Are Muslim immigrants integrating in your country? America, yes.
Are Muslim immigrants integrating in your country? America, yes
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No, jew. It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
They are heading to Mexico, and mexicans are going to Canada
Me and my friend got paired with an iranian guy last week on the golf course. Decent guy but there was a bit of racial tension evident. My friend sucks bu the mudslime was decent. We got a bit competitive. On the back nine when push came to shove he totally collapsed like van de velde. He shot about 30 on the last three holes as i turned on the heat, finishing with an 89 and victory for the white race. Proved once and for all iranian muslim fags are bed shitters and nothing to worry about in a combat situation.
Muslims are running scarred the 3rd temple is up that means the jewish people have found their false messiah.
finish rotting.
>Jewish false Messiah is found
Doesn't that mean complete Jewish domination and eventual annihilation of human race is inevitable
the children of well-off ones integrate pretty well.
For the most part even though Sup Forums says otherwise
Turks are cuter
America will force you to integrate.
For all the talk about diversity in the media if you stick out in a way people don't like you will be hammered the fuck down with mental torture.
She needs to where those jeans or no man will know about that fat thicc lightly browned booty. That's curtains they were don't fly much here.
most yes but and increasing amount dont. many of the younger generations are actively involved in serious crime including terrorism and terrorist-related activities. in my opinion this is inly going to get worse.
i dont want people born here or who have arrived legally to be deported or anything like that but i think i drastic cool down of migration from muslim countries is needed. those who have participated in criminal activities of any kind and who were not born here should be deported immediately however
>You accidentally set off the nailbomb, duck!!!
They're not integrating, they're just bringing in their own culture, as Germany doesn't have one of its own. :^)
In USA, no. Just go to Dearborn, MI. and see for yourself.
In America, yes. But Europe is having problems. They're taking too much in.
>Swedes are a great example for us to follow.
This is why Australia needs to ban UK passport holders and residents from entering Australia. You guys are a fucking liability
Where on this planet can I go and never see another one? Where can I go that the state will leave me be and the masses of humanity will ignore me? I just want out.
They should be integrated in concrete blocks and tossed in the sea
I'll never forget the time I was shitfaced on my University's "bar" street. Met a Saudi prince who was absolutely plastered. He was super chill and told me how he absolutely can't stand Islam and just wants to live an American life, but if he even tried to bring it up, his parents would "bring him home for a visit" then put his head on a block to chop off. Felt bad for the dude.
The ones down south do, but We usually only get indians and pakistanis. There are more black muslims in America than browns
dont worry about us lad worry about all those chinks snatching up your cats and dogs
Out of curiosity, if you date a muslim girl is it like the gypsies where their entire family goes against you and try to kill you? Because if so, fuck them, whats the point of having them anyway?
Did that burger eat that poor raghead girl?
Dude, I had a Saudi roommate and holy shit, this man was the definition of "party animal" Back when he was loaded, all he did was party, drink, smoke and do xnax and Molly. Did so much he developed a sutter. Now, he's poor as fuck living in a closet and being a typical junkie
jeez her ass must be phenomenal
Hell no
Yes. I banged a LOT of arab girls. They demand it be in secret and a lot also want anal only because like Christian girls the "poophole loophole" is a real thing to them.
The first world giveth the first world taketh away. Had a Korean buddy who was the same story, man. But damn if those Saudis can't throw down cash.
But please do not let this distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.
Yeah, don't know why but every Saudi guy I met are the same. Party animal in their teen and early 20s, do every drug on Earth every day then finally, ends up becoming a junkie with$50 to his name and their sisters trying to support them. Like, wtf these guys literally have $millions of dollars and they blow it all away.
I'll never forget
The rule of 3 generations:
The first earns it
The second abuses it
The third loses it
And so the cycle continues. They don't teach their kids how much of a blessing having money is and it gets squandered.
They are literally the most hollow boring people alive. And no they don't assimilate, they are just simply so conformist as a culture that they keep their heads down. They will never be like you because they look down on you and think we are all hellbound.
France, No
"poophole loophole"
Pakis no, despite being here the longest. Solami and other scum no. Some Iranians have though.
Sweden, you know the answer
No. We need to organise a nation-wide cull.
Both of them are T H I C C but the taller girl looks kiwi, not murican.
Who are them, OP?
My barber is Syrian and he knits hair like a maestro. Other than that they either sell kebab or help increase our crime rate.
The only ones that integrate well for the most part are the Iranians
You can't compare America or Canada for that matter, who cherry pick good muslims. There are millions of uneducated 3rd world goatfuckers flooding into europe and there is no way how to integrate them all.
Having met more of them in my city, I actually prefer them to Jews.
Pretty sure the world would be at peace once they left the face of the earth
Pretty much yes. It will take a generation, but that's totally normal for new people coming into an existing society.
The biggst problem now aren't the migrants not wanting to integrate but the mindset of the people here. Often very hostile and racist.
It's going to take some time, but they will be a good addition to our workforce.
Hi Muhammed.
How many bikes did you steal today?
Muhammad can have my bike and wife if he has the need.
Anything for our guests.
>Are Muslim immigrants integrating in your country?
Osama opened a bar here in brazil.
Guy is chill as fuck.
No Jesus will come the Pharisees will be stopped!
Bait or turk? Hm.
This is his interpretation. The antichrist will have a device the all seeing eye he will get many people to follow his system possibly a network not governments he will have something wrong with his eyes maybe walk funny is supposed to look like the picture but large forhead red hair young read and find your own interpretation
I'd rather trade our muslim for not cartel related mexicans.
Was he a refugee? Or an immigrant that came legally with his own money? Did he had his own golf clubs or was it some shit given to him by some sand nigger lover association?
Wow, so integrated. Being playfully tackled by your friend on a golf course is an unmistakable trait of the fully-integrated American.
Oh my god she is so cute!!! They are both so cute!!! Waifu material lol! Why the heck do you guys act so racist to muslims, we need more of them in our countries!!!!!!
no jew 0/10
they are you are going to die
byb byb soon MT
Now get her to shake a mans hand
If she would be integrated she would not wear that shit on the head. Islam has no place in western world.
Fuck off kike.
so many mooslims throwing rocks at the police.
now put bush on the right
they are taking over, making us males look bad by calling us all that is vile to our women, while treating them like whores, redpilling more and more people though..
their time will come and yours too you filthy jude
Its just paper to them they dont believe in paper (gold) very generous people
>The man – Mohamad Rafia, a Syrian refugee – didn’t just beat his wife, he beat her with a hockey stick. For half an hour.
>Rafia told a Fredericton court that he didn’t know it was a crime in Canada to beat your wife with a hockey stick for half an hour.
Only in Canada mudlsims beat their wifes with hockey stick and I bet they are the only men in this country to do so.
My siblings and I integrated pretty well. I can't even speak Arabic, I'm not religious in the slightest and I hardly have any Muslim friends. I think it all depends on the community you grow up around and if your parents care to raise you. My father was a mechanic and a workaholic so he never had time to raise me, and my mother is a German American who let the TV raise us as kids. I remember them trying to send me to a Muslim school the next town over back in elementary and I purposely failed out because I hated praying. My sister wears a hijab and my brother is an ex heroin junkie trying to find God again, but I'm just trying to focus on finding a purpose in life to get out of NEETdom (even though I'm in school and have a job). I need a career and I'm working on learning how to produce EDM.
I've found a Palestinian woman from Jordan who is as Americanized as me and I want to her to shack up with me once I'm established. Funny, I always thought I would marry another white woman from here, but none are worthy of.
Are these actual headlines?
OP, fuck off.
Wearing a scarf with a pants like this...
Not understanding substance and form. Just remove the scarf, you dumbfuck.
>i dont want people born here or who have arrived legally to be deported
You are the enemy
>Muslims never have fun
>God strictly forbids fun
They're not integrating at all. Democracy and Islam are fundamentally at odds with each other.
I love hearing neoliberal fairy tales in the morning.
But, I'm X and Y therefore open your borders white men and fulfill your governments goal to replace white people.
No, not at all. And they never will.
Yes, you can easily search them in quotation marks and they'll be the first or second result that comes up.
I'm in the southern United States, and I haven't seen any refugees. The only refugees I have seen have been women too. It doesn't bother me.
No. Fuck to the god damn no they don't.
If I ever have kids, I will raise them in another country or at least put them in a private school where they won't have to deal with these savages who cause all kinds of problems as soon as they can walk.
European opinion is null on this topic because they end up getting the shittiest Wahhabi type mudslimes from North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa because unlike us they refuse to vet any of these people like idiots
I'm very much against open borders and Europe taking in the "refugees" actually. I'm just saying that here in America, Muslims integrate better than anywhere else. I've lost the identity my father holds and replaced it with my host nation. Go ahead and be a butthurt fuckboi about our situation. You forget that I said that I'm half German... you don't think I'm disgusted at what is happening to my mothers people? Where do you think you are, little man? I'm as anti globalist and anti ZOG as they get. Both my families heritage has been ruined by immigration, so take critical thinking into consideration before you open your faggot mouth like you would if a cock was dangling in front of your face.
>I'm very much against open borders and Europe taking in the "refugees" actually. I'm just saying that here in America, Muslims integrate better than anywhere else. I've lost the identity my father holds and replaced it with my host nation. Go ahead and be a butthurt fuckboi about our situation. You forget that I said that I'm half German... you don't think I'm disgusted at what is happening to my mothers people? Where do you think you are, little man? I'm as anti globalist and anti ZOG as they get. Both my families heritage has been ruined by immigration, so take critical thinking into consideration before you open your faggot mouth like you would if a cock was dangling in front of your face.
This reads like pasta - funny shit
She has a dish towel on her head
Yes, they can only walk by so many dim sum and bubble tea stores before succumbing to our vibrant Canadian culture.
>copies whole text
>picture talks about OP sucking cocks
>I'm not OP
first day, m8?
>ethnic muslim girl in Russia
Should i compare with gayropean burka dressed women?
yes, Mia Khalifa converted from Muslim to Christian.
You're either shills or just plain fucking stupid.
except she didn't. She's from a Christian Lebanese family.
so she is out without her brother and at a golf course
face it american muslims are fucking fashy
what about mexicans and niggers?
No, they are still moslems.
Bosnian girls are whiter than that, my last girlfriend was Bosnian muslim and she was white as fuck.
Yes, in Canada we are tolerant and we can do diversity properly unlike Europe or the US. Muslims are proud to be Canadian and I'm proud to call them Canadian.
Who gives a shit as long as they're niggers, Indian or Muslim. It doesn't matter if they integrate they will still be hated until generations later.
Based pole. Impressed you managed to stay in your own country instead of taking all the building work in England, pal ;)