Who is the best boy in Haikyuu?

Who is the best boy in Haikyuu?



Hinata. I want to touch his bulging pants

Definitely not Hinata.


Caveat: there are no worst boys in Haikyuu, so this is a lot like deciding which M&M in the bag tastes the best.

There are boys in Haikyuu!!?

Many, many more than there are girls.

>implying they're not all best boys
Come on user.
Please keep posting your picture, I love seeing it every week.

Iron Wall boy.

I try not to spam it too often so as to avoid painting my precious angel as something cancerous and used for shitposting.

Yeah that's completely understandable that you don't want him to get the same reputation as Suga and Nagisa on Sup Forums. Still, seeing his pure smile fills me up with joy everytime I see it, so thank you.


Wait, what? When did Suga become hated? How the hell is it even possible to hate Suga?

It's just because of an insufferable person that kept using Suga as their avatar. As far as I know Suga himself isn't hated, heck I think it's simply impossible to hate that angel, but now people are avoiding the Sugaposters thanks to that guy.


Hinata is cute.
I want to defile him.

I don't like any of them as a characters.
There is some good volleyball though.

Go, go, let's go, let's go Date Ko!

>I don't like any of them as a characters
What's wrong? Not stereotyped enough for you? :^)

Is it just fujo bait, or is it actually well crafted and interesting to watch?
Is there meaningful, character driven build towards sportsball happening, or is it a soulless nendo vehicle?

It's pretty good desu.


Series is great, soundtrack is killer. Stay the hell away from the threads. There is some "It's time" level of faggot going on an frankly it scares me.

Honestly it's one of the best recent sports anime. The characters aren't walking stereotypes and they actually question themselves and evolve a lot, even the supporting characters. It only attracts fujos because most of them are males, obviously, but there's nothing homo at all if you take off your fujo goggles. Also pretty much what said.

>24 replies
>Best boy hasn't been posted yet



I just did an image search for pic related.
I had to wade through a shit load of homolust to find it.

Oops, wrong pic

100% Kageyama.

Is it even a question?

Hinata a shit.

I'm gonna marry Yachi.

It's great. There's a couple blatant fujobait scenes but nothing too bad.

You've got competition for Yachi, I think.

>best boy
>that smelly guy
Nice joke.

Shut up you haremfaggot, you said last time that you were going to marry both Yachi and Saeko. Yachi deserves better.

But he's literally taking a bath.

You've got the wrong guy!

I only have eyes for Yachi

It's not because you're bathing once a month that you don't smell bad and you know it.

>no one picked Team Dad

My bad then, that guy was probably impersonating you. Yachi is such a sweetie. Now that I think about it it's been a while since I've last seen you, where have you been?


Best boy right here

Ma nigga!


I didn't think I really posted enough to be remembered, yet alone impersonated. I maybe posted it like 5 times.

>where have you been?
I generally don't even bother visiting haikyuu threads

I remember you because Yachi a cute. Though to be honest I was almost certain to have seen you more around, that's weird.

The only choice.

Official best boys list:

Every other boy is unjustifiable shit tier scum.

Lev is the best.


You tell me.

Why is Kageyama such a fat ass? Literally the ass of an obese black lady.