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>tfw NK forms nuclear alliance with Iran
B u m p
Fuck. That's it. U.S.A. can't fight all those crazy evil communist fuckers. We're done.
Weak pussy ass Europe and the rest of our allies aren't even enough to help us. Japan and South Korea are strong and have balls but they're strategically positioned in a corner that leaves them vulnerable.
Nature will fuck us harder than some ballistic missles
Prophecy of the muslims must watch
The 3rd temple is up highest building has been built in Saudi Arabia
finally the west will fall. ALLAH AKBAR NUKE THEM ]"}37W3789}N2781}8E82
>Fuck. That's it. U.S.A. can't fight all those crazy evil communist fuckers. We're done.
You do realize we're the bad guys, don't you?
>the bad guys
Look. I acknowledge the United States is fucked up in it's own ways. I know we do a lot of shady shit behind the scenes, but quite simply it's not as bad as what they do.
I'm going to say we're all bad guys really and do fucked up shit because human nature needs to be like that in order to not get fucked over. They (let's start with Communists and Muslims) are far worse than the United States people and government.
Post yfw the OG aryans finally BTFO the zionists and cryptokikes
>but quite simply it's not as bad as what they do.
Ok but can you actually defend that? I think not. BTW who ever said anything about the American people? I surely didn't.
Ya thanks to Obama for giving them 1.7 billion dollars to make that missile even though there's sanctions imposed on that country.
Kek, murrica a shit. First some lazy eyed little fuck from middle of nowhere throws a tantrum and murrica takes it to ass, then some sand niggers do the same.
Where were you when murrica became third world country that nobody takes seriously`?
>BTW who ever said anything about the American people? I surely didn't
You said "we're". Your post had an American flag. You didn't specify so it makes me safe to assume you're implying anything and anyone American related.
>Ok but can you actually defend that?
Dude. Maybe the worst thing we currently have is Guantanamo. Islam and North Korea currently have shit that makes Guantanamo look like a 5-star hotel. Russia had Gulags. We never had anything close to that fucked up. Russia shuts down opposition and muzzles outspoken people and suppresses freedom. I call all that worse. Sure the United States has too much freedom and it's gotten to the point where gay marriage and transexual teens are really fucking things up but if I had to choose between having those nutcases running around or having my entire internet/tv/books/movies censored I'd vote freedom anyday. It's not even possibly to tell how many people from those countries want freedom because they're too scared to say it out loud and can't express it online.
Stop saying it's happening you clickbait nigger.
>from my point of view the Americans are evil
Except they are not, your opinion is simply incorrect.
>giving them
returning them*
I mean our government destabilized the entire middle-east and killed over a million people since the turn of the century. We conducted 7 illegal wars in the past 4 years. Our government is arguably also the reason Muslim terrorism exists in the first place, considering we were the ones that originally trained and funded the Taliban and Al-Qaeda.
almost like part of an axis of evil
Is that a sheet of Pepe acid?
>Murrifats: Hey, we're going to destroy you
>Iran: Okay, here's me testing bombs just in case you do that
>Murrifats: wtf stop that Israel greatest ally goy
What did Jesus say about the Pharisees why do we help Israel,
B-but we got more nukes than Chyna
America has now lost its grip o the world
Well done burgers, instead of doing your duty to ensuring a stable world you spent the last 8 years arguing over how many genders there are.
>sanction north korea into oblivion
>get suprised when they sell rockets to iran
better lift those sanctions before iran buys a nuke.
bill clinton gave nuclear reactors to north korea and obama wanted to wait it out. Lmao the state of american politicians.
yeah those poor simple muzzies screwing everyone and everything over in that region for millennia had nothing to do with it. just blame big bad daddy amerikkka right
They created this themselves every since they overthrew the iranian government in 1953. It was all a chain reaction which led to the shah getting overthrown, to the islamic regime being put in place to the iran-iraq war, to the gulf war, to the iraq invasion to the isis problem to the syria problem to the lybia problem and siding with saudi arabia which funded al qaeda and caused the afghanistan war.
It's all linked
i agree with this dog-eater
>good guys bad guys
Hello brainlet
also north korea saw what americans did to Gadaffi and Hussein who did abandon their nuclear programs.
This desu sempai.
Attacks anyone who dares be prosperous without their banks.
If you don't follow their global empire rules they will simply stop trading with you, which makes your nation poorer, then they will use their clever "journalists" which "discover" how bad your leaders are since they are making your people hungry!
ATTACK, bring democracy and liberty to those who dare to be free.
Now enjoy constant propaganda which will genocide your populace without even physically lifting a finger, because genociding this many people in such a short amount of time takes too much effort, best streamline it into the mainstream, so what if it ruins our own populace, FUCKEM we don't owe them anything.
Seriously evil empire if you really think about it.
>Defying US warnings
who gives a fuck what burgerland thinks they can go fuck themselves
Iraq war was a blessing for Russians, US lost some influence in Middle East and Russia gained it. US is literally destroying their empire. Well, the globalist elites are
thanks for your agreement war-crime-denier
Axis of good*
real people don't give a fuck if your shit country gets nuked. what do you have to offer plastic phones and dolls. apple can do both
They have no military since WW2, their self-defence force is a joke.
What the fuck is a self-defense force?
Anon5 was right again.
a shitty military. basically what ssouth korea had when the north koreans crossed and reked them so we all had to go save them.
I hate assholes that claim that because we did aggressive dumb actions that we should simply willingly commit suicide as punishment for it. I don't see any other country besides Western ones ever adopting that ideology because it's beyond retarded.
LOL, we are so fucked.....
Why wouldn't they ignore our warnings? Our warnings don't mean shit. Here is Western military action post cold war in a nutshell. We bully illiterate dirt farmers, ignore the whole point we are killing them to begin with (Islam 9 out of 11 times), then import them into the West so they can do the same things here we were killing them over there for. Iran and NK both know we won't do anything because we don't have the balls to commit to a conflict that will kill more Americans in a shorter span of time than every conflict we've been involved in for nearly the past 40 years combined.
Maybe we'll get lucky and some retard will nuke Yellowstone.
>that we should simply willingly commit suicide as punishment for it.
I don't understand what you mean by that because I'm clearly not implying that. Also "we" didn't do aggressive dumb actions. Who is this "we"? Because I'm certainly not part of the US-Israeli regime.
I guess we should keep toppling sovereign nations in the middle east for Israel. You guys are right, I'm wrong. You know what? Fuck it. I'm gonna go out and buy a kippah. Thanks for setting me straight user.
>chimpout in front of the UN
> world: collectively disgusted but based Bibi
>NK: chimpout confirms being on the right path / soon to follow pacific nuclear test
>Iran: going to strenghten defense capabilities / instatests new missiles
Friendly reminder that your country could be run by a dotard.
axis of not-controlled-by-the-kikes
It like a "hold the wall" setting.
That can not be toggled to "search and destroy"
>You do realize we're the bad guys, don't you?
Compared to fucking China and countries that issue assassination orders over guys who write bad things about their holy book?
NK does have an unspoken alliance with Syria, Russia, Iran and China.
Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Ecuador are trying to get in too.
Thanks for the heads, Sharia Cunt lip of Merkel's scrotum
you are being too kind to the wee intellects of /pol
How much of a threat is Iran to Israel and vice versa? Could it just kick off suddenly?
Obama gets cucked again.
Very big threat if you listen to (((them)))
Not at all if you want the truth. Iran's current leader is more liberal than his predecessors, he's been more open to peace talks but Israel never accepts it because they have bloodlust
BOOM, er I mean, bump
It's more a matter of shekels than bloodlust, (((they))) get given a hell of a lot of cash from the west, defense being the rationality for almost all of it. If they get rid of the threatening boogieman so goes the foreign aid.
>mfw future is now
>pic related
Real people don't even know the relevance of your country accept for being so retarded and starting 2 world wars
Oh hey look, they can reach our greatest ally, Israel. It's a shame America just wasted all that money on a military base there when it's just gonna get exploded.
see... just like we told you... once Trump is president these nations will behave!
>Prophecy of the muslims
lol, more like made up story, islam is made up bullshit.
>hey will simply stop trading with you, which makes your nation poorer
so? there's no rule that would force any country to trade with any other country, faggot. if the trade is not beneficial, theres no deal, simple.
Jooh really think so
Yawn. Literally not news. Sovereign states test their defenses and run drills all the time. Iran is literally and objectively no threat to anybody.
Anybody on here dispensing anti-Iranian propaganda needs to be killed and their family killed as well. Jewishism is intolerable and extermination is the only cure
Its a lot like the holy bible
Jesus comes back..
The dajjal is here with his all seeing eye system
good, i support iran
People must realize, there's no reason to build a ICBM outside nukes. You don't need a tenth of the fuel, or a reentry vehicle or chaff and decoys for a scud/cruise missile. ICBM's couldn't deliver a reasonable conventional payload for their cost.
I'm Frodo.
There are no good guys
>You don't need a tenth of the fuel, or a reentry vehicle or chaff and decoys for a scud/cruise missile.
You're trying to say something reasonable, I guess, but it's hard to make any sense out of your sentence, if you're not much into ICBM tech details.
Kek, I hope they nuke Switzerland and kill all the banker jews ruling the west rn.
I guess I'm with Israel now. Right, goy?
please move out of usa since we are bad
in old days we just hang u after hot tar n feather
all quiet here
>Implying chaff is used conventionally or at all for that matter
Lol straight from Sup Forums I take it?
Lol wtf is drumpf going to do about it?
Make some mean tweets?
probably shit his old people diapers and retreat further into dementia
I kek'd
Everybody needs the ability to protect themselves from american terrorism. If they are smart they are secretly developing nukes.
Noice, im sure the yids in Israel arent pleased
>at war its entire existence
>since ww2 killed 20-30million people around the globe (not counting people killed because of the chaos they cause)
>proxy wars, overthrowing governments around the world to install puppets
>causing so many brother wars
Get pic related evil empire
Idiot we are the bad guys on the global stage but we have a good country kys your why the world hates us
>at war its entire existence
Did you mean the U.S.? or every other country on this planet?. WW2 brought us in so.......
Cold war isn't even a war in the typical sense of "war". So you can count that as non-wartime. We just had lots of beef with Russia. Every country has that faggot. Y'all just aren't on our level otherwise ever tiny country on this planet would be pointing nukes at eachother.
whats with all the leftypol shills in this thread?
fox news now speaks for the world
Nice Septs
In after asspained apostate Christian neocon trash.
USA had played the harlot, and all nations have drank of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. Degenerate kikery has spewed forth from Hollywood to pollute all nations with satanic kike filth, and the Blood of the saints in on her hands from Christians in Damascus, to Sudan, to her home shores.
The 10 kings will ally at the end of days because they hate the whore, and none of their arrows will return in vain. She will be made desolate, the sound of the millstone will be heard no longer in thee. The smoke of her burning will extend into the heavens and the great merchants of the earth will wail because nobody buys their merchandise anymore.
Then God's wrath will be poured out on all nations after the saints are raptured.