Big if true, EU scared to death of Poland leaving.
Big if true, EU scared to death of Poland leaving
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Anti EU sentiment is strong throughout much of Europe. It's becoming increasingly apparent to people that the politicians at the top of the EU don't give a fuck about the livelihoods of European people. People used to think I was weird for hating the EU, now they're starting to see what I'm on about.
No shit.
The EU only exists simply because countries feel the need to be in it. It is not like America were leaving is illegal or any other sane conglomerate that actually needs to be together to strengthen political ties (OPEC for example). EU reminds me of the Articles of Confederation era America, all these states are more separate entities with separate cultures and economies that clash with each other in ways that simply don't work.
While pooland is playing with fire, because it's a deficit EU country, I like that it's here to remind us that it can be done right.
And let's be honest, after brexit, the last thing they want is another country leaving.
It's not true
It's translation of
That site pulled out fake news and gave sources of what some people found out was leading to
One quote first "new site" uses from source from second one is identical
So what's wrong with that?
First site made that so fucking big news few day ago and it's translation of it in your picture
But sources of that article are over year old
Over a year EU changed their mind so many times that it is no longer relevant
ooops i did mistake
first link should be
Polish mindset now:
>EU gives us gibs, we don’t take in refugees, everything is fine
Polish mindset in 2020:
>REEEEEEE why do we have to pay? and how dare they give us only one month to take in refugees? REEEEEE
Look up the book "The Great Deception" if you want to read about the origin of the EU.
Some people say that the EU Constitutional system is closely modeled on that of the Soviet Union.
You leave a Soviet dominated system only to find yourselves back were you started. Welcome to the West.
Damn, how will those western companies in Poland survive without gibs
We'll be forced to start our own or something
The gibs are actually very bad for economy. Those that are going into infrastructure are at least net positive I think, but other are net negative for economy. This is because gibs are making artificial inequality on the market, good established businesses are being ruined because the competition appeared, armed with gibs, that have no idea what is doing, but has a lot of money to waste. This is actually ruining establishments, with solid fundamentals, and is promoting cash grabs initiatives. It is net negative for our economy. We have infrastructure already, stopping gibs would be good for us now, not bad.
Bullshit. Within a century there will be an European ethnostate with as many soldiers as the USA and everyone who opposes it will be physically removed.
If you think this is a bad thing, you are an idiot with no capability of long-term thinking, or American or Russian. Period.
>ethostate of brown low iq untermenschen.
yeah great job.
Europe will prosper in freedom in seperate nations and seperate developments
now fuck off
Heil Hitler indeed
The only way to prevent brown people's takeover of Europe is to unite it into a single state. That way, the 25 million brown people (the most pessimistic figure) will be faced with 700 million ethnic Europeans.
It's better than 5 million immigrants per 10 million Swedes or 10 million immigrants per 70 million Germans.
> Britain votes for Brexit
> *crickets chirping from all other EU countries*
> Poland/Hungary not happy with refugees, stay in EU
> May says Britain will stay in EU
> *Crickets again*
Yeah thank for backing us up, EU cucks. Way to go miss the boat on both Trump and Brexit.
So... do you support relocation I suppose?
>thinking that traitors wouldn't betray more or would be strong enough to get rid of muslims
>ZERO refugees
There's like one million of Ukrainians here. I hear ukrainian every day
I think its pretty clear that refugee now means shitskins
Relocation in what sense? I support deportation.
That's all well and good, but the people running the EU have clearly wanted to flood the EU with brown people for years.
You're thinking is very similar to Oswald Mosley, it could be great.