Brit/pol/ - chav family edition

>Mummy may backtracks on Brexit, FIVE MORE YEARS

>Ahmed Hassan charged with 'attempted murder' over tube bombing

>Theresa May to warn tech firms over terror content

>Parsons Green bombing: Two more arrested over Tube attack

>Owen Goes Full Brent

>May Agrees to £40BN Brexit Bill

>M3 Is Fucked

>Year of terror: Timeline of ISIS attacks in Great Britain

>Brexit fuels smuggling fears on the Irish border

Other urls found in this thread:

>Brexit fuels smuggling fears on the Irish border

Paddies deported with hard border WHEN?


Opinions on the IRA Lads?

chavs are disgusting


She got fat I think user


Might take a walk to my local book shop.

>admitting you did a crime

brainlet detected

share with us the names of what you purchase


Wot u gna read?

At least the kid is white

reminder that we were here before you and will always be here

>Talking to a girl at freshers do
>8/10, easily
>Been chatting about 10 minutes
>"So where are you staying, are you in halls, or...?"
>She looks really confused
>"user, I'm in the same halls as you? We've bumped into each other before?"
>Never seen this person before in my life
>"Oh, it's probably because I'm wearing more make-up than usual"
>It clicks, I know who she is
>She looks a fucking wreck most days, struggling to get to 6/10
How do they get away with this shit, lads?

Will do.

Back shortly lads

Pleb thinks his property rights extend beyond the extent of his front gate. Welcome to litigation land.

They bullied you in school didn't they user?

cause weeaboos liek you fall for it

Your property rights extend past your front gate to the kerb

no, i bullied them
chavlets lose all of their aggression if they know that there's no way they could possibly be victorious

should be able to do them for fraud innit

makeup is very noticeable

Then you were like
"Nice, so you won't have to walk far to get home in the morning."


Of course it is, but actually seeing someone looking like a completely different person fucks my head up

>Be me
>Go on Facebook for the first time in a while
>Find out I'm off the candidates' list
>But 'I'll put you at the top of the list to become one'

it's a bloody nightmare when you move into halls and introduce yourself to all these randoms, and keep bumping into to 'em for the rest of the year without having the faintest clue who they are other than the feeling that you know them vaguely

Fuck lads I've eaten 11 lozenges today already and my throat isn't even that sore, but I don't want it to get worse.

>Life is a prison comprised of other peoples expectations from which you will never escape

God damn it, I wish I weren't a witless brainlet

it's scheming witchcraft, i'll give you that much

>chavs are disgusting

I can think of more degenerate people, like anime posters.

I always thought if i said something like this the lass would be too retarded to understand it and id end up looking like a weirdo

>deport the paddies
>after forcing them to accept your govt
>which they fought tooth & nail against
What did you even mean by this? Aren't they already lining up to self-deport as soon as Brexits over? Irexit?

Make a britpol script that gathers the top two links from various british news sites

Intredasting. I can't find anything to back that up, user. Got any sources?
>tfw a licence is required to create a dropped kerb, or widen an existing one, in front of your drive or hardstanding.

Lad, if you can even sit down and calmly talk to a girl that appeared to be an 8/10, you're already doing better than at least three quarters of the mongs on here.

>Going to university

Anyone know how to be less frugal with my money? Every time I go to spend any amount I get this overwhelming feeling of dread that I'll be poor one day.

The only girls who even like that sort of comment anyway are slags. Definitely not worth it. If a girl likes you enough to fuck you you don't need to butter them up with lame lines.

get a job

I do have a job.

embrace it and pass the wealth onto your children

If it pays even moderately well than why are you worried

Just think one day you'll be dead and your money won't mean anything.

I don't know, if I had to guess then I might have a fear of spending money.

lol as an immigrant in uk I can testify english girls do wear way too much make up, dunno why

slut culture, makeup adverts on tv are at least 1 in 2

Because they usually have bad skin with lots of spots so they cover it up with makeup causing more bad skin and spots.

just had a 7 inch poo, unbroken

invest in action figures.

cause they think it's a """hobby"""

Loose arsehole from all the promiscuous gay sex huh?

Well done, litigation man, informing us of all things litigation *wipes tear

how much do you guys end up spending on food each day on average?

>tfw qt 9/10 girl at my uni keep playfully hitting me and teaching me her native language

fucking foreign birds lads im too much of a rightly so to ask her out as well, fuck my shit up

Like rapid humanoids

While that's true I want my children to live a comfortable life free from worry. Would hate for them to grow up and feel the way I feel about my boomer parents.

where is she from

High waisted jeans are worse. Fat women manage to hide at least 3 stone in them.

Rees-Mogg will do the moral thing and ban them soon though.

What's her native language?

just do it


Is she Romanian romanian or Gypsy romanian?

You are tied to the system unable to survive out of it without its water delivery system.

Anything can sound bad if tou put a negative spin on it.

>Well done, wot-u-gna-read man, informing us of all things wot-u-gna-read *wipes jizz

Rate my toilet lads

positively french

Galati, 90% Sure sh's a gypsy but she's fit as fuck easily 9/10 and intelligent, so doesnt act like a gypsy

10/10 would squat

>too much of a rightly so to ask her out

Haha, classic. This should be a recurring line on this general.

you might have a right of access, but you need to clarify what you mean my property rights.
your property is just what is covered on your deeds and the land register. you can't alter what is outside of that.

Yes sir, I know the problem here. You suffer from an ailment known as kikery. Diagnosis: incurable.

Im so sorry.

This. I swear all my gf dose in her spare time is watch makeup tutorials.

why is she your gf

lads someone reply. i keep powerleveling and i think im going to get in trouble. brits are so cucked. why do they keep battling me and trying to guilt me for standing up to islam and the invasion of brownskinned haters.

If it can come out it can also go in

Oy vey.

Guess which station

She's pretty hot, complete air head though

Just stop trying. It's already over anyway, persisting will just leave you feeling impotent rage all the time. I've been there.

Really we should just embrace Islam, as soon as that happens then it will be unpopular.

hurts to watch 'em spend their pay check on that garbage.

Sonic booms appear to be occurring in your photo. I-is this the power of British Rail?

croydon east

No idea user, are you on a lil day trip??

Are you the maharaja?

East Croydon?




ya fucking dafty

life on the edge m8

>Mfw I've only ever passed through there ~5 times, all of which were at night

Is Trooper beer any good?

>english girls do wear way too much make up, dunno why

Because they're English.

>why do they keep battling me
they want to be part of the crowd, so they try to make people into themselves and themselves into other people in a larger group. conforming, i think they call it.
if you start denying the holocaust people will jump at you to defend the 'fact' that the holocaust happened, not because it affects them one way or the other, because it doesn't, but because if they don't follow and repeat the consensus, then others might think that they hold the same view as you.
they see silence as agreement, so they have to defend what they see as the correct view of society as a whole.

diversity and multicult is good, so they must defend it because they are afraid that anything but a defence means that they are against it and so not part of the consensus.

it used to be you could just ignore people, or say "whatever" but these days people think they need to defend something to show they are good people.

a thinking mans tune:

whats a good time to ask out a girl then shall i just go up to her after lectures and just ask for her number.

its been a mixture. me and my brother were trashing effeminate cucks all night, but even he turned on me when i called out the slags as race traitors. he called me a racist and said im no better than a nigger. even said he thinks im going to be killed. cut me deep. now we are both hungover and i worry my bro hates me.
its all because he has some paki friends. he doesnt want to be horrible to them. i keep trying to explain that these positions are not exclusive.