ITT antagonists who unironically and literally did nothing wrong.
ITT antagonists who unironically and literally did nothing wrong
How the fuck do you do anything wrong ironically?
The path to hell is paved with good intentions.
I think he meant: Antagonist who did nothing wrong. No shitposting.
>wants to reset all the tragedies of modern times
>nobody would die or be hurt in anyway, only saved
OP here. As in no "Esdese did nothing wrong" horse shit
He was the MC
And it was a tragic story.
>think he may have a quarter of jew blood
>decide to never have children in doubt
b a s e d
Memes aside this guy was truly right. His only mistake was not hiring better help.
Something something only wispered would be able to go there
>nothing wrong
he lost the war
>>think he may have a quarter of jew blood
>kill all jews
>didn't kill himself
Not based at all.
>didn't kill himself
But he did.
God bless him.
Because of cowardice, not conviction.
Same actus reus, different mens rea.
he killed best boy, so no
I don't even remember what that guy did, but I remember that he let a lot of the cutest girls die. Fuck him!
100% agree
his angry struggle against superpowered mind tentacle lolis was actually the best part of the whole shitfest
She put Squeeler down when it should have been done a long time ago. I agree.
But seriously, I take your meaning. He was more of a man in a sense that makes sense to us in terms of the way he dealt with the world and his ambitions than the villagers, who are freaky imperious psychic mutant tyrants.
Absolutely nothing wrong.
He was a patriot that tried to do the best for his people. The two powers were already at war, and he certainly did nothing so inhumane to constitute a war crime.
What makes him think that it would work?
I say that because they were pretty sure that kind of thing would totally work in another show many of us have watched, and you know, it didn't work.
Everyone that was dead, they were dead.
Turns out you only get one go per reality, and if you burn your home reality to the ground, it stays burnt to the ground.
You can go somewhere else, but it's not the same place, and you are an outsider.
There are people there you have never really met, although if you look close enough you could pass for the right person, mostly. (You would have strange discrepancies to anyone who looked too close, of course.)
He killed terrorist animals, of course he did nothing wrong.
tremendous people
Thinking about how hard Jerid got fucked over makes me sad. And makes me laugh.
Leonard knew how the TAURUS/TARTAURUS/whatever worked. Hell, he built one. He was a whispered, after all.. Note to mention that it is corroborated by the original whispered (whatever her name was).
I dropped the series while Sigma was half scanlated and picked it back up to read the final volume or two. I don't remember the specifics, but I'm pretty sure that's the case.
Slaine did nothing wrong, but he was in no way a patriot. He was a third party which saw how fucked up the other 2 sides are.
he killed innocent people user
Good man he killed terrorists'
Those wo do not struggle do not deserve to live
To be fair originally he was just going to deport them all to Madagascar, but then the brits blockaded their shit.
There is no such thing as doing something ironically, only morons use that phrase.
Not really a villain but will probably go down in history as some scapegoat for that disgusting baron,
Brits also bombed the shit out of the infrastructure including civilian targets, which is a war crime, causing mass starvation.
They are probably responsible for more jewish deaths than the germans
still dindu nuffin
>They are probably responsible for more jewish deaths than the germans
That's just a dumb as fuck claim, considering the regime, amongst other methods, used intentional starvation to kill people in the concentration camps, which can be seen in food inventory documents from the camps themselves and surrounding regions, which have huge disparities between stock and dispensed food in all comparison groups (inmates, guards, local population).
Look deep into these eyes and tell yourself she did anything wrong. (You can't)
He killed innocent people and tried to screw over a majority of humanity.
> in all comparison groups
in and between*
He just wanted to destroy the Weimar Republic
I don't even get why people are mad at Homura. She may be a little egoist but don't we all? I mean if I could the same with the person I love I would do the same if I had someone.
I honestly and sincerely really really like her.