Seriously, QRD me please.
What did your boy mean? Was he onto something?
Death rays.
I think I need to put a few more points into INT the next time I level up to understand this.
look up bohm de broglie interpretation, EM drive and pilot waves.
Toridial energy (torus)
Einstein was wrong, to some extent. Probably the person who understand it better is Eric Dollard.
Mass is an illusion, the only thing that causes the motion of everything from subatomic particles to galactic systems, is simply light pressure and surface pressure.
Prove me wrong.
Electromagnetism of large bodies. Compare sound frequency affect on matter and it's likely that electromagnetic forces behave in a similar way.
The physics of frequency is not well understood.
To be fair he was later thinking of a universal field theory that wasn't as popular or complete.
could we store niggers inside this ball ?
V = 2*(pi^2)*R*(r^2)
Look up Wallace Thornhill's lectures on the electric theory of gravity. It's great stuff.
Also remember Einstein was a jew and he wasn't a scientist. He worked purely in mathematical theory and hasn't proven shit.
The electromagnetic spectrum from gamma to micro, the waves are octaves of light. Which in scale litreally push the quarks in atoms changing the colour of the quarks, on a large scale the planets are pushed by the microwaves from the initial big bang. And this pressre is what caises the atoms to hold together. Will continue if anyone's intrested.
Tesla would have made countless new scientific discoveries if he had the necessary funds and personnel but it was never meant to be.
We would have gotten a new unlimited energy resource too but the large companies like the oil sector didn't like it one bit.
All the kneegars of all the countries in all the galaxies in every universe imaginable, all folded around a center point. Let's call it super africa.
Im a huge Tesla fanboy to the point where I even studied Serbian. At what age did he say this? As he got older he stopped making much sense. It was hard to tell when it was genius or crazy talking.
Did Egypt know this? I bet they did.
Lol Tesla was a genius, but the aether theory is fucking stupid and was proved wrong multiple times.
But hey, not everyone is perfect, Einstein didn't believe in quantum mechanics.
The Egyptians knew it, the Indians in india, the Chinese, and the Russians know this and possibly more.
>Prove me wrong.
I self-identify as mass.
"The gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power. My Mother had taught me to seek all truth in the Bible; therefore I devoted the next few months to the study of this work." Tesla in his autobiography
Hey buddy, you need to rotate your swastika, about 45 degrees either direction.
Druids in Avalon. Original builders of Machu Picchu and other monolithic sites.
In practical application, what's the difference between "the aether" and "space-time"? You could swap the term anywhere.
>it was like making bread
They found that quote carved in an Egyptian staute, also why machu pichu has stones that bulge out slightly, like fresh baked bread. Also in the right orientation around a large stone that resonates many men can use a special chant to lift the stones using acoustic levitation.
Found the statues, they didn't fall and break, these are failed casting's that blew from the inside out. Like when clay explodes in a kiln, air bubbles are a killer with geopolymer. Think concrete but when this sets it expands instead of shrink.
>force diminishes with the square of distance
This has nothing to do with what I studied in college so apologies if I'm about to make an ass of myself. Sounds like current prevailing theory has gravitational waves pulling/attracting
whereas this has force being applied in the opposite direction...? Or was I drunk in science class that day?
>light pressure
This post is for anyone who is dumb enough to be duped by this cockfag.
>Mass is an illusion
It obviously isn't. There are many simple experiments you can do in a high school lab that show how it works.
>light pressure
Nigga, yes photons have momentum and can exert impulse but the numbers involved are tiny. To imply that microwaves are somehow pushing planets around in orbits around stars and therefore constantly accelerating them... and that the star itself is apparently irrelevant to the orbits... it's just dumb ass niggery.
>high school physics graphic in comic sans font stating accepted physics
Doesn't really back up your extreme and absurd contrarianism
>push the quarks in atoms changing the colour of the quarks
wut the cock are you talking about? If quarks are changing color then that by definition (i.e. conservation of color) implies the involvement of particles of color, i.e. gluons. Not photons. You nigger!
Brainlet fake physicist who has read some gay shit on the Interwebs but can't do math CONFIRMED
You need to read "The Problem with Increasing Human Energy"
Tesla was better at politics than electronics.
Where's your math tho
electromagnetic levitation. Are there any monolithic sites that used Stones that didn't contain quartz? Granite, Limestone, sandstone, etc all have quartz.
That's possible aswell, I considered it but thought acoustic would be more likely at least for Stonehenge since the stones do resonate when struck.
Those are some of them most abundant types of rock on the surface
logic would dictate people using them all over earth
Tesla is likely just wrong on this subject. There is no aether in the classical sense. However an interesting branch that, to my knowledge, treats gravity as a field (with a 4-vector potential like that of EM) rather than a warping of spacetime is G4V. I think it is worth checking out.
That said, I'm pretty sure Einstein looked into doing a classical version of this before developing general relativity and the math didn't work out for some reason... I don't know much GR and I don't know how G4V fixes whatever problems Einstein encountered along the way. I'd be interested if someone could direct me to a source on this.
Also wouldn't this thread belong in /sci/?
So does the granite in the Kings tomb in Egypt.
You realize that when quartz is struck it generates Alternating currents? Resonance stabilizes the frequency.
Tesla's a fucking meme scientist and all the /x/ fags on here sucking his dick are an embarrassment.
Tesla is the epitome of wasted potential: An incredibly ambitious and driven man constantly fucked over by his own self-inflated ego and stubbornness. He could have been a great theorist, but he refused to study the higher mathematics necessary to do so and was close-minded to any theory that disagreed with his own assumptions. He could have been a great experimentalist, but his work suffered from heavy confirmation bias and an appalling lack of rigor.
Instead of being a Faraday or Feynman, Tesla became a failure whose only noteworthy accomplishments were popularizing a type of electric current discovered by other, better physicists, and patenting a basic, brushless induction motor. He died penniless after decades of spending other people's money on baseless, blundering boondoggles like Wardenclyffe, and only continues to be praised and recognized today because of a pathetic fanbase of steampunk nerds and conspiracy fags convinced that the man was running around the world shooting death rays and building teleporters.
The stuff you babbled doesn't require math to refute.
If you're interested in physics, then cool. If you're a skeptic that isn't a priori bad, either. Verify it for yourself; basic mechanics experiments verify laws of motion, it isn't too expensive to replicate Faraday's stuff to give yourself an idea of the basics of EM. Basic electronics kits are cheap. The Cavendish experiment proving the attraction of mass to mass may be a bit harder to prove to yourself if you're on a budget (this is why going to university for physics is good). You can also get cloud chambers relatively cheaply to see cosmic rays and ionizing radiation for yourself. Apply a decent B field to it and you have evidence of their charge properties and q/m ratios etc...
Look bro, I'm a Trump guy and believe that Hillary Clinton should be in prison for treason, Imran Awan is a spy and Seth Rich was killed by the DNC because he knew too much. But just because the corporate media is obviously lying to us to cover for enormous political crimes, that doesn't mean that scientists and engineers are all in on it; the people in the secret societies still need people to build and maintain their private jets.
This is my last post; I have better things to do.
Egyptians put electricity through their bodies to use their tools.
>killed by the DNC
Change that to "killed by Podesta"
This one really is my last post though - see you fags later.
Mesopotamian Egyptians or Nubian Egyptians?
How does your logic square moving it from quarry as far as 500 miles?
Egyptians would be working on the pyramids today with all the slaves on the world at their time. However the time in which the pyramids were built were before the Egyptian slave period.
I'm actually not sure when they lost the technology. Still an open research question for me.
>the waves are octaves of light
I mean, yes, technically, but you're making it sound like a bigger deal than it really is. All wave media have "octaves". An octave up is nothing more than a doubling of frequency. So all you are really saying there is, "light waves are waves and come in a spectrum of frequencies." Everyone already knew this.
The rest is pretty handily debunked by this guy desu
I could probably guess the answer for you, assuming its true, but either way it would be a 50/50 and not much of a challenge.
Will definitely not Nubians. But I don't know when before that.
You say this as if this were mere coincidence, if I've learned anything in my time here on earth it's that nothing is a coincidence.
People are amazing user.
We are gods, we dont need magic or aliens to figure shit out.
Ive seen a myriad of ways megalithic blocks could have been moved
Wally Wallington for example.
Dont sell human ingenuity short
>Also remember Einstein was a jew and he wasn't a scientist. He worked purely in mathematical theory and hasn't proven shit.
You're so fucking stupid it's actually painful to those exposed to it/you.
Scub-energy is a quasi-forbidden subject among the highest level of engineers.
Essentially, polar energy is literally manifested in the matter all around us via the utilization of utilized pure energy carried by "matter".
Matter like Oxygen/Nitrogen that makes up all the empty space around us, a reciever can pick up and amplify this pure polar energy and make use of it in number of ways. From basic electricity to psycho-communication to hyper concentrated energy of a destructive force.
The basic gestalt, you're getting kiked by the energy, communication, and weapons industry as with the proper equipment a permanent free replacement exists simply in the air you breath.
man serbs are so pro, thank you Serbia for giving us Tesla
Praise kek
Wrong. It was JPM and Edison that fucked him over
Upon the founding of GE, at which time JPM also fucked Edison, Tesla was finished
Sounds like he is getting at the fundamental nature of existence itself.
Existence is a paradox. How is it that matter can sustain itself forever? If it can not, how can matter come from noting? If God, how is God able to be eternal? If the Big Bang, how did it form?
Either something can come from nothing or there are eternal creative forces.
Gods? You are not even initiated. Even the Pharaohs sought to prove themselves.
>stopped making sense
Oddly enough, as he rambled on, he made so much more sense. Just in another metaphysical level.
Im communicating with you over thousands of miles of a worldwide interconnected network reading your responses on a liquid crystal display while sipping coffee that grew thousands of miles away from my home
we are gods
Debatable as his theories were untested, untestable, and metaphysical
Ironically, it's all le relative
That´s what I´m saying: On a metaphysical level. Kabbalah and so on.
Using technology that others build makes you a slave not a god. You are beholden to others and must add to it to prove yourself. Grow the knowledge or lose what you have been given.
Kabbalah is only metaphysical because the original Jews are gone. Kabbalah had striking similarities to Egyptian symbols .
maybe im a lesser god but i still have a certain power level that other organisms marvel at
for fucksakes im a sentient being thats godly in itself
Ants don't care what you fap to.
Actually both date back to sacred geometry, literally the geomegeometry of conciousness. All things are conciousness, and all energy is standing wave's of pure thought.
Why, if levitating a fucking rock with noise is possible, isn't there any evidence of someone doing that shit? Seriously. Besides some tard setting shit on a subwoofer and vibrating that shit into the air. Surely some fucker would have done it by now if it's possible. With all the autists online larping, don't tell me if they could levitate some shit for real, it wouldn't have been done a million times over by now.
...Well, you are a rascist and a bigot. How about that?
the only question that matters
What exactly do you think I am implying is a "mere coincidence"? I never mentioned coincidences in my comment.
Egyptians and real Jews had used it for a purpose.
Pyramids and Solomon's Temple (first). Knowledge was lost to the Jews after babylon captivity and if any remained after that completely destroyed by Romans.
Answer me this, what is the base building block of the universe? That you are aware of.
A simple explanation aside from all the mumbo jumbo: Tesla cranked up the power to really high ass levels and when recording power output he found fluctuations where somehow there was more power being generated than possible (mathematically, not some sci-fi shit) .
I forget the name of it but engineers have since noticed this phenomena where the math doesn't add up in power output but im too lazy to look it up.
Teslas conclusion was that the power must have come from somewhere and believed there was some sort of "aether" it was drawing from. Math and science bros tried to solve it and relativity didn't cut it but eventually they worked out the 11 dimensional model where theoretically it DOES add up. That's string theory and all that jazz. How to prove it? Cern for instance is playing with particles to send one into another dimension (basically) to prove they are on the right track.
No tinfoil, no death rays, no satanic rites, no free energy just a better understanding of what exists.
Unlikely acoustics. The amount of air required to push would deafen or kill people.
Electromagnetic essence with the quartz in those rocks far more likely if that was the method used.
He was blue pilled in this matter.
Gravity is a lie
I will admit to being a racists if Israel allows testing on the tomb of David they claim is real. All historians say it's in the wrong place including historians from 1 ad that say that herrod the great looted Davids tomb therefore their rich filled time is wrong.
Genetic testing with David and Solomon is the only way to convince me otherwise. The Jews today are not the real Jews.
Resonance not essence.
Assuming humans are incapable of producing certain frequency pattern using specific ancient chants. In theory you would need 9 men with deep voices standing in a circle around the stone to achieve the desired effect. As to why we haven't been able to replicate it, I'd say lack of knowledge on the chants as well as lack of desire. This is requires hermetic knowledge and true understanding of the universal connection.
Seems like a non-sequitur from our previous conversation, but ok...
Short answer: I don't know. I'm not even sure what "base building block of the universe" means because I don't assume that the universe is built out of some basic single type of thing.
Slightly longer answer: I haven't studied quantum field theory, but as far as I have heard from those who have, every type of "particle" can really be explained as excitations in a quantum field. So, for example, electrons are really "excitations in the electron field". So most of the universe can be explained by describing the nature of these fields and how they interact. In addition, there is spacetime itself, which as far as I know can't really be characterized as a field. IMO its an open question still whether gravity is a warping of spacetime, or another type of field, but my money is on the latter. (I am currently rooting for Carver Mead's G4V as the theory that will unify general relativity and quantum physics... still waiting on the results from LIGO that will test this theory, which is admittedly quite far above my head.)
Tesla likely caused the air burst over Siberia in 1908. He affected the Earth's magnetic field and when it realigned itself it snapped back in place with explosive consequences.
Even Rene decartes saw that Earth's magnetic field itself was affected by terrestrial forces. Tesla essentially created a huge force.
Water being a diamagnetic substance is rapidly pushed away from the point of magnetic realignment. Causing the airburst
Without converting the resonance of the voices to electrical potential it's not possible. The Egyptians did have such methods.
The question is why (((they))) don't want us to know this.
Ever heard of cymatics?
Do you realize how much spare time people had in those days when it was peaceful?
the UK has tranquil nature for the most part, even in those times. You would be able to work all day without having to defend yourself
never underestimate what 1000 guys with one purpose in mind can do. Keep in mind these would all be fit bodied able men. All sorts of insane shit could be done with a lot of time and surplus labour
Actually it's well put, my point was that all sub atomic particles are the result of interference patterns. Whether the field theory is correct I am not sure, however it seems likely. The easiest way to explain the quantum nature of sap's would be cimatics, or the patterns that result from specific vibrations causing patterns to emerge. My theory states that the solidity of the particles is the collective repulsive electrical force charge of cimatic atomic structures. Charge would be designated by even vs odd energy values, literally 1 against 2 or x /x-1. This is important because the further you go from the origin of the field the less interactive influence they have on each other. Keep in mind that the smaller you go the more distance scales, meaning that quarks have preportionally the same distance as planets do to stars. The only difference is the scaling factor. What I'm saying is that everything is in preportion relative to the size.
Based on my research a technology based ruling class used superstition to control people.
Some of these concepts are so easy to use that one understood it's easier than using a cell phone.
Also the fundamental principles with the amount of power available to millions... One person can have the destructive force of a small nuclear bomb without the radioactive fallout.
That's an idiotic theory.
I have and the sound only produces on a smaller scale what electricity can on a grand scale.
Thank you Frenchie and digits confirm. Kek knows his memes
He had a different mathematical model. In the end we don't know shit we just have a series of advancing theories. What the fuck energy anyways or power. Physics gets away with a hand wave by saying it's the thing you convert to work. I'd like to see his explanation though in full.
I would define moving several tons of quartz rich rock as a lower end of grand scale.
>people moved big rocks manually with simple equipment, an example of which can be seen in this very thread of ONE man moving a 1 ton block 300 feet with ease
>nah it's idiotic to use occams razor and theorize that people did this shit with lots of time and fuckloads of people
>its definitely vibration magic and they shouted the rocks up onto stonehenge like its skyrim
>yeah thats less idiotic
>ha I sure showed him
just kys retarded burger
I do. I'm applying Tesla to Egypt and getting workable results.
With more to come.
Quantum mechanics its probably bullshit. We are just stuck in a place were we can't observe the shit without changing it right now. In all likelihood there is a property about the matter we consist if that we pass to these particles altering them. And so we have fields of possibilities since we can't account for what we are adding.
Over and over again we remember that the human concioussness is our only experience with divinity. Our society is built off this and we forget over and over.
>Muh Occam's razor
Simplest explanation based on your understanding is not the end all of explanations.
And no one man cannot move Boulder's 300 miles even with using center of mass balancing techniques in a reasonable amount of time with all the logistic consideration of Housing and food. Your assumptions assuming Mortals without need of either. You would find evidence of campsites along the entire Trail at the very least.