how we can fix the modern womans, Sup Forums?
How Sup Forums?
ban porn
no more cheap movie roles
force women to actually wear decent clothing not being naked and call it muh freedom
restrict the media
but honestly at this point western society is fucked beyond repair
Stick your dick inside them.
By not worshipping them
By removing their rights.
Basically this. Banning open would fix the situation. But women are only half of that problem. Fixing women requires fucking their brains out. The post orgasm bliss makes them understand anythi g you say literally, without their emotions tied . But saying fixing women without fixing yourself is like saying fixing a stuck toilet by shitting in it. You can't stress a problem unless you address the root of it
Literally just focus on yourself and getting one.
Trying to "fix women" or whatever is just autism.
19th amendment was a mistake as much as the 14th was. People who have real interest in society should vote, not those who claim some interest
School uniforms, public dress code, ...
Improve yourselves. If you can't even do that how can you ever seek to improve others?
Date them, make them like you, red-pill them over time.
When she runs her mouth about something she doesn't understand, point this out to her.
Not hard. It's men's fault for retreating into porn and leaving women to marry the state.
Even you MGTOW losers can get a woman if you work on it.
We don't, women nowadays are more attractive than ever
Become a chad, and fix them yourself.
School uniforms are sluttier than yoga pants
this one,
stop being a pussy, and be a man
Use sex robots to make women useless, they will fix themselves after that
>how we can fix the modern womans, Sup Forums?
Be a man. Take responsibility for yourself. Venture out and stake your future and yourself on a risk that might pay off and go all in. Work out and don't dare let yourself become a physical pussy. Real man shit.
You will inevitably find a real woman along the way. Pitch in hard with her and don't let loose just because you're having a bad day.
Its a self-solving problem. People are just too weak to manifest their potential today because it takes time, patience, effort, risk and responsibility. Real life has a very different reward cycle than, say, an MMORPG.
Anyway, if you do those things you will wind up with a woman who likes a man who does those things, and she'll want to have kids. That's how the circus has continued up to this point.
An overabundance of comfort, not some stupid notion of a conspiracy to destroy society, is going to act as the selection event that will wipe out those humans who lack enough conscientiousness and are too agreeable to carry the species forward.
Pic related, gonna marry her in 7 months
Slide threads like these are a waste of time. Get a wife. Have children. Lead by example.
You're a disgrace to your flag.
Unless you have an actionable plan for changing this, it's a waste of time to consider. Even The God Emperor will oppose you on this.
Adapt to your environment, and conquer it.
My beautiful brathar. You are so right!
We need to start shaming females for being sexually liberated and make fun of them on a national level. Females only do this because no one will call them out on it and explain why being pure and actually being a good wife is important than being a talentless greedy entitled woman. If we do not start doing this at some point we are going to get hurt.
>Inb4 the copy pasta about females not being potty trained will suddenly fix everything
>Sup Forums basically wants shariah law
Really gets the noggin joggin.
thread filled with captn save a hoe.
have fun fixing up damaged women.
How a woman should look like.
World War Sage