Are you really that retarded or is this a fake news?
Just asking, please explain to me what you believe in.
Are you really that retarded or is this a fake news?
Just asking, please explain to me what you believe in.
prove God didn't create humans in the last 10k years
All white people with blue eyes share the same common ancestor from 6k years ago. Since blue eyed whites are the only race that can be considered human the bogan is correct.
>nice source
1/10, ya got me to sage
K and can you prove God created humans?
There's seemingly no reason we developed consciousness and language (separating us from beasts), which began appearing 10,000-6,000 years ago. Your theory doesn't explain this.
as a French you should know that Allah created all humans without evolution taking place.
What the fuck do they teach you in Koran School nowadays?
You don't speak dog or cat so we're no different than them.
>began appearing 10,000-6,000 years ago
That's not true.
>You don't speak dog or cat
Neither do dogs or cats.
>mocking other country islamisation
new phone who dis I was looking for an argument?
wow really makes me think, op
he created us with specific amounts of carbon 14 to make it seem like we're old
check m8
>radio carbon dating
Samples for radiocarbon dating need to be converted into a form suitable for measuring the 14C content - and you aren't going to find a buried Charcoal/Wood sample older than 10k years with usable sample that isn't just rock.
Proves my point that humans might be more evolved but not necessarily distinct from animals. We're all made from DNA.
Holy shit, never knew burgers were so unironically retarded
Of course I believe in evolution but I sympathize with people like Dugin who want to just write all science off as jew science and start again with the Bible as the foundation
Aren't blue eyes a recessive trait though? How would a blue eyed mutant have blue eyed babies if they're surrounded by poop eyes?
Microevolution and adaptation to environment through the passing on of useful genes within a species happens no doubt.
Macroevolution--that these adaptations eventually lead to new species--is complete nonsense and unscientific, a philosophy with no physical evidence except for a few mislabeled bone fragments of monkeys.
>We're all made from DNA.
Well thanks for that useful contribution. Yes we're all the same made of atoms just like a steaming pile of shit is made of atoms so really you're just the same as a steaming pile of shit. Got it, thanks.
This is the whole problem with atheists, you're supposed to be anti theist yet you believe the theory of evolution like a religion.
If all animals were created individually by God, then why are there differing similarities in shared DNA between species? Like why does a chimp and human share more DNA than a human and banana? Also if we were created then shouldn't there be no similarities in DNA since none of would've shared common ancestors?
I see your attempt at composition/division. All life is made of DNA hence we're all evolving from the same source.
That's a who's who of Juden in your pic.
I believe in evolution. That's not the problem, it's shifty philosophy that's neither well thought out or helpful that people have a problem with. It's a gut feeling about the implications upon ethical thought that lead people who haven't taken a good deep look at to not believe. Look at people who try to create societies off some of the 'perceived' implications, Commies and Nazi's. Both had serious ethical failures, and both thought they could make 'new man'!
Everything you need to know about Anthropology : Get Kevin Mc Donald's book, then CTRL+F "Fritz Boas"
Pro tip : ((())) as always
Almost like the system was designed.
>All life is made of DNA hence we're all evolving from the same source.
Yes, He's what the thread is about, right?
>is complete nonsense and unscientific
>A few mislabeled bones of monkeys
There's tonnes of fossils of pre-human hominids, are you saying that they're all monkeys? You don't think the position of the foramen magmum, the endocrainial size differences, the shape of the pelvis, none of those point to progressively more and more human hominids?
>Also if we were created then shouldn't there be no similarities in DNA
Why do you say that God would not have reused snippets of code for say - processing dextrose/sucrose? Also, why do you suppose that evolutionary tree would disprove God?
literally only people attacking evolution are americans. they are not smart enough to realise that there education system is completely failing there country. you can argue with them all you want but you cant convince a stupid person because they are stupid. just let then scurry along and fight amongst themselves. we can watch then safely from a distance like a zoo. at least we get something for there stupidity
>Almost like the system was designed
What do you mean by this? How does differing similarities in line with how close scientists think a species is related in regards to evolution point to a designed system?
How does different species sharing common DNA disprove God?
If God wants you to believe you are old
- why don't you?
>Why do you say that God would not have reused snippets of code for say - processing dextrose/sucrose?
Well there's nothing to say he didn't and nothing to say he did either. The argument here is about evolution, not the existence of God.
Yo momma is at at least that old
>I believe in evolution
Why have faith in something without conclusive evidence? That fossil record doesn't show what you think it shows - there are huge gaps and not a single missing link.
For example - Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes - Apes/Gorillas have 24 pairs of chromosomes. We are all supposed sharing a common ancestor with the hominids and other primates and monkeys who have 21 or 27 pairs of chromosomes
So who did that very first mutated evolution of Human who had 23 pairs of chromosomes mate with?
There is data to support adaptation within species and then this is extrapolated to assume those species become entirely new species. Darwin when he originally introduced the idea in The Origin of Species brought up the dearth of evidence, yet said it would be vindicated by paleontology. In the century that followed untold thousands of fossils have been uncovered--each easily classified within specific and established taxonomic orders. Missing links just do not exist, so what was originally a hypothesis instead morphed into an ideology. It is nonsense because no evidence or data backs it up and it is unscientific because macroevolutionary assumptions are driving new scientific hypothesis, which then become themselves questionable. Evolutionary science has become more of a social science in its empirical foundations than a hard science
>meme flag
Come on leaf
Your flag is a meme
"All blue-eyed people have one ancestor in common, born around 6,000-10,000 years ago. Blue eyes are caused by a gene mutation. For years, researchers had searched for it on the OCA2 gene. The OCA2 gene determines how much brown pigment is in our eyes. But what they were looking for wasn't there at all.
The mutation was found on an entirely different gene called HERC2. HERC2 turns off OCA2, meaning it turns off the brown and reveals the blue. Every blue-eyed person has this exact same mutation.
How did this mutation get its start? Possibly when humans migrated from Africa to Europe. This would explain why only people of European descent have blue eyes. It would also suggest that all blue-eyed people share a single European ancestor."
Yeah we evolved from less advanced life forms.
But where did those less advanced life forms come from?
Check mate.
It doesn't disprove God, since nothing can disprove God as the very concept is unfalsifiable. Animals and plants sharing DNA suggests that they share common ancestors, which is in line which evolutionary theory. Creationism states that all things were created by God, and if they were created as they are now, genetic differences that we see today could not have arose naturally and would've have to have been inserted in for some unknown reason. So I guess it's a long winded way of saying genetic differences support evolution more than creation, nothing to do with the existence of God.
Of course you don't have a bible verse for eternal hell.
t. universalist
Fallacy of the gap
Fossil -------------- Fossil
Oh no look at that gap!
Find intermediary fossil
fossil -------fossil-------Fossil
Oh no now we have even more gaps!
Find more fossils
Fossil --- fossil --- fossil --- fossil --- fossil
I dunno guys there's an awful lot of gaps here, don't think it proves anything
That's exactly what I am saying. Let's say that there is a progression shown in the current fossil record from apes to humans, where is the evidence for other transitional species among all the species of the world? Also the current hypothesis most popular in evolutionary science is the idea that grand changes in species happen all at once, not in a gradual progression. This is because of the pre cambrian explosion in which multitudes of new species of life appeared in a very short span of time.
Nobody is saying Evangelical America is perfect. But I'd be willing to overlook their anti-evolution, anti-abortion bullshit for the good things they bring, namely a conservative mindset focused on the ideal of the nuclear family.
you wouldn't understand unless you've been to the moon
Come on, you can look up the chromosome answer yourself. Human Chromosome 2 is made up of two end to end fused chromosomes, there's a vestigial centromere and everything. The mutation would've arisen simultaneously within several members of the population for it to take hold. As for missing links, here's a list of them:
Being religious is literally sandnigger tier. Jesus was a fucking kebab
>evolution THEORY
Now kill yourself.
See the 10,000 year part is where they try to manipulate the data. That part of the question shouldn't even be in there.
I essentially majored in human evolution. You can believe that God set the rules of the game at the beginning which resulted in man's current form after millions of years of evolution. You can also believe that man has a spiritual component that is ultimately independent of the body. The idea that a body is like a tv, and the soul or higher consciousness is like the incorporeal signal from the tv station. In this view, you can believe in evolution and spirituality without any incompatibility.
the guy that got the "blue eye mutation" didn't have blue eyes, but he/she had children that carried that genetic trait......on and on a few generations and then 2 people both descending from this guy had children, and the boom, blue eyes
Now you're just plain lying to cover up the "science of the gaps". There are no intermediary fossils showing what you think they show. Speciation has never occurred and you have never shown that it has occurred
Alright so you are ignoring all the taxological changes in hominid fossils found and writing them off as being mislabeled monkeys. That's all I'm asking. Do you think that skeletons of Ardipithecus Ramidus, Australopithecus Afarensis, and Homo Habilis are monkeys despite the progressive changes in structure?
You don't actually know what theory means, do you?
>pro-murder of babies
>clearly jewish
You deserve to be gassed desu.
Yes, I believe in evolution by natural selection.
Abortion is the only reason blacks aren't the majority minority, and Christianity is the only reason Mexicans are outnumbering whites. But I guess white people being outnumbered doesn't matter to you christcuck, as long as they serve the cross.
Archaeopteryx, Australopithecus, and Pakicetids are transitional species - Dinosaur to bird, Ape precusor to human, land mammal to cetacean.
I thought I did. Tell me, larper.
1% of bongs think god created the anglos first
It shouldn't.
If "preserving" your skin color means being enemy of God then maybe it's not worth preserving in the first place.
What do you think I think they show? Saying speciation has never occurred is a bold claim friend.
Are literally all of you fucking retarded
He's going to show an inability to comprehend time and say micro vs macro evolution in response to that image
I'm not ignoring taxological differences between species. I am denying that those differences indicate a progressive change into each other, as in I don't think humans should be grouped in with the other hominids. The fossils belong either to a human or an ape. Transitional species do not exist.
you gotta keep on believing that people are trolling on this site, you will loose your mind otherwise.
t, jew slave
There is no common link between the Great Apes, Bonobo, Gorilla, and Humans. Speculation about the fertility and/or infertility of this common hominid with 48 chromosomes that mated with our first human with 46 is just that speculation - why? Because there is no such fossil. All fossil records show either hominid with 48 or human with 46. No inbetween like you "wish" that there were. BTW this is called faith - belief without evidence.
I believe God directed the human evolution from a monkey, and didnt just plop us down here. From what I've seen/how Ive taken it, God works in scientific ways. So like, He with the israelites and the egyptians, God could've had a chemical reaction take place in the air, to make a gas that when breathed in, kills you. He then directed it into the homes without sheepblood on the door and killed the baby. Then he did it to the pharaohs son.
Paganism looks comfy as fuck
>very short span of time.
30 million years isn't that short of a span of time, but anyway, there are explanations for it. There's the fact that shells and other hard structures evolved during the period, which are much more likely to be found as fossils, new 'toolkit' genes such as Hox genes, and the sudden availability of niches after the extinction of Ediacaran fauna. Also speciation doesn't have to be fast or slow, look up punctuated equilibrium vs gradualism, you should of learnt about it in high school biology anyway
>But I guess white people being outnumbered doesn't matter to you christcuck
Explain to me how - if White women had 2.6 children (or heaven forbid more) as white people have done for time immemorial - how it would even matter what non-white people did?
Instead of addressing the real problem here (white women not having children) you want to make it somehow the fault of jews niggers and spics - when in fact it's the fault of white women and specifically the Atheism, Feminism, and Marxism that promote their decision of biological suicide of species.
BTW I hope you realize your atheism means you're essentially a jew, right?
>nazi retard
>Is an actual retard
This board is 18+ kiddo.
>BTW I hope you realize your atheism means you're essentially a jew, right?
>Christians don't know how to work photoshop
Good job christ cuck.
>christians lays claim to scientific and architectural setting stones and advancements of the ancient Greeks and the romans
>shitting on fertility rites and fertility celebrations while calling other posters jews
If the bible is to be taken as a historical document, why can't other religious texts be takes as a historical documents?