Jojo thread

Giorno is here to laugh at you.


Other urls found in this thread:

More like he came here to believe your bullshit.

xth for loli Jolyne

Who is the Kamille to Giorno's Char?

Any artists or writers taking requests? I want the thread to get the OC flowing.

Speedwagon is best boy

same Flightbot, same girly face and name, same demise


Taking requests

Kamille is Mista. Bruno is Amuro, Narancia is Katz, Fugo is Reccoa, Trish is Sarah, Cioccolata is Yazan and Diavolo is Scirocco

Something with loli jolyne

Kira and Kyou with their stands when they were both younger.

Have her brutally decapitated by Whitesnek.

Karera showing Yasuho her pet lampreys that she keeps on her thigh
Yasuho is horrified

all the jojos having fun together at the seaside

reminder if you want part 7 sas, you need to buy the new giorno. if you want them to make hotpants with part 7, you have to buy white snake, giorno, and promise to buy baoh.

Don't forget every single Rohan SAS.

even the ones that aren't out yet


They sure are dropping everything all at once. July 27 will be pretty busy.

Did SDC have as much money spent on advertising and pointless merch? It feels like DP are going all out with advertising part 4 and it seems like it's working.

How good is DiU doing in Japan again?

Really fucking well

Worse than Re Zero

What makes you think so? I've not seen any stats yet

It's a best seller on Amazon, both DVD and in Anime DVD for Japan
If people want to buy it this much, then it usually means that it was overall very well received on TV

Anybody think any Zeppeli's are going to show up in Jojolion?

An antagonist Zeppeli would be fucking amazing.
Right now I'm just hoping to see Flashback Man again sometime, God the new chapter can't come soon enough.
Sweet, it's good to see the series doing better and better.

It's definitely not happening, but if it does, what do YOU guys want for the second ED?

It's still been in the top 5 most preordered anime this season since it started. Though to be fair it's expected from a series this old and popular.

user you're a fucking maniac. What kind of freak fucking wants that. Here is the delivery

Can't Stop as the normal 2nd ED, Psycho Killer for the Kira episodes, please.
Both songs have a PERFECT Roundabout-style lead in as well.

Also if you look at Stalker threads (I do not recommend it) then you'll see that it's been in the top 5 since starting and if you look back on the preorders and sales for SC, DiU is actually doing a lot better despite SC being more popular in Japan because of nostalgia. So a Part 5 anime is basically guaranteed.

King Crimson is quite literally one of the worst main villian stands

very nicu ceeza chan

How so?

>DiU already outselling SDC
Wait, seriously? I was expecting DiU to sell MUCH worse than SDC since the japs wank all over part 3.

It's cool and fits the character, setting, plot and themes perfectly. Plus it's named after an excellent band and has a great design. I can understand thinking it's a bit convoluted but come on user.


Kars vs. these guys, who wins?


I've spoken to several Jap JoJo fans and they all seem to agree it's mostly nostalgia that makes SC so popular. So the people who are actually current fans and buying the BDs are buying the ones they themselves are actually interested in, and it looks like there's more interest in DiU these days than SC. maybe the days of SC reigning in Japan are coming to an end? The live action movie might be the final nail in the coffin of overexposure and everyone will be sick of it. Also the SC anime dragged on and I sure as well wouldn't want to buy a $90 Bluray with only four episodes on it and one of them being fucking The Sun.

Kars literally cannot die, so if you count that as winning then Kars. They'd probably do something like Joseph did and even though Kars was alive I wouldn't say he won. Only person who got it worse was Diavolo.

The japs are finally acquiring taste then? God damn, finally. I hope as the other parts get animated, namely 6, they'll stop worshipping part 3 and appreciate the whole series.

What happens when a pillar man gets hit with the arrow? what would have happened if Immortan Kars got hit with the arrow?

Considering even mice get a stand, I'm sure pillarmen will get one if they are shot with it.

They'd get Stands obviously. They'd probably be super overpowered since stuff like time stop puts heaps of stress on your heart and being effectively immortal even before using the mask their bodies would be able to handle powers that human Stand users never could without dying in the process.


That's a great expression dude, could you do Kira and Josefumi doing this? Doesn't matter who is who

It was then that the Kira part of Gappy got a [BONER]

At that point he had already grinded against Yasuho with a stiffy and almost fucked Daiya

Joshuu also got a boner as well, but we don't give a shit about him.

>after last episode, Tonio never showed up much for the rest of the series

Who feelsbad here?

There's always the Rohan OVA to look forward to

>DiU is actually doing a lot better
Mind posting some stats? I keep seeing this posted, but the only post I've seen trying to actually back up their claims was one user who said the sales were a tad lower than SC's were at the comparable time.

And if they ever animate Purple Haze Feedback they might add in a cameo.

>I am the source

Finally up to date with JoJo, when do new chapters come out

19th of every month.
You come at a good time, since we get nigh same-day scanlations too

19th, now that digital raws are a thing we get translations either the same day or the 20th

Next week

stalker threads

Did writefag user ever deliver with his 5000-word "DIO/Giorno invited by Joestars to dinner thing?"

Don't give me that, that's not what I'm asking for.

>White album just finished
Time for the Diavolo retranslations

When did you guys get into Jojo? I only started reading it because I saw the Vitamin C fight from the catalog and thought it looked cool.


My friend started me on the anime about two and a a half years ago. I read the manga after I caught up starting at part 4 and finished almost a year ago now.

I started reading it because everything else I liked at the time had died

I got into Jojo way back when I was in a manime phase. I heard parts 1 and 2 were manly type shit, so I started and continued all the way through JJL. I was initially about to quit 4 because I was, at first, put off Duwang but I read it and realized the translations did not distract from the greatness that was DiU.

What are you dragging it out for? That's not how it goes.

All star battle got me into this. Watching the previews made me want to read the series.


Played Jump Ultimate Stars in 2009 and started reading all the manga I hadn't read from that game.


>steamroller dio.gif
I got into it thanks to Persona and memes.

Peer pressure.

Gentlemen, please.

More Joshuu, i insist.

i wanted to watch DIU with my friendo so i watched stardust crusaders, then i read/watched the rest. i know, wrong order and all that stuff.

dumb joshuuposter

dumb joshuuposter

go to whatever source the stalker threads use



A man of taste, i see.

smart joshuuposter

Thank god the world ended.

dumb joshuuposter


dumb joshuuposter
I was spamming this a week or so ago, I hope it catches on now

Two friends read all the way up to JJL and what they gold me about it sounded really nice

Screw that. You're the one making a claim here so you should also be the one to back it up.

old memes, persona, gintama

its time

>two brojos

stay mad

dumb joshuuposter

Where do stand cries even come from.

>good taste.jpg
>literally first opinion is already shit

The Stand users yelling them



why dont you like Josuke user?

Pretty damn good, Pucci appreciation is always nice to see. 10/10
Good taste overall, only parts that subtract are least favorite villain and Jojo. 9/10