Just a reminder that Haou Judai will be the main antagonist of Arc-V. Just look at the machine on Leo's head and the way he talks, he's being controlled
Yu-gi-oh Arc-V
>Thinking any protag other than Yuya is in Arc V
>implying it's not ahegao already
shisa shosei
I just realized that the plot of Arc V is about the main dimension (which contains DM/GX/5Ds/ZX as 1 whole) being split up by something into 4 dimensions, and the professor trying to make them back into how it was pre arc v.
Let's go to the legit thread that wasn't made 30 minutes before the bump limit:
>being this autistic and assblasted
>1 post vs 7 posts
Fuck off.
I'm not going to a shitty waifu thread.
Holy Shit Shinji is such a faggot
Holy Shit Yuya is such a faggot
We can't hire KENN with our limited budget .
How the fuck do you forget it's the first turn for fuck's sake get your shit together lady
>pedophile detected
Kill yourself. I have internet friends who were raped as children. They all have borderline now and they're dysfunctional people from the abuse they received.
Ace of Diamond hired KENN and its budget was so low that the spectators looked like stickmen
Cann't beat the cock
What the fuck are you talking about
Also waifufags stop infecting the one piece general with your SaNa and LuNa and LuCock and Frobin and whatever it's awful
Can't beat the entame*
Bitch please, cock are for betas, EGAO are for Alphas, I bet Volt from Kuroinu of that Cornello rip off from that hentai will kill themselves after getting EGAO by Yuya
>Vanilla EGAO>>>normal vanilla>>>>>*insert what you hate the most*>>>>>>>cockwineverything
nice try
>Saying something is cute
>Thinking they want to rape her
When a baby is born and someone says "Aww how cute" Do you also think they want to rape the baby?
If the thread is dying, let it die. We don't need these threads until episode time anyway.
I miss Beast-Eyes and Rune-Eyes
At some point we had shitpost threads about fucking baby Renge
Fucking hell. I must've missed that one.
Stop with this shitposting or i will bee-forced to take extreme measures.
What if Sayaka is Shun and Ruri's child?
>implying Shun impregnated Ruri when she was age 2
What if Shun and Ruri died 12 years ago and were reborn as Barians and can no longer age?
You still age after being reborn as a Barian.
Is Arc-V the perfect example of why generals are so hated on Sup Forums?
Let's leave Barian biology aside for now.
Probably. On top of not really being productive people just seem to want one up just because. Every time the thread is about to die someone posts something pointless to bump it like
Yubel is going to be his prince consort?
Roses are red
Declan's not Reji
Your monster evaded?
was worth a shot
Behold my gets
Even Graydles are getting support in INOV
INOV-JP030 Graydle Slime Jr.
Level 2 WATER Aqua-Type Tuner Effect Monster
DEF 2000
(1) When this card is Normal Summoned: You can target 1 “Graydle” monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that monster, and then you can Special Summon 1 Aqua-Type monster of the same Level from your hand., but you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except WATER-Type monsters.
(2) When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard: You can Special Summon 1 “Graydle” monster from your Deck.
Even JoJo got a Ripple card
So next time is Speedwagon
Nice card
So if there was a Yugioh fighting game how would it play?
Does Yugo eyefuck Rin as hard as Yuya does to Yuzu?
Something like JoJo ASB would be cool.
>Customizable MC with voices to choice, and some style to fight
>The monsters you choose are the ones that will make most part of the fight, like Stands, only that here they are like Real Spirit Duel Partners, they will interact with you
>Sometimes you can see some events like the ASB ones (trap cards) and you can collect items to help you (spell cards)
>A lot of monsters and in console you can even start a relationship with them (not in the lewd department, but yes to friendship, old-to-little-sibling like, love relationship, etc. It's your choice though
>each monster (and MC) have their own specials, plus one Super Special (aka Attack names) for the monsters, and one Instant Kill/Astral Heat thing like (It will be called One Turn Death/Defeat) that use both the monster and the MC
>Bonus, if you load your ID of yugioh in real life you can get some nice things too
It will be UTSUKUSHI
But you still take damage!
>>A lot of monsters and in console you can even start a relationship with them (not in the lewd department, but yes to friendship, old-to-little-sibling like, love relationship, etc. It's your choice though
Kaiba would want to fuck Kisara
And Jack will fuck Carly
Carly isn't a MONSUTA KADO, though.
He really does watch you in your sleep.
Kaiba doesn't care about Kisara and that "feature" would only exist for waifufags since he also suggested a customizable protag. The last thing we need is more waifufags. You already can barely talk about Tag Force without the thread turning into a pissing contest about which girl people want to fuck
Can't wait for this cancerous card.
Who cares about the girls? It's all about Tsun Kaiba.
It should play like persona 4 arena.
Daga damejiyo ukete morau
Pretty good, user.
I thought I was the only one noticing the overboard repition of this line.
I want to rape her throat and suck her perky loli nipples
Oh baby.
not again
Just let the damn thread die.
The reason why this thread is dead is because everyone is over here.