Homosexuality has been shilled for decades even Christians are beginning to accept it, here are the facts, Its NOT natural,
its degenerate and its a choice , You mad Sup Forums
Homosexuality has been shilled for decades even Christians are beginning to accept it, here are the facts...
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I agree
Never saw untill now how Ugly he was .
Homosexuality, racemixing, pedophilia. Where will the next jewish step take us?
Im going to say it, Homosexuality should be outright illegal, open people up to the idea of banning them, but thats just a fantasy i know
if you get a little throw up in your mouth when you see 2 dudes hump hairy turds? Its OK you have homophobia.
It is real.
Public defecation and sex allowed/accepted in every corner od the street or store.
>its not natural even though it occurs in animals
>its a choice even though who you find sexually attractive is literally an involuntary physiological response in your limbic system
They should be either killed or rehabilitated(i prefer the first one)
They are literally mentally ill
Most homos got raped as a little boy and thus became sexual degenerates
Pretty sure half the people here agree with that extreme. The other half agree homosexuality is unnatural but think they should have the same rights.
It would be cruel to make it illegal without stopping the boy rape first
Those young men need to learn how to deal with repressed memories n trauma
>mad at the truth
Who /jacknicholson/ here?
so you admit that homos is animals?
its still repulsive
The Chad gentlemen
>its not natural even though it occurs in animals
You fucking subhuman degenerate using this bullshit excuse for your mental illness. It occurs in nature sure but at a rate that is far far less than the amount of faggots running around. We would have a couple fags here and there and it would be no issue. Now you have faggots everywhere trying to change the cultural fabric of the west, I hate it
>Being a Christian has degenerated your mind into hating gays
>on Sup Forums
Christ cucks please explain.
i live in a small city with about 12k people in it.A homosexual abused a 8 yo boy 3 years ago.He wasn't given jail time.Was found hung with his dick in his mouth in his yard 2 days after the sentance was given. kek
>its not natural even though it occurs in animals
Damn I guess we should go hibernate during winter and let the infrastructure fall as well amirite? *wink wink* It occurs in animals
Very relevant.
Closet homos.
You secretly want to choke on dicks
I would say you were wrong about it being a choice, but there was some recent article about it being a choice by gay men, claiming some study showed there are no "straight people".
>"was found hung with his dick in his mouth"
>"were you the offender"
Reading comprehension
bro we have 17 police officers here and everyone knows everyone.If anything happens you can't keep it a secret. (also how the fuck would i be posting if i was dead)
how can someone be a closet homo? there is no such thing as a homosexual just a homosexual act its a choice even science is starting to realize this, no one is born gay
You secretly know you are ill
sorry i read the comment in a really weird way i havent slept in 24 hours everything is blurry
no worries,you were probably waiting for the big happening,no luck so far tho.
Its not a natural thing, its a personality defect, I know because I'm a fag.
Still theres no way to cure it.
Also most fags are bottoms meaning they only get fucked, the guys who do the actual fucking are extremely likely to be bisexual. So we can't actually rape kids because the passive ones among us literally wouldnt even get it up for that
I agree, but there's a lot of degenerates on this websites, and you're going to get a lot of backlash.
The typical responses from them are,
>you must be a closet homo
>you must not want people to be happy
>you must be homophobic
>you must have been hurt by a gay person
They just use backwards psychology; of course, most of psychology is used for subversion, so maybe they're just using what they learned in college. Which is pretty sad, because maybe if they weren't so concerned about sodomy, they'd have studied something useful in college and actually made some money.
>Almost all fags are the bottoms
What if that was just a trick to convince you while gay Chad gets to use his penis?
you were saying senpai?
You might be right. But why have you put up a photo of the supreme gentleman? He was totally straight.
Some people realize that all the good manners, chivalry, and respect taught by actual parents are the #1 turnoff for girls. Showing a sign of interest means the girl is over you. Almost literally every single marriage I personally know of eventually fails within 5 years. Lifetime of porn progression got me into the wrong stuff. Not once did I have a gay thought until one single doubt after being curious about the Hypno stuff. I diddnt even believe in hypnotic suggestion. Then i realized that my years of super late nights with adderalls and super potent weed would easily suffice as LSD in the MKultra programming. I am right where (((they))) want me. I know I'm not gay, but act way more feminine than I did 5 years ago, and was all ready more "metro sexual" than most. So know I walk around thinking "Everyone thinks I'm gay, but am I gay? No. Never once thought about it. Or am I? You watch the porn and (((like))) it, so you must be! But I literally love to eat pussy, how can that be. Oh jeez, these people see me thinking, they think I'm gay for sure." This battle constantly rages and the anxiety is obviously straining my social abilities. Feminists and (((others))) are responsible for the tools, and myself for allowing such corruption.
You are fucking mental.
There's always 1 or 2 of you shills in these threads saying
>I'm gay but I don't want to be
>I tried not to be, I swear
That's fucking bullshit.
Man is the animal.
How is it unnatural? One day I saw two male dogs fucking and I burst out laughing.
Maybe you are.
OP is a faggot.
>goy don't show women any attention and they will be all over you!
I've ignored women my whole life and even the ones who liked me never ever made an actual move on me aside from one out right asking me to grab her pussy in front of all our peers
The one time I asked a girl out I fucked her brains out for two years and she was 10/10
Fuck this stupid "ignore women" meme, yeah ignore them if you want to fucking die alone
Oh another girl asked me to go to a "party" she was having when I was 12 which turned out to just be her and her friend getting drunk waiting for me and she called me a faggot and then changed schools
And she grabbed my dick once out of the blue but I'm pretty sure she was raped by her dad or something