Could Christianity and Buddhism live side by side?
Could Christianity and Buddhism live side by side?
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Sure, I don't see why not. As long as the Christians aren't evangelicals or something.
Buddhists are cool and all but they're still going to Hell. They don't cause trouble so I wouldn't be driven to force them away or something but I'd still try to convert one I knew, something like that.
However, Islam and Buddhism cannot. Islam and anything cannot. Islam is a religion of conquest and evil. It must be eradicated from our Earth.
Prayers to our Buddhist brothers.
Of course, I'm a Christian, Jew, Buddha, Hindu Monk. Islam is for prideful arrogant sand dwellers.
faggot christcucks always fuck everything up by trying to convert
Both religions are inherently pacifistic, so yes.
A religion of peace vs a religion of peace
Probably. They're both religions for weak Asian people so they have that in common.
What are you user?
Christcucks would invite Muslims in and get everyone killed
Absolutely. Anyone see that anime with Jesus and Buddha?
Buddhists have to return the tigers to the jungle. Christians have to admit Jesus was a tranny.
It's Cathlocis you mong.
Islam is the only shit religion
Saint Young Men? It's funny.
Judaism and Islam will be stamped out from this Earth.
The rest of you are cool.
All you'd have to do is look at the pope or teh queen of england to know that christianity is a cancer and is as dead as its God
>Christians aren't evangelicals
ah yes
i want to hear from your lips what is necessarily wrong with that
and i mean only those who merely openly INVITE any who will come to hear to come hear about the Gospel
Funny you should ask that... fun fact: Christianity has it's origins from Buddhism and has been greatly influenced by it. Very few people know this.
Don't see anything that would indicate such a thing to be a problem
Islam can't even coesxist among themselves
No, because Buddhism is about truthand Christianity is about believing Jewish fairy tales and being enslaved by kikes.
> a peaceful religion of peacefulness
>a "religion" of fiat "peace" by further fiat (of meaning itself)
I ama Christian and I live next to a bhuddist. He is not a liberal larper, he immigrated here from some Asian country when he was young. He's cool.
I watched it
Kill yourself
South Park?
It already does.
As a Christian, I think Buddhism and Buddha should be respected the same way Christians respect other pre-Christian philosophers like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.
Um, No sweetie, that's Islam :^)
>Islam can't even coexist among themselves
as a SDA I tell you...
Lets ask the liberals in commiefornia! Oh wait
No because Muslims wedged are in between them. If the middle east did not exist then yes they could.
There is nothing in Buddhism which contends with the teachings of Christ. One can be a practicing Buddhist (follow the 8 fold path) and be a believing Christian (follow God's law, do unto others). Buddhism is more of a lifestyle than a faith anyways, and its practices (meditation for example) have great therapeutic benefits.
Buddhism is not even a religion. It's more of a Philosophy on how to live with your mind or body. It's similar to Confucianism.
What about the story of The Buddha? It involves Hindu gods and magic.
Sure. Although Christianity through it's Hellenic influences already absorbed most of the useful shit from the Indian religions anyway. So it seems pointless, Buddhists (god bless them) are mostly drug addicted morons. Who would sell their soul to the Devil for a shitty parable about why giving a shit hurts.
Let me redpill you on the Dalai Lama and buddhism...
Yes, but only because Christian values of tolerance have subdued to world and leaked into every crevice of international culture. Before Buddhists in Japan would put Christians to death and recent pagan barbarian converts to Christianity in early medieval times have long since been fully brought under the sway of Christ and His message of turning the other cheek.
Buddhism is agnostic. You cannot be both.
t. liberal xtian
If you have multiple personality disorder you can :) kek
Molymeme has a 7th grade understanding of Buddhism.
No redpills there.
They do. In a nutshell Buddhists don't give a fuck about Christianity, and we are fine with either religion add long it's peaceful.
> Patriarch Bartholomew, the spiritual leader of Orthodox Christians, is urging Europe to stop trying to divide what he calls economic migrants from asylum seekers.
> Bartholomew is scheduled to visit the Greek island of Lesbos on Saturday along with Pope Francis, and Athens Archbishop Ieronymos, the head of the Church of Greece, to raise awareness about the troubled state of refugees and migrants in Europe.
> The symbolic visit is intended to reiterate the Christian moral duty to show hospitality to strangers, Bartholomew said in an interview published Friday. He added that countries in Europe should find inspiration in the generosity shown by Lesbos residents.
Buddhism does not tell you to believe or disbelieve in a god. It simply offers you tips to reduce suffering in this life by curbing desire, through meditation, abstinence, and charitable actions.
No, they should accept Christ or live in their own separate nations. We could probably get along fine, but I'd rather live in a huwite Christian country
No buddhism is a demon worship cult whereas Christians worship the one true God
All religions have a long track history of either eliminating themselves or getting along until Muslims came and everyone united against it.
Of course (((((they're)))))) the largest instigator of culture jamming and inter-faith violence but once the mudman goes ((((((they)))))) will be soon to follow.
yeah, he pretty much picks a topic copys and pastes a bunch of text into his teleprompter and reads from a script to looks smart.
>i want to hear from your lips what is necessarily wrong with that
Because evangelicalism isn't Catholic and Protestantism is a filthy cancer.
Saint Oni San is great
I think you mean (((Catholicism)))
In most Buddhist countries including mine there's a minority of Christians/Catholic and we live side by side without a problem.
I don't ever recall a single problem occurring because of this. Islam on the other hand..
>it is as dead as God
Ah an atheist! I was once like you... I hope you can wake up one day. And don't mention the Vatican or queen, they're not true Christians
Japs don't have any issues with attending the ceremonies of either faith. Christians have to stop kissing muslim arses, though.
Buddhism teaches you to be dead to the world.
Christianity teaches you to be alive to the world.
Orthodox Christians are based and remove keba-
Could buddhism and syncretic-buddhism-judaism live side by side...yes for thousands of years, probably.
>Because evangelicalism isn't Catholic
Mark 16:15
>and Protestantism is a filthy cancer.
all of it?
100% of it?
It doesn't, Indians just made up a bunch of shit about the Buddha because everyone saw him as a holy man, but they didn't want to live by his doctrine and reject Hinduism.
In South Korea , Hong Kong, Taiwan, no problems that in awaire of, even Russia has a territories where othodox and Buddhists coexist
Dalai Lama is an insane faggot, but Tibetan Buddhism is just one strand of a very old tradition.
>cites wikipedia on Sup Forums
Various Buddhist scholars have suggested Christ was essentially at the doorstep of enlightenment. So I'm assuming they'd have no problem with many Christian teaching.
Generalizing Buddhism through a branch only. It is the same as generalizing Christianity based only on Catholicism.
yes? go on....
though that page is sourced
or have no been here a time so small that you havent seen a WP article link pasted here?
It's very possible
I heard a theory that Christ traveled to India during the unaccounted days, found out about Buddhism, and blended it with Judaism to form Christianity.
Buddhism is the barometer. They can live with anything worthy of life, if you're bollocks ideology can't live side by side with Buddhism you're in need of destruction its that simple.
>I am an atheist that hasn't read the bible nor the buddhist books, yet allow me to teach you about those religions
there's a movie that mentions this theory.
It's about an immortal "caveman" who lived till present days, but met buddha and used the power of meditation to survive crucifixion
But Christians would respect that and leave them to their beliefs.
To Christians, it's up to the individual to join Christianity if they truly want to. Christians don't force people to do anything.
No, because Jesus Christ was a Jew and Siddhartha Gautama was an Aryan.
Could Christians live the buddhists? I think Christ and Buddha would have been bros
In the ancient Sanskrit language of India, the word 'siddhi' means 'perfection'. In its most common usage, the word 'siddhi' refers to an ability that is a natural and inherent faculty of our true identities as eternally alive souls. The soul is smaller than an atom and larger than the universe. The soul is infinitely small and infinitely large. The soul is ALL-PERFECT AND EVER-PERFECT. The soul is the storehouse of ALL ENERGY, ALL POWER AND ALL STRENGTH. The soul is PURE CONSCIOUSNESS. The soul possesses ALL siddhis and there are an INFINITE number of siddhis. Among all of these siddhis, there are considered to be eight major siddhis. Siddhis can be awakened through a variety of methods. In Patanjali's Yoga Sutras IV.1, it is stated:
"Siddhis may be attained through birth, the use of herbs, incantations, self-discipline or samadhi."
Here is a list of the eight major siddhis (in no particular order):
Laghima siddhi: Making your body and/or anything else as light as you want.
Garima siddhi: Making your body and/or anything else as heavy as you want.
Mahima siddhi: Making your body and/or anything else as large as you want.
Anima siddhi: Making your body and/or anything else as small as you want.
Prapti siddhi: Having unrestricted access to any and/or all places.
Prakamya siddhi: Fulfillment of whatever you desire.
Isitva siddhi: Control over any and/or all of the laws of nature.
Vasitva siddhi: Being able to control any and/or all beings.
"A man is a god in ruins. When men are innocent, life shall be longer, and shall pass into the immortal, as gently as we awake from dreams." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Anime won't ever BECOME 'real' because anime is ALREADY 'real' in an infinite number of universes. Anime is not 'real' here, but it IS 'real'. What we call 'reality' is illusory and therefore malleable. NOTHING is impossible in a universe that is ILLUSORY TO BEGIN WITH. EVERYTHING IS ILLUSORY, EXCEPT FOR PURE CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF (WHICH IS INFINITE AND ETERNAL). I shall use manojava siddhi (the ability to instantly take your body wherever your mind goes) to teleport into a universe where anime is 'real' and make sweet, sweet love to one of my waifus there. Indians can teach us how to enter these other universes to make sweet, sweet love to our waifus through manojava siddhi.
English, do you speak it?
Who are the essenes? What is gnosticism? Maybe Paul purged as much as he could, but early christians were way into the buddha.
Preach the Gospel to all nations, TRy to convert him as Jesus would want you to. If you truely care you want them to be saved by believing in in the Lord Jesus Christ.
It's "better" - saint tzar. And not just a random tzar but one which fucked Russian empire up to the point of communists taking power. Liearlly the embodiement of Omega. They were told back in 90's that making him a saint is REALLY bad idea that is not only heretical (as politicans are a shit tier choice for saints) but will divide the country long term. But they did not listen. And this is one of the reasons why orthodox church of russia has s shitty reputation.
Btw this guy is also Mummy's sempai.
She literally went full yandere about the recent film about him (Matilda or something) fucking balerina in his spare time.
Basically this. There's a shitload of sects of Buddhism and Christianity. They have differences in how to live and worship, not differences in who to kill and rape.
We would keep sending missionaries there until either side gets tired of this shit and declares deus/desu vult.
"Why don't you take a seat?"
Look up bhuddist inquisition
Buddhism doesn't advocate any type of worship, even though Buddhism generally acknowledges the existence of gods. But gods in Buddhism are just forms of life like ants are and an ant can someday reincarnate into a god (probably by reincarnating into a human first) and if a god does really bad shit, the god will probably reincarnate into an ant or some other less complex form of life.
Easily. Neither want to kill the other.
They already do. When have they ever been antagonistic is a better question.
Well he's right about one thing, muslims DID ruin Islam.