So how slutty is C..C really?
So how slutty is C..C really?
Other urls found in this thread:
Again, I am going to point out what cancer you are in every single one of your off topic sex crazed retarded threads. At least until you stop ruining other threads and spamming shit like this Every single post in this image is yours, and anyone with a brain can see the pattern in your file naming.
You are done having "peaceful" circle jerk spamming sex crazed threads. I will "derail" every single one of them until you stop ruining other threads.
The longer you refuse to talk and act like a civil human being the longer your threads are going to be ruined for. You can stop this right now by just acting like a sane person and talking rationally.
You are doing nothing but showing anyone who opens this thread how insane you are. Like, high degree spectrum disorder insane. You literally refuse to talk. And if you think you are just trying to drag the thread out to wait until posts get deleted. It doesn't matter. Because I can change my IP in seconds. Getting my post deleted by a My little pony mod means nothing.
Use your words.
Well, Geass is make people love her. Guess what she must've used when she saw a man she was into.
Afterwards,surviving through immortality. What can a failed maid that can't count higher than the number of her digits do other than go for the oldest profession in history? And she was like that for hundreds of years.
So, extremely slutty.
Direct your attention to the image posted here Note how literally insane the OP.
keep posting
Why can't people properly sage anymore?
Yup, I'm sure this is all you, rape spammer. Nice try.
But no matter how much you samefag it's obvious that people will not ignore your insanely bad behavior here And you trying to abuse anonymity to bloat your "opinion" only makes it more obvious. Because guess what? Most people understand you actually need to use your words and explain yourself. Plus your garbage English shines through
>Geass is make people love her
He's bumping his own thread. Look at any thread in this image and you will see how he always bumps his own threads. Use
Just report it and leave it alone.
She's a refined slut at least
The problem is that he doesn't stay contained in his threads that he spams and the mod will refuse to do anything about him, because they are both cancer shipping yurifags. He goes into other threads and spam meta shitposts about people he doesn't like.
This is the mod, by the way.
A big one, will sell booty for pizza.
And? He's a dirty Jew, this thread is shit. Hide it and forget these cuckold untermenschen.
what the fuck is even going on itt
Watch me prove this is the OP still samefagging his own thread.
Address this post Again, if he didn't flood and ruin other threads, I would. But he's cancer everywhere he goes. And the mod refuses to do anything about him.
Just read the second post in this thread and look at the image.
No idea. At this point, I'm just posting because it will piss off some raging autist.
A lone cuck spamming his own thread and an angry Autist mad that he's spamming his own thread. Oh and apperently Jew moderation.
I should add, that people have tried reasoning with him before and there are only two ways he will reply. By spamming "kill yourself" or by spamming images of some sort. Again, you can see all the examples you want of this by looking through his posts.
The only person mad here is you, because your thread can't be able you jerking off.
Believe it or not, saying things that you don't like does not mean someone is mad.
>reasoning with a lone autismal cuckold.
Just step back and evaluate his whole purpose. I'm a C.C.fag and I ain't even mad.
why the fuck is there an idiot stalking another idiot and why the fuck should the rest of us even care :-D
What other option is there when the mod will refuse to do his job and threads get ruined on a literal daily bases. Let the shitposter have his way? Yeah, no. That's the mentality that's killing this board.
It's not stalking when he blatantly flaunts who he is.
And you should be against shitposting and spamming by default. Because you should want actual quality on this board.
what is shit posting because all i don't see the op doing anything wrong. so far hes posting sexy imgs and i don't see how that derails threads or ruins them but whatever floats your boat man;you are obsessed with this guy its unhealthy.
It's autism.
Fuck off.
Then you'll sisyphus always lifting his stone.
Just send a mail to moo- oh.
>implying moot would bother reading emails from a chronic ban evader
What are you trying to accomplish here?
That's because you are the OP, rape spammer.
And do you see how you literally spam the same images over and over and over and over? That's against multiple global rules. Flooding, spamming, quality of post, and on topic posting.
Yeah, if only that was an actual option that would get results.
And that's the whole problem.
What the fuck is this thread?
I saw /u/ mentioned so it must be total garbage. What kind of fucking retard goes to /u/?
>official art
Cecille is god-tier
It's an autist from /u/ screaming about samefagging.
Butt plug slutty.
There is official art of CC with a buttplug and her shoving her wet cunt in front of your face and her saying your cumshot on her face was great, though it might be cake icing. She also thinks lowly of virgins.
how do you know it's official
I completely agree that Cecile is hot and it is criminal that she's not in that many doujin works, h or not h.
Her butt is the strongest in Code Geass.
Someone needs to translate this
Does her hymen regenerate after every time she has sex?
Holy shit
wheres all the lewds at?
Cornelia > Cecile > all