I watched all of Erased last night. Loved it, the feels where everywhere. What was Sup Forums's opinion on it?
I watched all of Erased last night. Loved it, the feels where everywhere. What was Sup Forums's opinion on it?
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willy on feels
I think you should do your summer reading homework
>I just watched my first anime
Did you watch it with your wife's son?
So you like NTR ?
It was a good anime for cucks like me.
The directing in the flashbacks was top notch
>do you like being buttraped.png
Wrong image.
it was alright until the last two episodes
well it seems that your just another casual watcher... Erased is Shit
Watch Re:Zero its 10 times more entertaining than this shit
>Watch haremshit, it will blow your mind
Sup Forums is full of little girls obsessed with pairings so they think the MC got cruelly dumped by his childhood friend that he only got close to as a 29 year old in a kid's body. This false "NTR" has become a tired meme.
Delusions aside. It's not a bad experience, and worth the time spent watching it. Sensei is obviously best girl.
It started out good but very quickly went to shit. Decent premise ruined by shit writing
The first time you watch it, you'll really like it. But when you look at it critically, you'll realise it's a really stupid mystery. Buddy Scooby Doo had better mysteries. And his time travel abilities are just not explained and used cheaply through the story.
Sup Forums please go.
You don't always have to explain the finer details of everything.
If you watch any sci-fi, almost none of the technological or alien life shit can be explained because it's entirely fantasy.
What is explained is usually flimsy nonsense at best.
The technicalities are not the focus and are really just a backdrop.
Do you also complain about aliens, future tech, psychic nonsense, the paranormal, giant robots, space battles, magical girls, references to gods/religious, and ancient items of mythical power?
>hurr durr cuck cuck cuck cuck
what the fuck was so good about Kayo anyway? she was a dull little cunt, Kenya can have her
Pizza girl was one million percent better and cute than slut Kayo will ever be
>I had a air bag placed under the building the whole time
She was better than Airi at least which isn't much. She gets some forced development where she needs to see the MC save someone so she can believe him, and if that wasn't enough they make her have am overly dramatic backstory involving a chocolate bar. It also doesn't help that she is completely irrelevant.
>people unironically think it's a harem
Author purposely wrote himself into that situation. The scene where Satoru thinks to himself that this will be his last revival is setup so he can steadily go into the coma which in the end was a cheap revival.
>ctrl+f cuck
>1 of 5
Alright premise, but the story takes a massive nosedive after the past arc and everything in the MC's present time is shit.
>Think "it's obviously the fucking teacher but that's just red herring, twist incoming"
>It was actually the fucking teacher you expected to be by the third episode since nobody else could be the assassin
>It was the fucking teacher
>The twist was that the author realized how cheap "loser MC needs timetravel power to get gf" seemed and made her stay with other guy after all the dumb "feelsy" (oh gosh abused children, in japan nonetheless) buildup from the first moment they met
>Expect us to have the same reaction as Satoru when nobody even knew WTF happened
>"he was a complete loser b4 but now iwth his friend kenya and hiromi he is top tier mangaka and has a highschooler girlfriend (cuz people got butthurt on manga) and a buttslut teacher"
Maybe I should have gone in expecting not a good mystery but maybe the same thought that people enjoy Mayoiga.
This was just the mangaka's self insert fantasy.
Was a masterpiece until the last 2 episode
Then become NTR shit with a gay ending
Still a better time slip story than Re:zero
Summer, everybody!
Sensei was best girl.
> I didn't guess the teacher until the part where they shows his red eyes transitioning into another scene with the lamp posts
Idk, usually I'm pretty good at picking up on mystery anime, for whatever reason I completely missed it in this one, until it was completely obvious.
Garbage show.
>>Idk, usually I'm pretty good at picking up on mystery anime, for whatever reason I completely missed it in this one, until it was completely obvious.
its rather obvious desu
we dont have many suspects in this show
and sensai is getting more & more attention when the plot goes
Its a shame the MC got cucked by a trap.
The show was great. Don't listen to Sup Forums, they'll hate anything that isn't a moeblob or a mech anime. Erased was pretty and as far as mysteries/dramas go it's pretty dang good.
Overall, it's mediocre and the latter half was quit abysmal.
The show is definitely not ntr nor cuck or whatever people wanna label it. MC threw away ten years to give everyone else a happier ending.
I can understand the frustration from some people, though, I'm sure some people were expecting him to go back one last time and beat the teacher in the past in order to get back his ten years and live a normal childhood.
But that doesn't happen and he lost those years and if he had any feelings for Kayo in the first place, whether the show implied it or not, wouldn't ever be reciprocated as long as Kayo stays in a stable relationship (which is very much likely).
Utter garbage.
>Hey guys, I just watched my first matured anime.
Kill yourself. You should go back to MAL. The anime deviated from source material at the last two episodes. Plus, shit got boring near the halfway point.
Your're just as a fag as OP.
>he didn't like what I liked kill urself lol.
What a hero.
>just as fag as OP
0 fag x 1= 0
Git gud. If he's such a casual anime fan he probably slays more than you anyway.
This butthurt. kek
You caught me. I'm hurt by this one guy on the Internet. Foiled again, dang.
But really OP, don't let anyone invalidate your enjoyment of this show, or any show. There are problems with it, but Erased isn't total gutter trash, it's a pretty drama.
Why not watch something closer to Hard Sci-Fi next time fella. Erased time travel ability is an asspull that whenever he gets in a snitch activates.
I could just mention Tatami Galaxy's way of time travelling makes more sense. Even if it is a flimsy reason. The writer should be aware that the origin of his abilities need to be explained as transparent as possible. Look at Steins;Gate they did flimsy way to explain the time travel, but we accept it because our imagination fills in the spaces. Where as Erased leaves us cold feet. Going from a sec before someone gets hurt with a time reverse vs going back in time 20 or something years is a big leap and has little logic.
I'm going to use a Jojo Stand as an example here. There is a Stand in Jojo that precisely has this same property, but it has a limitation. It is user controlled and can only go back a few seconds back in time. It causes a more interesting strand of ideas, because the user is to blame if he fucks up. In Erased there is little to no consequence to using his time abilities. And that causes it being an asspull unexplained ability that has little flaws. Also an asspull is when the creator wrote himself into a corner and has no idea to progress the story, but with something that is unexplained and comes out of nowhere. Kinda like a Deus Ex Machina.
What happened in the source material?
It's also called plot induced stupidity in tvtropes.
Airi not showing up and punching those fags.
Satoru falling into another coma. A year.
The plan to capture Yashiro with Kenya and Satoru mom's friend.
There was no fujo shit between Satoru and Yashiro.
Better pacing too.
Protip: there was no time travel ability to begin with, it was merely Satoru comatose dreaming about various possibilities. The timeline where he became a hero and drowned in the lake was the one and only true timeline.
Whoops. I mean't Airi showed up instead of Yashiro when Satoru was his wheelchair taking a stroll. Plus forgot to add, Airi was the key to Satoru's memory.
Airi best girl
That would be as stupid as "It was all a dream." Plot device, that is stupid and a suicide for the creator to make.
>no fujo shit
It sounded like Yashiro wrote him a love letter which wasn't show in the anime and the whole "only you would belive me" was cut out and the "it was because of you" that I could move on. Not to mention the fireworks exploding during a chapter called confession.
Well, Yashiro founded deep interest in Satoru. It still was pretty homo, but the anime made it even more gayer.
Anyone that actually expected Satoru to get with Kayo are just virgin cucks that assume that just because their good friends with a girl that automatically means you're gonna get with her.
Betacucks are the one that expected Kayo to end up with Satoru.
I really liked it too user, best anime of the year so far it's only competition was rakugo which no one watched becasue it was uninteresting boring and more melodramtic than kiznaiver if you can fathom something that bad.
It's only real competition is kabaneri and re:zero which Sup Forums pretends to hate but watch eagerly every week, but there both incomplete so as of this moment erased is aoty 2016.
Agreed. cucking is the nature of woman
If you think it's a good mystery then you have never watched another mystery in your life.
>Thinking either are good
Your absolutely right, I haven't. That doesn't detract from my enjoyment though.
lurk for 2 years before posting retard
Good soundtrack, somehow Yuki Kajiura DIDN'T break out the vocal stuff this time. What's that shit about everything sounding the same?
When's the second OST coming out?
7/10, I liked it. Had some problems though. Teacher was an obvious villain who wasn't very interesting. When you have a mystery series, having an obvious culprit is a bad move. Also I felt like the characters weren't interesting enough.
The power doesn't seem to have proper rules as far as how it works though. It activates randomly at certain times just to make the plot advance, and it loses credibility doing so. I don't need a big explanation, I don't even need one. He has a power, fine. But you gotta set limits and rules to this power or else it's just asspulls
Why are all of the doujins Sensei x Satoru?
If they were going to make it that obvious that sensei was the culprit, they should have just revealed it quickly. That way the anime could've been a decent suspense show rather than a poor mystery show.
Also, there should've been more focus on Airi if she was going to end up with Satoru. The author did just that in the manga, and I understand that the manga readers were not as upset as the show watchers were when Kayo showed up with her baby.
There is no such thing as a hard scifi anime.
>I like it so it can't possible be a harem
Kill yourself, nigger.
Actually it was even worse in the manga because there were months without Airi.
You do realize how hypocritical you sound right?
murder mystery with only one possible suspect.
It's shit.
At least use the original title.