The NFL is against free speech? Fuck that shit not watching it anymore. These fuck heads think nobody should be criticizing their retarded players.
The NFL is against free speech? Fuck that shit not watching it anymore...
Other urls found in this thread:
Goodell's contract is up for renewal and there is mumbling about team owners not wanting to renew it.
Other than that, it's just shitty unions defending the shitty behavior of their members... typical stuff.
The audacity to claim you're a net benefit when he knows damn well they're not.
>Don't listen to people pointing out the obvious, goyim. Buy our niggerball products.
Thanks for the rundown, Goodell.
If you waste your time with the sport of football, you are a nigger.
handegg league unironically believes they are an overwhelming force for good???
>lack of respect for the NFL
Why exactly am I supposed to respect the NFL?
Best part is nike took over merchandise a couple years ago and now they're losing normal sales cause of their jihad sandnigger headwear ad and NFL sales.
“diverse comments” is a sneaky kike line to make normies unconsciously think it’s racist to disagree with niggers
"Fuck you, racist! You should feel lucky to have the opportunity to buy our merchandise! The company is always right you filthy goyim."- Typical failing American company.
>losing massive numbers of viewers because of uppity nigger bullshit
>double down on it
Sometimes I wonder what it's like being retarded.
>Divisive comments like these
What were the comments?
>lack of respect for the NFL
The fucking chutzpah of this nigger
The NFL is doomed.
Rome had it right with the gladiators, you could just kill one off in a rigged match if he got out of line. And they paid them in "not having to mine rocks all day"
>these comments
is he referring to what trump said?
This statement is incredibly vague. Is there a specific event this is referring to?
>overwhelming force of good
I liked football, I haven't watched a game since superbowl 2015. Let's see dindus have now ruined football, presidential politics, the entire continent of Africa, modern music, civil discourse, national unity....what else am I forgetting here?
>lack of respect for the NFL
wow what a crime
>ratings down 40%
>everything is fine guys
Sup Forums should mess with the football, niggerball seems ripe to explode in revenue killing drama thanks to leftest sports writers like found on espn.
The nazi frog twitter army could do some real damage
Hell no, local taxpayers pay the bonds that get those mega stadiums built.
Fuck the NFL. The games are fake and gay anyway. Alot of the players are overpaid, spoiled faggots who needbto be put in their place. Take away their money. That will shut them up.
*everything is fine goys
Fixed it for you
it's a diversion, sorry no one picked you for kick ball, but seriously,:get over it.
single handedly reforming the ghetto by making some of them rich.
Nice idea user. Any ideas on how to do this?
Maybe something about getting tackled a lot giving concussions and brain damage would be a good place to start.
responding to trump is really just going to make people focus harder on this issue
bad idea imo
Goodell's connections run very deep. Look into his father.
The best way to do it is to keep pushing this dividing line about the National Anthem. Start openly calling Kaepernick a nigger, shit like that. Jemele Hill is a good target, that dumb cunt will respond to anything, so if we get her riled up then her idiot BLM followers will be even more entrenched in their NFL boycott
I don't think it would take much more then smug anime gilrs and racist pepes inciting writers to continue to talk about racial politics real football fans don't care about.
If they can keep for example the Jemele Hill drama going, then they should. Probably wouldn't take much It will suck the oxygen out of the room. Then go from their antagonizing leftist with a platform to keep the conversation in a revenue killing area. It'd work like how gamergate radicalized gamers who just wanted to play games.
>Charles Ellsworth Goodell(March 16, 1926– January 21, 1987) was a RepublicanU.S. Representativeand aSenatorfromNew York. In both cases he came into office following the deaths of his predecessors, first in a special election and second as a temporary appointee.
So does anyone know how much the 40% drop in viewership has already cost the NFL?
You're thinking too one-dimensionally. Niggers don't have money to spend on NFL and SJWs don't watch it. Best way is to agree and amplify all the criticisms being leveled at it by the left. Memes about how the NFL is racist, how it exploits black people, how it is dangerous due to neck injuries to people of color, how it is sexist, etc. Joe Sixpack and his buddies won't keep watching a sport that gets progressively more watered down and directly confronts them with weak lefty bullshit.
Use black twitter to call out white players and coaches for standing during the National Anthem. Protest loudly about the underrepresentation of women as coaches, staff and players. Roar about the misogyny of cheerleaders in 2017 and of sexualized women in beer commercials. Argue for transgender commentators. Push the Overton window as far as you can to the left. That is what will cause fans to tune out. People still grumble about players wearing pink for titty cancer, they will be outright disgusted at what the left really wants to put in place, so if anything help the left out by pushing their own agenda. Secondary effect is the left will eventually become paranoid due to Poe's Law and will mistrust themselves even more.
>there are people in this thread right now who watch Nigger Ball
quick rundown? What's this about nigger handegg?
Idk desu, anyone?
i laugh at every company thats seen unparalleled growth for the last 50 years and spent money expecting that to continue in perpetuity.
how many teams are owned by jews
oooh, a clinton lackey
Negro Felon League run by a cuck. lel
I think it's around 75% of them.
President Donald Trump criticized some in the National Football League Friday night at a rally for Alabama Republican Senate candidate Luther Strange, saying team owners should fire players for taking a knee during the national anthem.
Trump added that if fans would "leave the stadium" when players kneel in protest during the national anthem, "I guarantee, things will stop."
Trump said NFL owners should respond to the players by saying, "Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, he's fired. He's fired!"
so another case of
>every time
no point in even watching anything on television or in movie theaters
Let' see...
>On Sunday, October 22nd, 2006, there will be seven "dirty" explosive devices detonated in seven different U.S. cities; Miami, New York City, Atlanta, Seattle, Houston, Oakland and Cleveland.
>The death toll will approach 100,000 from the initial blasts and countless other fatalities will later occur as result from radioactive fallout.
>The bombs themselves will be delivered via trucks. These trucrule.ks will pull up to stadiums hosting NFL games in each respective city.
>All stadiums to be targeted are open air arenas, excluding Atlanta's Georgia Dome, the only enclosed stadium to be hit.
>Due to the open air, the radiological fallout will destroy those not killed in the initial explosion. The explosions will be near simultaneous,
>with the cities specifically chosen in different time zones to allow for multiple attacks at the same time.
This is why you should watch hockey instead.
Name change of the red skins. The Indian have never even complain about the name
College debate teams...
i think just calling someone a nigger AA hire will cause a doubling down by executives of diversity support
>lack of respect for the NFL
After ticket sales and ratings plummet for the super bowl, they'll change their tune
>The NFL is against free speech?
Go back to plebbit, you desperate kike faggot. Then read a book. Just because a lefty-faggot screams about "muh rights" doesn't make it so.
Look at the smug look on that dumb quadroons fucking face. Like any other spoiled entitled baby, if he can't get what he wants, ruin fucking everything.
Divisive comments are worse than players disrespecting the country and its voters? Fuck the NFL I stopped watching when this crap started and will not watch it untill it stops. I am not asking the players be fined or punished that participate in the disrespect of the national anthem. I am doing my part to punish them by not watching, and not purchasing products. It sucks for the guys that respect the game and the country for us to not buy their products, but they need to start putting bounty hits on these disrespectful sons of bitches that kneel for the national anthem.
>Ayo hol up
>wut dis strawman mufugga here tryna say
>it don't be like it is
>but it do
>The NFL is against free speech?
Where do you see that?
This is a private entity disagreeing with the president. They aren't the government you mouth breathing dotard.
you never watched it
nice larp faggot
Turn off the TV and starve the Jew.
Reminder that his black father abandoned him at birth. He was adopted and raised by white parents. His head coaches in high school were white. His white coach and white brother sent videotapes of him to several colleges to get him a scholarship. The head coach who accepted him and helped turn him into the player he is today is white.
His whole life is predicated on the assistance and encouragement of whites, yet he has the nerve to complain about white people and the treatment of blacks. White people helped him every step of the way yet he has nothing but contempt for them and their culture. What a disgrace.
Someone loves watching young black men in athletic competitions, hmmm?
So does he hate his white half?
Majority of people who PAY money to watch NFL games, buy merchandise, etc arent SJW's., LGBT or feminists...its white men and white families.
They have no idea where their bread is buttered.
Kek it's even more laughably hilarious than Drumpf somehow, I really hope self righteous lefties keep using it. Also, the NFL is free to say what they want, and people are free to boycott them you fucking idiot.
>an unfortunate lack of respect for the NFL
An entity that will sue people who tape their game without expressed written consent thinks it deserves respect.
In other news
>Be me
>Hate watching niggerball and all nigger sports
>Highschool experience confirms that the majority of football players are homos, uppity niggers, or just do gay shit in the locker room and showers.
>Decide water polo is the better decision
Water polo for the win boys. You get the best tan lines without having to be vain about getting a tan and it doesn't fuck up your knees or other football related shit. Just look out for your shoulders.
>inb4 water polo is for fags in speedos
Pic related is just a small example of what happens without pads and helmets. Truly the common huwite man's choice of sport.
I was never big into NFL but took interest last year with Patriots because they are Trump approved.
Is it okay to support the Pats again this year? They are the only team I'll watch.
Need a quick rundown
The jew will evolve. They will seek to poison the internet if they haven't already.
>national freemasons league
They are mostly trannies pumped up on hormones. That's why they snap their legs all the time.
>Ayo hol up
>wut dis strawman mufugga here tryna say
>it don't be like it is
>but it do
I like how you memorized their winning debate performance. Bravo!
>They have no idea where their bread is buttered.
They know exactly who does it and they are willing to take the hit to finish the culture war in this decade. Hollywood, video games, comic books, sports... ALL of these are corrupted and they don't care. Since they own everything, relative losses are meaningless.
This. Professional sport in general is dying because they keep shitting on their base to appease feminist girlfriends/wives who don't watch.
We should revoke all Sup Forums memberships from anyone found out to be watching or supporting the NFL
So Goodell demands that the NFL is due more respect than the Flag, the WH and POTUS?
How about, no!
Fuck the NFL stop watching and make these violent thugs get a real job.
>Ask your flag to mean what it means
#TakeAKnee guys
A few years back (mlb changed to a goyim, nba went with another jew) the heads of the nba, mlb, nhl, and mls were all jews.
I have a standing bet that when Goodell goes, it will be a jew.
Also- fuck Robert Kraft
and his dead kike wife
Jews being taught to manipulate Wikipedia:
Let's archive
>counterpunch org/2015/12/04/remembering-ezra-schwartz-a-hasbara-story
trump said players that knelt to the national anthem were sons of bitches and now is uninviting players who refuse to come to the white house
i just checked Sup Forums to see if there was thread, it was deleted after 20 posts
fucking cucks
>athletes are OWED a trip to the white house
the entire entertainment industry deserves ebola
These industries are all relying on women's backing in the end. Men are fed up with spending money on shit that demeans them. Some industries like console vidya, comics, and movies are still going to limp along with women pushing it on men and children. They don't care about sports though, they will just die.
Also fun note for Sup Forumsacks, check out empty stadium porn on twitter, IRL sporting events are emptying out between demonization of their support base and crumbling social cohesion.
>The jew will evolve. They will seek to poison the internet if they haven't already.
Is this your first time on the internet? Or at least on this site for the last three years? Maybe before that?
The Jew has poisoned everything and stopped the flow of speech in just about everything that's available. Ever notice where all those comment sections went on news websites or are you just naive. The goyem are rejecting their bullshit and they're stopping the public from having discussion on their own webpages. Allowing Normie's to accept the narrative and never see opposition.
I don't like being dramatic in threads, but we're at war right now.
>dindus have now ruined
You mean Jews faggot? They're the ones setting them up in these positions more and more these days
Sup Forums was cucked a while ago, I think around the time Sup Forums died
Netflix, any awards show, most major American cities.
Why aren't these players fellow teams not kicking the shit out of them for this shit? Pack of faggots. NFL is a nigger cocksucking league
yep. playing a sport yourself is one thing, watching niggerball is another
>These industries are all relying on women's backing in the end.
yes,but only the patriots
I never really payed much attention to the numerical figures on this chart before, and am somewhat surprised MLB brings in nearly double the NBA.
thx lad
>the nefl doubles down on retardation
It's like they don't care if they lose millions of dollars.
With every person owning a cell phone you'd have a hard time doing that without being recorded and probably ruining your own career
link to original?