Do you identify as a fascist?

Do you identify as a fascist?

Did you have a strong father figure growing up?

Other urls found in this thread:


Leaning. no.

>Do you identify as a fascist?
>Did you have a strong father figure growing up?
He was a cuck

Data mining thread?

Also yes, yes

yes / yes.

Not data mining. Just interested in the relation between fascism and the desire for a father figure. Can't personally understand why someone would willingly submit themselves to subordination

yes / no

>Father figure.

What data is being mined, retard? You think the FBI cares to know if your dad was good or not?

Are you an anarchist?

Not FBI, maybe some far left groups or something of the sort

Le disproved Freudian Psychology meme.

Le Psych 101 meme.

Le "Ids becuz you have a phallic fixation yaaaa?" meme

Why don't you study Jungian psychology instead of shitting up this board with your pseudo intellectual faggotry.

leaning / yes

Fuck off Jordan

You seem hostile, user. Why do you think that is?

>Do you identify as a fascist?

>Did you have a strong father figure growing up?
not really, I always looked up to him doe

yes / yes

kind of


>Are you an anarchist?
old school Democratic Socialist

Yes and yes.

Because my understanding of psychology extends beyond the standards of familiarity expected of introductory courses at a large public university.

No/ Yes

My sister is an sjw femenist but I'm hoping it's just a phase because she had a strong masculine father growing up so she can't get that bad.

No, dad almost always convinced and persuaded me toward the right course; never relied on force or authority.

Mom was a psycho who tried to kill me when I was 11.

Perhaps Molymeme has a point.

leaning and until i was 9yo

because of the feeble knowledge everyone has on psychology?

Damn (((bitch)))

Oops I meant yes/yes

Fascism is re-branded communism, Mussolini literally was a communist before he became a politician. Read his books

Yes and Yes

You said black people wrong!

>Just interested in the relation between fascism and the desire for a father figure

lmao i think its more the other way round. With people not having a strong farther figure being lazy and weak often being libertarians or the like while Fascist being taught to have responsibility by a strong farther. Pretty much every single Fascist leader had a strong farther figure in their life.

Exactly it is the weak limp dick cucks society is turning men into now which is letting this happen.

Fuck off Adourno, I had a strong father figure and was liberal until moving out and stewing online and becoming fascist that way

>Old school
Implying that Socialism was ever used historically, except as a parasitic entity on civilizations that became very successful by anti-socialist practices.

Yes as a matter of fact i did.
My dad was a hard as fuck fisherman and a veteran of lebanon.
He even subversively redpilled me since hes a huge fan of Knut Hamsun an unapolagetic NS man to his death.

He also taught me that theres no such thing as inherited guilt either and that communism is cancer.

A good man, when i see the generations that came after i know we need some facism in our society.

I should have clarified... I'm naturally an Ancap, but this SJW revolution has converted me to fascism. It has shown me the way. It's like the old saying, "If you run long enough, something is going to start chasing you." These cucks and whores are creating the very thing they fear.

You believe the lack of a father figure develops into the desire of an authoritarian government?
While there might be a correlation, I believe the cause is more likely to be the disenchantment from the status quo, either from one's failings or the demolition of expectations for the future.

was someone both successful at his own life and blind or uncaring to the projections based on present facts, he wouldn't question the need of a reaction, especially a strong one.

Definitely lean that way. Yes. If you're hoping fraudulent jew psych is going to give you some insight in to ideological tendencies, you will be disappointed.