>He thinks retro anime isn't genuinely better than modern moetrash.
He thinks retro anime isn't genuinely better than modern moetrash
Both of those are terrible.
>back in the day
>elite shows like LOTGH
>shit like squid girl
truly the darkest timeline
>back in the day
>pretentious garbage like evangelion
>well-crafted entertainment like k-on
where did it all go so right?
God bless KyoAni for inventing moe with Lucky Star.
Outlaw star was the hype as fuck.
the best modern anime looks better than the best retroshit, objectively
Thank's KyoAni!
Found the retard
Found the 45 year old. Off to bed gramps.
Can I not like both?
They're both different artists, different genres, different styles, different characters.
If you brought me an anime/manga that was the same and a remake I could probably make a decision...
Another thing, to determine that an entire ERA of something is better than another ERA would mean that everything has to be better, so you must also enjoy the shittiest of the 80s/90s anime compared to the beautiful high-budget anime produced today. This is why you should just pick and choose on case-by-case deal bro.
Fuck off with your objective analysis. This is a shitposting thread.
Wanna fight? I can say what I want. What's got you so bored you finnin to shitpost anyhow? Can't sleep, burnt out on watching anime? I got work soon and bored outta my mind.
But toradora is retro anime, it aired like 10 years ago.
I don't get it, even with you being underage faggots, tehre is no way you could ever think Lucky star or K-on, shit like this is better than 80/90 animes.
Cut out the bs, even in japan this media is reduced to be nothing but niche garbage for idiotic neets and unintelligent sweaty fat manchildren.
>muh shitposting option select
Toradora is moe? Who woulda thunk
>80s/90s anime compared to the beautiful high-budget anime produced today
You must be kidding you retarded runt.
The whole point about modern anime is that they are dirt cheap.
Everything is thought to reduce cost and mass produce garbage for people who buy junk.
What's beautiful about modern anime? Little girls driving tanks?
Fuck off.
So you want star with that "Special Snowflake" award, casual-kun?
I like how retroshit nostalgiafags are always so mad because deep down they know their dated grainy 480p trash looks and sounds like complete shit.
>there are people that actually believe this
>ignoring the complete garbage QUALITY of old TV anime
Today's TV anime objectively is better quality visually than older TV anime in general. You don't fuck all about the budget of old anime in comparison to modern anime because that information is never released. "Mass produced" is 100% meaningless. The amount of anime we get a year has increased yet it is still a small amount.
Stop talking out your ass retarded nostalgiafag
Oh look, another nostalgia fag who only knows about high quality OVAs and conveniently forgot (or probably don't even know) of all the old long running TV series that are pretty much on the same level of Toei's DBS.
>old TV anime
What do you mean by garbage quality?
Every single anime thats out right is nothing but trash pandering to pedophiles.
Little girls playing airsoft
Little girls driving tanks
Little girls shooting guns
This is your definition of quality?
Again, shut your fag mouth you retarded runt.
>I'm triggerd: the post
This "only OVAs were good" meme is some horsecock shit made up by moefags, and you just keep on parroting it without knowing what it is about.
I know about many more animes than you will ever watch, to say, in your entire pathetic weeb life.
whatever douchebag, my point is there and proven.
Modern anime is utter garbage.
weebs ruined anime.
oh man he's a newfag as well
Holy fucking shit you can't be serious, this is some crazy delusion.
CGDCT is literally one or two anime a season.
>pedophile pandering
Why are you even on Sup Forums when you are so close minded and can't accept people like things you don't.
>weebs ruined anime
Oh I fell for bait or someone super new to anime. No one is stupid enough to both not know what weeaboo means and know this little about anime.
Its like anime that's not moeshit slice of life like joker game, kiznaiver or kabaneri wasn't airing this season
>inb4 subjetive arguing about those being shit or not
Pls user don't miss the point
What you dumb fuck need to understand, is that animes nowaday are made for weebs.
>an't accept people like things you don't.
>I like little girls, why can't you accept that?
ITT: Mature animes for mature people like myself
>implying Toradora isn't retro by current Sup Forums standards
>animes are made for weebs
Seriously are you even trying? This is some weak bait. Troll smarter not harder.
I think you're on the wrong board if you can't accept people like CGDCT, and stuff like CCS and Sailor Moon. Go find an echochamber elsewhere.
It's time to stop embarrassing yourself, man. Abandon ship. Try again another day.
>animes nowaday are made for weebs
I fucking can't
This must be bait
Thanks KyoAni.
Praise GodAni
You must have litteraly just watched it
>made for weebs.
Nope, they are made for the Japs and Japs only. If you don't actually buy figs, imported BDs, or other memorabilia then you are not the market, you're a leech
have you ever wonder why there are very few retro animes that people still know? slayers, YYH, urusei yatsura, ranma. etc.
not everything in retro anime is memorable or worth of being described as "better than the modern"
sure there are plenty of retro stuff that you like, but they are simply guilty pleasures and it's pointless to rub it in everyone's faces that it's better than today's anime.
this "everything ancient is better" trope has got to stop somehow
>b-but I have a crunchyroll subscription
>I think you're on the wrong board i
All I'm saying are proven facts, what's wrong with speaking truthfully about the truth?
Isn't this board anime and manga?
If so, I'll respectfully ask you to fuck off if you can't take diverse opinions in mind.
Basically I tell you why modern anime is bad, and all you say is "yes but then why are you here?"
What? Cat's eye?
How is anyone going to know about this anime today?
Did it even air in the US.
Why would I watch that terrible old hag art when I can be watching very cute looking modern magical girls doing cute things, are you a BAKA?
>he's also an ESL
It's time to stop
>sure there are plenty of retro stuff that you like, but they are simply guilty pleasures and it's pointless to rub it in everyone's faces that it's better than today's anime.
It's objectively and blatantly better than today's anime.
I can prove it to you, but since I'll just get called a troll and bait, then why bother?
tastes have changed to pleasure shallow minded fucks like you and all the moefags here hyping for this Kyoani fraud.
The only thing that has objectively changed for worse is Japan's taste
doing god's work user
A lot of retro anime really lacks detail though. I've been watching Goldran latley and it's probably one of the most barebone looking shows I've seen other than stock fotage transforms. Even the original mobile suit had more details.
Educate yourself, cunt.
What went wrong?
Which one?
Illya anime really is the best thing to happen to the anime industry in a long time.
>the absolute best retro anime is better looking than the average anime today
No shit you colossal faggot. But if you take a full average then there's no contest; modern anime is better as a whole. You're a retard and a faggot and it's time to kill yourself.
season 2 when
>this piece of art is objectively better than this
I bet you also watch youtube reviews.
The point you faglord, is that what was considered "average" back then, is mainstream today.
And it's all the same every season, every single year is the same amount and wave of garbage thrown at idiotic weebs.
Have fun with your magical girls seriously.
Merurus were an obscure genre before, now it's literally a classic.
It hasn't really been 3 years has it?
Back in time mostly shows featured Alpha or at least don shit MCs
Now is all muh beta self insertand generic LN adaptations
Illya anime really is the main reason anime is dying.
do you understand that a weeb is a foreigner you fucking queer?
>Back in time mostly shows featured Alpha or at least don shit MCs
>proven facts
There's a point where it's so obvious it becomes boring. Lurk more and actually watch some anime. Your opinions aren't facts or diverse, they're wrong and ignorant of anime, the target market and what the words you're using actually mean.
You should fuck off because all you're doing is spouting incorrect shit like 'anime is made for weebs' and 'everything is for pedophiles'
The only good thing back in the days was the cock tease.
Nope, it actually brings in the dough. Much better than ultraviolent trainwreck who just eats the budget with no returns
Looks like an ugly girl to me
>You should fuck off because all you're doing is spouting incorrect shit like 'anime is made for weebs' and 'everything is for pedophiles'
Show me one good anime that's airing this season.
Or what you think is good.
they really could have picked a better still for space bros
>Show me one good anime that's airing this season.
As a retrofag you should appreciate Kabaneri, which is airing right now. Have you even seen it? Do you even watch anime? Outlaw star was the 7th show you've seen wasn't it
Anne Happy
Sansha Sanyou
Flying Witch
Yeah well, back then we had real hot gals.
Not fucking underages everywhere.
>can't refute the fact he has no idea what he's talking about
>tries to change the topic
So you admit you're wrong and know nothing about anime and the terms you're using? Good shit.
See you later moron, I hope you learn more about anime before you spout more bullshit you've made up
10/10 baiting
Watch out, user. He'll call you a pedo and throw buzzwords like moeshit
How am I changing the topic you full autistic shithead?
ITT: a pretentious newfag trying to defend his first anime
>not fucking underages everywhere
This one picture funnily resumes everything that's wrong with anime today.
How much anime have you completed?
It's pathetic, really. Happy Summer, Sup Forums/ Shitposting ESLs be damned.
I love Anne!
Seeing her smile makes me smile.
Why is it always the ESLs? Are their brains stunted?
This year?
None, I'm not watching nothing new, just waiting for that KnK OVA, nothing else.
I know right? She's a real miracle.
>Not fucking underages everywhere.
>muh 5 tone shading
That's an old lady though
The only thing wrong with anime today is that you are alive.
>implying nostalgiafags actually watch anime
Don't be silly, they watch 10 shows from before 2000 and pretend they've seen 'old anime'. This idiot doesn't even know what weeaboo actually means.
Don't compare that fucking shit to Maltesers.
>Not fucking underages everywhere.