Well pol how do you defend this?
Well pol how do you defend this?
It forgets to mention that you have to watch as Mohammad and Achmed rape your daughter and behead your son.
>no border control
How do you defend this
just say P U to E U
1. horse shit. EU army ramping up.
2. Horse shit, Britbongs are poorer than the poorest American country, and it's one of the wealthier Eurostates.
3. Human rights are a spook. Rights do not exist.
4. This is purely stupidity to advertise as a benefit.
5. Honestly, why would this be a good thing?
6. In exchange for regular buttfucking the rest of the time.
7. Literally the only benefit, and it comes with the disadvantage of all of the above plus losing internal sovereignty.
no border control in Schengen which is good but we have border control on the borders of europe.
i'd say that i relish the thought of a war with you and then i'd call you a nigger
>pay us and we won't declare war on you
Sounds like extortion to me goyos.
No thanks. I prefer CANZUK
#8 you must give up your liberty
yes this border controle is working out great isnt it?
we didnt declare war on england yet so stop lying
I have always been sceptical of banks not working in holidays?
Why don't banks work on the shabbat goyim? KEK
>no border control
They really don't understand why people wanted to leave, do they?
Civil war will come soon enough
Yeah, especially everything east and south of Germany is propsering...
This is not an argument. The US has human rights while not in EU
this is an argument against the EU
You just go to the ATM and get the damn money, the rest is handled by the bank. Ever been to Norway or Poland?
You can have this without EU. Even while being in EU, nobody cares about shit going on in neighboring countries, except when bombs go off
Very very bad. Low skilled workers imported who work for less than the natives. Earning dropped, workers fucked
And I even have to pay for that? How stupid can one be?
It's called a communist project designed by Altiero Spinelli. Enjoy your gulags you fucking idiots.
>In order to respond to our needs, the European revolution must be socialist
>Private property must be abolished, limited, corrected, extended: instance by instance, however, not dogmatically according to principle.
>however, not dogmatically according to principle.
You realise what it means? It means that UE rulers will take your private property not according to some laws but as they fucking want.
Read the fucking Ventotene Manifesto.
Read from page 8, part III.
>The US has human rights
good joke
It should have stopped where it was in the 1990s. Letting shit poor gypsy countries join was just stupid and that's even before getting to mad mutti Merkel.
A club that punishes anyone who tries to leave, so that others won't leave also.
1, 2, 3 and 6 are things that the EU has failed to deliver
4 is why everybody hates it
Not enough cultural enrichment for you Hans?
pay denbts
I'm ready to pay my 300 EUR right now.
Oops, looks like your club isn't for all. Fuck it then and your propaganda.
What rights do we have that the US doesn't? Unlike us, they actually have freedom of speech and have easy access to guns.
>inb4 health care is a human right meme
>no war
is actually because post-ww2 there were mass deportations everywhere moving different ethnic groups inside their respectful nation state borders.
>economic prosperity
slowest growth and most debt in world
>ensured human rights
not for ethnic europeans, ethnic self-determination is actually part of human rights
>no border control
not a good thing, thousands of people have died already in easily preventable attacks
>no exchange of currencies
except when traveling to britain, sweden or denmark or outside EU
>support for your region when trouble
except when non-europeans are the troublemakers then even self-help is suppressed and taken to court
>live and work in every country
was possible before EU
you already have enough cultural enrichment
The whites do
>no border control in Schengen which is good but we have border control on the borders of europe.
this must be that peculiar German humor I keep hearing about
fuck off russian chill you just want a weak europe so you can fuck it up again
>How do you defend this
What's there to defend? It's on the pro-list. That means it's good.
>no border control in Schengen which is good
I'm convinced!
>no border control
you can't, why even put that there to ruin your narrative?
Don't know what that has to do with you sperging out about human rights in the US
Pro EU people see that as a good thing. The people who wrote that know what it means and are appealing to people who also want that. Just let that sink in.
>not a good thing
>not a good thing
>don't care
>not a good thing
>not a good thing
And I have to pay for this too? Pass.
>you just want a weak europe
It's been weak for a while
As for me I only want to live my life because I have confirmed Schizoid Personality Disorder and have a great problem with work. Taking pills 365 days/year makes my body suffer though. I've found myself a place where I am paid decent (thanks to my mom she bought me a flat so I don't need to live with her/rent a corner) but I am really weak in my soul. I don't want to conquer shit. Just want some help from the government (psycho disorders aren't considered as disability in Russia, they either chain you to bed and treat with tranqulizer injections or say COME ON MAN LIFE IS GREAT and release).
>No Borders
>You get to trade in your 4000 year old civilization for a 1200 year old Dune Coon Cult
>Be ethnically and racially erased
All for the low low price of 136£! Because money is the only thing that matters in life folks. Economics>Culture. Hue.
>What's there to defend?
in your case, nothing anymore
no its stronger than never before, you are weak one and you will pay or we fuck you up.
europe is such a fucking joke. I hope we go to war against you.
funny, I live in Vienna and I know many ppl here. None of my friends were raped, none of my friends ever had problems with refugees. ...where does your stupid paranoia come from? ...brainwashed idiot.
Germany come on man, no one is afraid of you. You are a nation of obese cuckolds led by a low IQ bulldyke. There won't even be a Germany in 50 years.
then move to any european country and have a good life, finland is right next to you.
Fake, no guns there.
>no war
are you implying there'll be war if a country doesn't join your little club?
them's fightin' words
War is a good thing. How else would you purge the trash of your society?
>will pay or we fuck you up.
Oh I'm laffin
>we have border control on the borders of europe.
this is what leftcucks actually believe
Also you forgot
#8 Sovereignity of your nation handed to a small cabal of international elites
what is wrong with germans?
>Support for your region when there is trouble.
What did you expect?
A friendly germany? A germany that got no influence anymore? On nothing?
We have learned our lessons and today we focus on destroying brittain again with our influence and economic power.
you will pay or no access to schengen which is your economic death.
>where does your stupid paranoia come from?
I dunno lad, maybe numbers and facts?
>no border control
you can get all the benefits, no downsides for free and actually 1000 euro a month on top of that . you just have to be a refugee
>no war
Thanks to the nukes, not EU.
>economic prosperity
Wealth redistribution from those who work, to worthless parasites.
>human rights
Caliphate by 2050
>no borders
>one currency
who gives a shit
>excuses islam when they slaughter and rape innocents
major benefit to you Achmed
>contribute to other countries, not your motherland
degenerate scum
> move to any european country
Bro, it's not 17th century. I can't just sit on a cart with 2 horse driving it and come to Finland.
All those EU and other 1st world countries mottos saying 'Everyone should be happy and rich' are superior level of hypocrisy because they don't look outside of their circlejerking communities. Money still rule the world and in order to become a part of the Club you need to have an occupation and work experience. Lick some asses and be lucky enough to get the permission to enter. Otherwise they won't even let you to lay near the doorstep.
wtf i love having centralized one world government now
>no war
Don't mind us building up an army
>economic prosperity
For germany
>ensured human rights
*terms and conditions may apply
>no border patrol
Part and parcel
>no exchange of currencies on your holidays
Cause you can't afford to leave this club anyways
>support for your region if there is trouble
And by trouble we mean you disobeying Brussels, and by support we mean sanctions
Live and work in every country of the club
You heard right, so run from home and take your burdens with you
No thanks, Hans.
This is a quality post.
>We have learned our lessons and today we focus on destroying brittain again with our influence and economic power
Lmao i can't take you seriously, at all
>no border control
>no war
Nope, just the raping of thousands of innocent women, girls, and little boys, and the killing of you men.
>that is what you (((guys))) want this to happen
i never understand why eurofags insist that leaving this particular supranational orginization that is increasingly centralized and disregarding local laws, means "turning your back" on europe. Then the inevitable "muh curry, muh exchange currencies, wtf too hard."
Could we go any deeper into nihilism when fucking curry and currency exchange is a reason to give up local action and autonomy?
Nevermind that its essentially just the fucking 4th reich with Vichy France all over again, threatening Poland with invasion if they don't make lebensraum for shitskins
If there's no border control then I'll just join the club and not pay shit
I'm not paying to further the cause of Kike globalists who are corrupt as fuck & want a one world government run by self appointed elites.
Also there will always be conflicts, the EU will just make them up if there aren't any.
Too much money to be made arms.
Vested interests of the corrupt cabal trying to Lord over all of Europe.
Fuck you
>Implying bongs would not kick your sissy asses
>no more ss anymore
>sorry about dat
>No war
This guy gets it
>No war
What is the Yugoslav wars? The E.U certainly wasn't there to help. Instead of wars, we have a war within our own countries, decapitations and bombings. There is no peace, only peace for corporations to conduct their business.
>Support for your region if there is trouble
If you mean reliance on free gibmedats on mismanaged projects then yes.
By not caring what you Muslims in Europe are up to. I was born in the promised land, not the fading light of dying cultures.
Damn, I love the Swiss.
>supranational orginization that is increasingly centralized and disregarding local laws,
Europeans are pretty much told from day 1 that the state knows best and they work for it, not the other way around. That shit has been pounded into them since feudal times. They can't comprehend anything else.
The EU promised us that but we got authoritarian control instead. It is always "do it our way or pay the price" and if you try to leave there is an even higher price.
We aren't in control of our own countries and people expect us to like it because of "muh economic stability" whoops,it just so happens im Greek.
>muh economic stability" whoops,it just so happens im Greek.
pay denbts and you can "do it your own way" but aslong you owe us a shitload of money you do it our way.
maybe a former colony of Europe could break that curse and conceive of a free people,. born in liberty and dedicated to the proposition the it was HER TURN
1. Eu member countries HAVE sent troops to fight in wars.
2. Greece
3. Refugee rape crisis afflicting your citizens and infringing on their right to NOT get raped
4. border control is necessary, see 3
5. who cares
6. lies, never happened
7. this was possible even before the formation of the EU
I want border control, and i don't want people in the club who can't pay the 300 each month. I'd also like to keep sovereignty, also politics and decisions on a national level.
Go fuck yourself.
The USA and most other countries in the world operate without any promise of a "schengen" and do just fine.
Be careful what you wish for.
>implying that nato doesn't exist
>where does your stupid paranoia come from?
My hometown is currently 86% mulsim schoolwise (I have access to the school register)
For adult we're closer to 60%.
It was 100% european only 35yo ago.
That's one fuck of an hidden cost.
The economic benefit for being in the eu is disproportionally beneficial for poorer nations like the balkans.
>No war
That never lasts. Besides aren't a lot of EU countries fighting jihadists in Afghanistan, Iraq or both?
Or in their back yard
Not hard when you have no friends.
no war in europe is the point
all it takes is one country (don't act like you don't know which one that is with that flag kiddo) to hand out passports to any old faggot with dark skin and everyone else is fucked
german education
>mfw your ID is literally DUDE! wEeed!
Right, just a permanent state of emergency instead.
Hey didn't trump say something like this to germany not so long ago? hmm...
It's only a good deal if you are a German. Germans are the kikes of Europe
>no border control
Couldn't I get in for free instead?
>we have border control on the borders of europe.
only a few countries had borders, like Hungary, thanks to Germacuck like you controlling the EU your population just increased by 1 million arabs
The small print apparently also says there is a 5000 Euro per taxpayer if you want to leave. But you don't need to worry about that, no one gets to leave you see. No one makes it out of Europe alive. It is a suicide cult.
>Germans are the kikes
neo-nazism has now officially come full circle