6.2, right near Mexico city. Maybe the earth will just swallow it all up and no need for wall. California sinks into ocean when?
Habbening faggots- another big one in Mexico City
Other urls found in this thread:
I didn't feel anything
Fuck off.
Breaking means developing, not 'big', you sub-60 IQ retarded polack.
Earthquakes cause things to break.
It's the literal definition of breaking news.
you newfag fucktards don't seem to "get" how this place works. If a story is breaking, it's your chance to watch the livestreams if it turns out to be big before the Jews shut it down. Example-- Paris attack in 2015, I posted it as "breaking" when faggots like you were saying "it's nothing." All it means is "if you care, check Ruptly for good stream to see possibly good shit."
right after a possible Korean nuclear test? ever hear of aftershock?
so, what is braking then?
California will be hit with a massive one.
Stay tuned.
Wonder if this dam is kill now
family, cat and dog are ok here. We are just scared.
Mexico continues to be punished.
good thing you guys have reserve food
please kys
As much as I don't want to believe any of this "end of the world 23rd of september HABBENING" shit , this many earthquakes in just a couple of days definitely means something is about to happen.
Just pay for the wall already.
that will teach those nazis for voting trump!
Checked and keked.
why you mad?
we are scared
6 can cause structural damage especially in mekiko even a 5 could
The earthquake will kill u soon beaner
Earthquake warning sirens are currently sounding in Mexico City while the head of the city government has advised that emergency protocols have been activated following a 6.4 temblor in the city of Ixtepec in the southern state of Oaxaca.
Initial reports from the Mexican Seismological authority said the quake struck at 07:53 am local time at a depth of 10 kilometers with an epicenter approximately 12 km north of the City of Ixtepec. This is around 530km south of Mexico City.
Yeah, you're literally shaking
It's your gods telling you to sort your country out. These tiny earthquakes only kill people because your government is so corrupt and education is so bad.
kys and your family
People also don't seem to understand that the Richer Scale is mostly useless for telling you how destructive an earthquake actually is. A 6.1 that's at a shallow depth can cause more shit than a 7 deep in the crust.
It's like 250 miles away you dotards
>implying people aren't trying
Youre gonna die beaner wanna know why I aint? (: my family aint in Mexico LOL
No, it means a few things happened.
Hello Pedro more earthquake will happen but only you can stop it if you mame us all burritos
Even a small one close by is the worst feeling. Have felt a number of 3-4s less than a mile away. Its like your house getting kicked sideways suddenly.
It's happening fellas, repent your sons and fuck any pretty blonde you can find in order to make a new better world
Well these Hispanic countries really fucking suck at it. Can't be a shit culture can it? Is it de fault of wypipo?
>NK explosion
>Suddenly Mexico earthquake
it really makes me think
Why do cute girls like this go to fucking Mexico? Then when they get raped and murdered, the Jews cover it up. Actually, guess I answered own question but women are so fucking naive.
Good thing you stocked up on beans bro
Send me some buche mi amigo
ok, maybe she's not that cute upon closer inspection.
Shes a reporter
You know she works for a news station in LA?
Marcho Southo for Helpo....
Hurricanos northo....Americao firsto
>You know she works for a news station
And so did Lara Logan when she got finger-fucked by half the animals in Cairo. your point?
you all fuckers making fun of us will get punished by KEK. You think of mexico and think about imigrants and cartels but NO, those who stay are the ones who work, who produce. Fuck you, i hope you have a bunch of Katrinas and 10s quakes all over the places where you live.
OK Gaia is not funny any more.
This. Pay and kek shall forgive
No, kek will fuck you in the ass. loL its happening! !!!!!! :D by the way you're still gonna build the wall
she was there reporting the last earthquake
why are you so concerned, who gives a shit if she gets herself killed
Wtf kek answered to out offerings not yours bean fuck.
>why are you so concerned
I'm White. And even if the Jews are paying to send them there as reporterettes, part of me still can't help but care when they send to places White women don't belong and they end up dead.
inb4 "Italian not White," then Europe has no claim on the Renaissance, Da Vinci, etc..
Good. Clean that shit.
i pray to kek to make Rocket man nuke your cities and make a bunch of sandniggers rape your daughters and sisters.
And nothing on pol this morning about the volcano in Bali about to shoot its load?
Wtf anons? Many smaller habbenings = sufficient habbening
va te faire enculer ptit pédé fils de pute, j'espère que achmed viole et tue ta famille
My Benis caand taag anymore ob dis
Isnt mexico city a volcano caldera
You deserve more earthquake wrapped in hot lava sauce
>You think of mexico and think about imigrants and cartels but
I also think of child slavery/rape, dogs and cats being boiled alive and street shitting. Lmao that earthquake will only make mexico great.
What the hell do you expect our impression to be? We are overwhelmed by construction workers yelling in Mexican and their hambeast women,
Easy lad.
A few shitposters does not equate to wanting the protector of all your brown lives to be btfo -- not that this could/would ever habbbbbben.
Anyhoo: just post your daily Chink hate webms and then have a siesta
Akmed ain't doin shit to our family, Manuel. Relax beanerfriend
>Isnt mexico city a volcano
A dried lake bed. So any nearby earthquake has the energy transferred very fast all around. That, along with their shitty infrastructure makes it amazing only 200 of them died last time. Need to clean out the entire city.
News crews go around with strong men to do the work. The women are just a pretty face.
I was talking about the dump that you call a city, not the people linving in, but thanks anyway.
>I also think of child slavery/rape, dogs and cats being boiled alive and street shitting. Lmao that earthquake will only make mexico great.
100x this
There was a thread last night. Anticipation is boring.
>The women are just a pretty face.
Obviously, but the Jews still put them in danger. Not opposed to pretty girls on TV, but have them report on the fucking Ice Cream Social at the local church, not in 3rd world hellholes.
It's happening fucks!!!!!
Incoming soil liquefaction?
I sure hope so.
I only need 500 dead ppl from cali or Mexico to make up for the twitter followers i had that was suspended
just like last time
please tell me that's from a movie.
It's an aftershock you fuckin spooge wally
It's the suburbs of Mexico City I think. Can't think of any worse designed place. They apparently don't believe in trees or parks or public space or decent size roads. Complete fail.
Its a shithole calles Ecatepec, its the Camden of Mexico
guys do you think the 'deagel.com' predictions for usa population reduction is related to the expected yellowstone eruption?
Low quality bait
It's closer to 300, and even then I'm sure the government would not release the actual number including those still missing
Damn god is really angry with Mexico. Why? Are they getting cucked by the Jews now?
Mexico City is hipster as fuck these days.
>even then I'm sure the government would not release the actual number
Of course they will release the actual number. If anything they will exaggerate it.
The death toll is what makes the headlines and gets the page clicks. And the headlines and page clicks are what drives the relief effort.
Fucking dumbass Mexican.
>tfw Trump is generating these earthquakes using low-frequency sound waves because the Mexicans won't pay for the wall
Kek doesn't like Mexicans, get fucked taco nigger.
just want to make clear that i am no homosexual
>not mekeko
Trivial. Don't wake me for anything below 7.
That's not fucking cool you fucking cigany.
North Korea
Magnitude 3.5
Probably a bomb
That is suspiciously similar to something I'd expect a homosexual would say
...aeroplane over the sea...
>woman should go to some places
>shouldnt wear what she wants
>shouldnt leave the house so much
>shouldnt date outside of her race
>shouldnt work and leave the children
>shouldnt be a president
>shouldnt vote
>shouldnt have an opinion
you backward retards needs to be gassed asap. you Muslims more than the Muslims and what is funny all of you are terrified of woman that you are not even able to convince one to go out with you.
New earthquake increased by 1 point
Is now 7.1
Theres one also going on in new zealand a 6.2 just across the sea, inb4 trusnami
After mexico dies, iran and NK will proceed to nuke the mexican border hitting americans in the process