Nowadays Anime Eyes

Nowadays Anime Eyes
Animators are complaining it.

It takes many time to draw gorgeous eyes of anime girls.
However, it is unreasonable to draw such complex eyes enthusiasticly for only 200 yen per 1 cell.
If more money, we can make it detail much more. But, it won't happen.
So, all we can supply for you is only ugly anime girls.

This is animator Kazuyoshi Yaginuma said.

like this

and this

That chick has some ugly ass eyes


her problem is tits

>gib money or we go for the eyes


>It takes many time to draw gorgeous eyes of anime girls.
>copy/paste is hard

Because they are lazy retards like that, producing offkey shit and QUALITY, they only get paid 200 yen per cell working for shitty studio making shit anime instead enjoying life in KyoAni.

you are banned.

why not just give them smaller and simpler eyes if it takes so much extra time and money? are giant bug eyes with galaxies inside them mandatory?

Oh shit its you again

You won't be able to attract otaku with simple designs.

I want to kiss Hibari!

you dont everything about anime
so youd better not to talk

Anime needs simpler designs in general, they're not animation-friendly enough.

Oh shit its you again

I like to see characters crying because the pupils change as they do.

Imagine when they actually had to color and shade their pictures too

it's gaijin's fault
gaijins dont pay money for anime

you dont everything about anime
so youd better not to talk

>inb4 CG eyes over 2d faces

>Implying Nippon cares for any non USA/Gorean foreign market.

Just make all the characters talk and smile with their eyes closed. You know what I'm talking about.

Well said.

Any additional little money they make from gaijins goes to the copyright holders, animators already got payed by then.


The solution is simple: limit the number of eyes with eyepatches, scars, blindfolds and cyclops.
It would be simple to cut down the eye quantity by 50 or even 75%.

Cheap eyes can be cute too.

the big mainstream stuff like one piece is pretty popular on global scale though.

You know France is bigger than any other western market for weebshit right?

I want to lick her beautiful kiwi-fruit eyes.

Her eyes remind me of a mindbake doujin girls eyes

Who is this semen demon?

>Not knowing the mature, cool beauty of the year who excels at all things feminine and isn't tomboyish or dumb in any way.

Nowadays eyes aren't wide enough.

Dead eyes are best eyes.

theyre crazy
and thats the best


>can't escape the worm rape
>"I hope it ends quickly today or I pass out"

Cool girl.

I am?

way ahead of you

If don't speak English, post on 2ch.

your fugkin gaijins ugly English is more fuckable