Guam have a long way to fly, but there are shitloads of bombers that can just be put in rotation so they can keep up their sortie rate pretty much constant.
Also we'd have to consider MLRS systems in South Korea which now have the GPS guided rockets. They can move, blow their wad, and then go to the rear to reload pretty much constantly. Crews can sleep when they're dead.
Biggest limitation is going to be intelligence: finding targets in a timely fashion and getting the target information to a weapons platform as fast as possible so it can be destroyed before it moves. That is going to be one chaotic communications network. They'll probably have to fall back to civilian phone systems to keep the information flowing.
the western world didn't try to conquer them, we tried dragging them kicking and screaming into something that would pass as civilized.
it didn't work, not through lack of trying, but because mountain goat herders are about as smart as the goats themselves.
Deconfliction is also going to be a fucking nightmare. That's a lot of aircraft and missiles and shit flying all over the god damned place, plus all the airlift bringing in more troops, equipment, and most importantly ammo. The guys over there are going to be blowing through heavy munitions like its nothing. Hundreds and hundreds of tons of munitions a day. Gotta keep them topped up from the states so that's a lot of heavy airlift moving ammo. Probably have to contract civvie planes to bring the stuff into Japan to free up the military aircraft for theatre use.
Pfft. We pulled out because the media(coughUSSRcough) turned the public against it.
Ask most people if we won the Tet Offensive, and they'll say 1) no, and 2) it was the turning point of the war or so.e bullshit. But neither of those are true.
We didn't lose against Viet Conf. We lost to Soviet propaganda.
But, it taught us how to Afghanistan, so thanks, Ivan.
And then we forgot that lesson, thanks W.
It's going to be a textbook example of modern warfare. Pre-designated targets are picked off while special forces swoop in under cover to nab the leaders to cause unconditional surrender.
The country will be united again and K-Pop will increase.
>using cans when you got choppers and a hmg nearby
Well, what makes it different from more recent conflicts (namely the second Iraq invasion) is that we're not going to be on the offensive here. The opening weeks of the war are going to be purely defensive as we try to eliminate the Nork artillery and deal with their armored thrust and tunnel infiltration. In Iraq we could set the timing and tempo of any action. We chose when to strike and where. That's not going to be the case now as the more we delay the more South Koreans die and the more losses we take. North Korea has a very large SCUD and FROG force that is going to be mostly aimed at American forces, not South Korean. Speed is going to be of the essence in the first days to minimize losses and set the stage for the inevitable counter-attack and end of the regime.
Even when you have the best military tech available and the most equipment in the world you cant even defeat goat fuckers with aks.
We did better than anyone else would have
Fuck an autocorrect
the biggest threat to the military is congress and their inability to give us an adequate and predictable budget.
But thats all you have.
You have no culture, no style, no collective intellect.
All you offer the world is brute force and ignorance.
This is the fate of all women in the military
As we all know you guys spend more on military than the next 10 nations combined. It is the stated policy of your government that you will allow no military competitors, so none of us even try.
This is why everyone outside the US was so amused when trump spent all that time ranting about the allies getting a free ride. You can't have it both ways.
As if we give a fuck
Keeb telling yourselves that lol
The difference here is that we're not going to be trying to minimize casualties on the other side. We're not going to give a single sloppy fuck about dead North Koreans. We're going to want to kill as many of them as fast as humanly possible and if some of them turn out to be civilians whoop-de-doo.
This will look more like the Gulf War than Afghanistan. Highway of Death not durka-durks whinging about mosques getting bombed.
Remember: the goal is to drop as many bombs as fast as possible. Maximum application of firepower. Collateral damage isn't really going to be considered. Stopping the Nork artillery and strategic rocket forces takes priority.
Another thread celebrating military welfare queens..
Stock standard response of a playground buffoon
Except starving rice farmers
And four sand monkeys with pen knives
Or one Supreme gentleman
The big difference is that the us and its allies will be met with nuclear power in what will turn out to be a missile blitzkrieg.
>muh military
u havent had a single undoublty victorious campaign... in what? ... 300 years?
Not likely. Besides, if the North Koreans use nukes then so can we. We have hundreds of nuclear gravity bombs that we're going to be decommissioning in the next few years. May as well use 'em if Kimmy does.
>A truck brought the country to its knees
>norks have massive fortifications from the last time they got bombed
>entire country is a religious cult trained for war
>there are people that think that we can just stroll over there and win in a week
there, fixed for ya
You lost vietnam and let communists take over the country. Winning!
Is are military strong because the poor pop. is high and the joining military looks like the better option than than wage slaving or picking oranges?
what anime is this?
Does anyone else get a weird feeling from these? It's fictional propaganda but it really has a snuff porn vibe.
your specials are pretty low tier. russain, aussies are all known to be superior. our chaps are the alpha and the omega. its actually an issue with americans and piss taking: you guys dont do it enough and act like women often when it happens
your infantry have a lot of dumb nogs and mexibangers who kiss crosses round their necks like children. nice kit and grub, shame about the soldiering
It isn't the american military losing these engagements it's their government and it's people
Yes goy, the military of the Jewnited States is not under the control of kikes at all.
What the fuck
We have the greatest culture of all. Freedom, innovation and prosperity. The rest of the world is trying to destroy it out of envy.
If you guys don't use nuclear weapons, then you're right, fighting the Norks won't be easy. But probably not super-hard either.
I will because it's true.
If you sent your nation in they would have all been beheaded and conquered.
the norks are using hardware from the 50s. they have no capability to fight outside of visual range, no capability to fight at night and very limited fuel reserves. It will be a massacre
>Implying China would let them in just like that.
Fucking euro cucks, gotta use America for your gobal power cuz we all know Europeans are too pussy and cucked to fight against goatfuckers. Probably cuz if you do, the millions of goatfuckers in Europe will start Killing you euro fags
Good point. The Chinks would never accept the Americans on their border and rightfully so.
You could do alot of things with 600 billion dollars a year.
Imagine all the research you could have done, all the medicines you could have invented. Imagine all the technology we could have had..
Vietnam says "Hello".
This though, a handful of sandniggers managed to invade the USA and successfully attack a major city and the defence forces HQ. That's disgraceful and would not be possible even in Australia.
>Norks have little to no resources to fight
>Their people are starving to death
>faggot thinks we couldn't win by offering these people a Snickers
Well they should of thought of that before giving the Norks the means to be invaded. Then again this is all what China wanted.
North Korea consider nukes as conventional and will be expecting no less than that.
>be worlds best military
>lose against rice eating farmers
Its too true. Infact so true you have to repeat it several times to believe it.
The us serve us well by fighting for us. The deserve a medal and a pat on the head.
No a plane made this country stand up. Sweden could use a few planes.
SS = scout sniper
Lets be honest japan created anime to weaken the western male and effeminate them. Japan clearly is more powerful.
Jesus! There is no way he meets the standard requirement! He's clearly on tour in the pic, but damn! how does one even get that big on tour??
But Japanese citizens love anime more then the west does.
Vietnam gets 200 B-52s right in the capitol.
>how long it would take to reduce the North Korean artillery on the DMZ
by the time that was accomplished, Seoul and every town would be ashes. If all the arty( in range )fired on Seoul the rate of fire would be something like 800,000 rounds per minute.
This is a sincere question.
When was the last time America won a war?
>no one else can even compare
Then why don t you hold military parades, you aren't because the American army is shit
WW2 and us Russians had to carry them
This was meant for (You)
I give up it was meant for you
>US doesn't hold military parades
We do, just in other people's countries.
Too white. Make it more colorful, goy.
Oh snap!
>finish flags
5 bucks says this autist still talks to jebus
You didn't win that war.
We all did.
A war that YOU won, That AMERICA won.
Yes it would you retard, what are you going to do shoot down every one of your own planes because someone might have hijacked it and then let it crash into the city below? you don't know there intention, shooting it down might make it worse.
Lol is that Anita the feminist?
Trips of truth.
Too bad people are just to lazy and ignorant to not donate their own time resources to inventing these amazing things without waiting for government gibbs
Pick one.
>no culture
Yes we do, or at least we had a culture, but neither does any other country anymore, other than third world shit holes in the middle east, asia, and south america. Europe had culture, but that is all old shit nobody in the modern age cares about, just like us. we're living in a post modern society because modernity has nothing to be replaced by, we sit here pecking and complaining without coming up with anything new.
>no style
We most definitely have our own style, it make have its roots in roman, french and British precursors but it's evolved since then
>no collective intellect.
What does this mean?
I wanna bang that chiks.