What does Sup Forums think of college football?
What does Sup Forums think of college football?
It's football played by college students.
modern slavery
It scares the shit out of me, It's like a huge ritual or something, there is very little sport played.
A business advertised as education
More fun than the NFL these days even though the talent is clearly a full tier below.
Huh I’m gonna be in the middle of that in a few hours
>the south doesn't care about real football because they don't have a team edition
What school?
What school do you think?
A bunch of young white girls cheering on a bunch of young niggers, with a bunch of old white people watching. It's cuckoldry and so is the NFL.
N-no bully we used to be good
Ur a fellow Gamecuck? I decided to skip the La Tech game cuz we're probably gonna blow them out and if it's close or we lose I'll want to kill myself
Also, ball sports are faggoty and martial sports are the redpill. Wrestling, MMA, fencing, shooting, etc.
>get used and abused in terms of value as a Jewish indoctrination pros rob you of your true value trading tens-hundreds of millions for a $50,000 useless degree
College and Professional gibsball is eternally degenerate and Jewish.
Thank g-d in 20 years Football will be dead.
It must suck for Dixie to not have a team
Why do you guys always steal UF's coaches? It's really sad desu
>le football will be dead autist
I'm sorry you were never athletic user
worthless. Giving free housing, food, and education to inbreds.
Tennessee Titans
Atlanta Falcons
Carolina Panthers
Jacksonville Jaguars
Miami Dolphins
Probably more I forgot, especially if you include Texas in the south.
We're more of a women's basketball school
Cheerleaders are the real fascists.
The Broncos are a fucking joke. Here's what happens when they're not being babysat by roger goodel:
My dad is visiting that’s the only reason I’m going. It’s gonna be hot as shit
Yeah ik. I got a ticket but just cancelled it cuz it's hot af and I live at home in columbia so my parents go to most games anyways
Notice 90% of the players are niggers, but the entire stadium will be filled with white people.
All those teams suck though
>t. assblasted Carolina fan
>Watching amateurs play a sport
The NFL is more responsible for placing black people in the 1% than any other organization. But do they talk about training hard and working as a team? No, they cry like babies when a thug gets shot.
Maybe if that thug spent more time running plays he wouldn't be such a thug.
>hey lets watch a bunch of imported niggers and the occasional White play a game that makes kikes rich
They literally hire sluts to fuck imported niggers so they sign up for their team. Its affirmative action egg ball. If you watch sports do it locally and not this corporate garbage.
murican football is pure degeneracy
Hold up, was that last week?
awwww, he gets triggered when he gets called out for goodel being manning's boyfriend.
Fucking ELI is a better player than peyton manning. Now that Simian's playing, nobody gives a fuck about the broncos anymore. Also Pats fan, faggot.
Go Bulldogs!
Big Ten masterrace coming through
Full of degenerate chads and stacies
Who the fuck is east tennesee tho?
Also please tell me you didn't buy a permanent tripcode highwaybro
>the delusional pats fan thinking he hasn't benefited from refball the most
Tuck rule, spy gate, deflate gate. Stay fucking delusional you seething Boston inbred
>When you get into college and you don't know how to read yet you're good at football.
Good point. Go Buckeyes
They call Alabama the Crimson Tide.
>spy gate, deflate gate
You mean shit that had no bearing on the SB? Nice try faggot. The last time Refball had an outcome on our game was when Carolina fucking beat us on holding in the endzone. Piss off
Also, why don't you check UPS for Manning's latest HGH crate
>'I have never been to or in the same town as an SEC game' - the post
PAC-12, also known as the white man's land, reporting in
Engaging in being a fan of your football team breeds a sense of pride, and hopefully therefore nationalism. Notice how zero liberals care about sports
>and hopefully therefore nationalism.
So very much butthurt are you?
Yeah, it's sad that you can't actually rebut anything said to you. Are you Roger Goodel IRL? You argue about as well as he does.
Better than NFL football. Anyone from the south knows this to be true.
Just don't be a notre dame fan. They're a bunch of pedos
I thought that was Penn State.
Wish my college had a football team, we have one of the best hockey teams in the country though
I watched rice vs u of h recently. They slaughtered rice it wasn't even a good game just sad
I know plenty of college football fans who hate America though.
Like real football but better
ETSU is the fourth and sixth largest Public University in the country - located in Jackson City, TN. No, I just have a very secure trip.
I was class of '94 from the Citadel and then join the Army. Bulldogs are really the only Military Football team outside of Army/Navy, that matters, and it helps that they are South Carolinians and located in Charleston.
Yeah this was the Kentucky game
nice ill be out tailgating in about a hour, i already sold my ticket im not trying to sweat my ass off in upper deck
martial arts are for faggot weeb who think they are edgy for knowing how to "defend themselves" but they have never been in a fight in real life and would get their shit beaten immediatley.
It's the only real football. #WDE
When I was in college I went to some football games because all the people I knew were going and were excited about it for some reason.
Fuck, I hated being a normie. I'd kill myself if I went back to that shit.
Football is a game for children, Pablo.
because in your games there is no fun like here
More interesting then the NFL but still degenerate.
Don't blame football for your autism
>ratings down 40%
I-its nothing, you stupid goyim...
Bunch of guys grabbin each others ass. Sounds pol approved
What if Chad and Stacey were trans, and gaming us all along, as part of a masonic ritual? Take a closer look at them ball players and cheerleaders.
panem et circenses
I think it should be called "handegg".
Call me deacon blues
I think the word gamecucks says it all really.
They have a Russian league now?
Dawgs are gonna kick some asss today
Russkies play football now? Holy shit I love you guys
White girls are being raped coast to coast by human trash because we watch this shit
Handegg fans get the rope too
Wrestling is the only master race sport. It draws on the soul and not just mindless use of physical attributes. Minimal nigging; it seems to civilize the blacks or at least preselect for blacks capable of discipline.
NCAA champs:
125 - whitish Latino
133 - White
141 - White
149 - White
157 - White
165 - White but Med
174 - Mulatto
184 - White
197 - perhaps Black Man and not nigger
285 - White
>Wrestling, MMA
I’d rather not see 2 grown ass men dry humping each other. I guess the female fights are alright if the chicks are hot. I’d say about 10% are though.
Degenerate cancer.
Can't stop you from seeing gay sex in everything to see, homo.
It's something really obscure here, I've only learned about it from the internet.
>Can't stop you from seeing gay sex in everything to see
Better than the NFL
A front for American universities.
same as i watch my porn :^)
Now that the NFL is an anti-American racist political cesspit, college ball is actually pretty good.
Best sport.
all team sports are for commies. individualist activities are better
it's a ridiculous waste of money and actively contributes to the dumbing down of american universities.
>What does Sup Forums think of college football?
Your daughter will see you cheering as niggers run around on a field. Think about what that will do about her perception of men
>it's a ridiculous waste of money
kek. Why are you talking out of your ass?
>What does Sup Forums think of college football?
Whites being cucked into paying niggers for entertainment. I dont even watch the supperbowl anymore Fuck the Nigger Felon League too
Wrestling is the gayest shit ever
>very little sport played.
Football isn't a sport, its a game
Notre Dame are pedos by virtue of being Catholic. Penn State are pedos by virtue of fucking little boys in the ass.
This. NFL is lame in comparison. I dont care for football, but I will go watch a college game with people since they care about the team and may actually know the players on the field.