Kashima for Season 2
Kantai Collection
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If you don't have a valid reason to make a thread, then don't make one.
Kashima for H-OVA
Kashima for JAV
There's something about those proportions.
Shut up, Kagafaggot.
It's the angle and she's leaning forward. Kashima is perfect.
Is burger gonna be in the movie or the next season?
We need Germans first.
Yaoi is lewd.
>he doesn't agree with me so I'll just call him a Kagafag
Great argument for a thread you got there.
This artist seems familiar.
>posting chink translations when the original is posted online by the artist
>wanting any of the girls to be ruined
You guys still never learn, do you?
Prinz is so adorable.
She's cute, not lewd.
Is Murakumo a slut?
Almost. She comes accross as lusty.
Kashima for muh dick.
Is Fusou the only ship that outright states her love for the TTK without being married?
From this evidence I drew to the conclusion that she is infact the loveliest ship and 100% perfect marriage material.
No, but she's a tsundere shit so either way she sucks.
And that's just the ones I remember offhand.
Fusou is kuso
Even Teruzuki is affectionate towards TTK
The Duckies are the loveliest DDs
They only want you for your food
I jest. They are all adorable lovely girls
Don't bully the runt.
Who is the sluttiest girl?
Ryuuhou is underrated.
Kashima and the snail
>Ah, that's not where the Anti-Aircraft Fire Director is. Wait, Choujuusenchihou-chan, don't get mad...
Teruzuki is lewd.
How do you deal with horny idols?
What will we do with a drunken Pola?
What will we do with a drunken Pola?
What will we do with a drunken Pola?
Early in the morning
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning
Have her play with the boat until she is sober
Have her play with the boat until she is sober
Have her play with the boat until she is sober
Early in the morning
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning
Put her in the bed with the TTK's waifu
Put her in the bed with the TTK's waifu
Put her in the bed with the TTK's waifu
Early in the morning
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning
Scrap them.
She's a fucking lie, that's why.
Do not lewd the Mutsuki!
Taigei is better.
This is wrong and you know it.
She looks better in the kimono.
Is it?
Taigei is one of the biggest lies of this franchise.
You are not sacrificing enough to the RNG gods.
Short ships you say?
Weeks of farming 5-2 would prove otherwise.
Who sweeps the bathrooms at the docks?
Have you tried 2-5? That's where I got mine.
The lv 1 dupes.
My tongue
I already cleared it for this month, and I find that getting to the boss, especially with the final form, is not as simple as with 5-2.
Do not smell your girls Armpits
Mizuho, Taigei and Yamato/Musashi are the lie of this franchise.
Yes it is. Mutsuki is not for lewding.
But they smell nice after I'm done with them.
She's so lewd I'm going to fap to her later.
Kamikaze has quite the strong odor.
Would you lewd your repair ship?
Maybe. I'd definitely lewd my misfortune magnet.
Which shipgirl is this? I can't find her in the wiki.
>busty beauty
Truly unfortunate.
What deliciously looking pudding.
Gotta eat it.
Yet another one of her crippling structural faults.
We need more ships uncapable of sailing straight
What the fuck is the Pokemon in the back
Pokemon look so complicated now. Back in my day we had simple designs for a simpler time
It's like they built her to be a laughing stock.
That's Shimakaze behind Pikachu.
That's Deoxys (speed form), a Gen III Pokémon.
>DNA pokemon
One of the most poorly designed warships of the 20th century.
Are you a genwunner or something?
That's not Fusou.
>A Genwunner is someone who favors ONLY the original generation of Pokemon. These people are oblivious, or even annoyed of the newer Pokemon generations
Seems I am.
She really is, just look at that hull.
It's an alien
What are the hard details on what the next anime work will be?
It's gonna be made.
It's going to be shit.
why is seaport-hime scared of dick?
What pokemon would they use?
What does Prinz's sweaty pits smells like?
>Sazanami's reaction
so is it alright if i smell a boys armpits?
I'm pretty sure Kumano is out there too.
>pre-Jutland dreadnought
Fusou was obsolete by the time it finished construction.
Suzuya = Ditto
Rude. Shigure is not a boy.
Like squid.
I provide them Krauts deodorant regularly.
Because she fucks everything.